================================= Benchmarks about Machine Learning ================================= This project started with my first attempt to bring a modification to :epkg:`scikit-learn`. My first `pull request `_ was about optimizing the computation of polynomial features. I reused the template to measure various implementations or models. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 implementation modules onnx technical sklbench glossary Others benchmarks with :epkg:`asv` and :epkg:`onnx`: * `Scikit-Learn/ONNX benchmark with AirSpeedVelocity (official) <../../benches/scikit-learn_benchmarks/index.html>`_ * `Prediction with scikit-learn and ONNX benchmark <../../benches/asv-skl2onnx/index.html>`_ (or subset `Prediction with scikit-learn and ONNX benchmark (SVM + Trees) <../../benches/asv-skl2onnx-cpp/index.html>`_) Smaller benchmarks: * `mlprodict model of benchmark <../../mlprodict_bench/helpsphinx//index.html>`_ * `mlprodict model applied to linear models <../../mlprodict_bench2/helpsphinx/index.html>`_ *Links:* * `github `_, * :ref:`genindex`