.. _l-bench-plot-onnxprofiling-adaboostregressor: Profiling AdaBoostRegressor =========================== The same model is measured through the following profilings, they depend on the following parameters. * *problem*: see :epkg:`find_suitable_problem` * *scenario*: see :epkg:`build_custom_scenarios` * *N*: batch size * *nf*: number of features * *ops*: opset * anything else: options * *by line* or *by fct*: profile show either line number either function names .. postcontents:: .. runpython:: :rst: :sphinx: false import os import glob from mlprodict.tools.filename_helper import ( extract_information_from_filename, make_readable_title) pattern = "onnx/profiles_reg/*AdaBoostReg*.svg" done = 0 pubs = [] for name in glob.glob(pattern): name = name.replace("\\", "/") filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(name)[-1])[0] title = make_readable_title( extract_information_from_filename(filename)) pubs.append((title, filename, name)) pubs.sort() for title, filename, name in pubs: print(title) print("+" * len(title)) print() print(".. raw:: html") print(" :file: ../../{}".format(name)) print() done += 1 if done == 0: print("No file found.", os.path.abspath("onnx/profiles_reg"))