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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Various function to download data about **French** elections.

import os
import warnings
import pandas
import numpy

[docs]def geocode(df, col_city="city", col_place="place", col_zip="zip", col_address="address", col_latitude="latitude", col_longitude="longitude", col_full="full_address", col_geo="geo_address", save_every=None, every=100, exc=True, fLOG=None, coders=("Nominatim",), country=None, **options): """ geocode addresses :param df: dataframe :param col_city: city :param col_place: place :param col_zip: zip :param col_address: address :param col_latitude: latitude :param col_longitude: longitude :param col_full: full address (send to the geocoder) :param col_geo: address returned by the geocoder :param save_every: to make regular dump :param every: save every *every* :param exc: raises exception or warning (False) :param options: options for `read_csv < generated/pandas.read_csv.html>`_ to do regular dumps :param coders: list of coders to try :param country: append the country before geocoding :param fLOG: logging function :return: modified dataframe If *save_every_100* is filled, the function will save the dataframe every 100 geocoded addresses. If the file is already present, it will be loaded the function will continue geocoding where it stopped. The function does not work well if it is called from multiple threads or processes. It might slow on purpose. Example for *coder*: :: ["Nominatim", ("bing", <bing_key>)] The function tries the first one and then the second one. The function also caches the results. If the same address appears twice, the geocoder will not be called a second time, it will reuse the cache results unless there was no answer on the first call. :githublink:`%|py|56` """ from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim, Bing def get_coder(d): if isinstance(d, str): if d == "Nominatim": return Nominatim(user_agent="actuariat_python") raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unknown geocoder '{0}'".format(d)) if isinstance(d, tuple): name, key = d if name == "bing": return Bing(key) raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unknown geocoder '{0}'".format(d)) raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected type '{0}'".format(type(d))) if every < 1: raise ValueError("every should be >= 1, not {0}".format(every)) from geopy.exc import GeocoderServiceError geocoder = [get_coder(_) for _ in coders] cache = {} if len(geocoder) == 0: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "No geocoder, the function cannot retrieve addresses.") class DummyClass: def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) if save_every is not None and os.path.exists(save_every): if "index" in options: options_read = options.copy() del options_read["index"] else: options_read = options if fLOG: fLOG("load ", save_every) read = pandas.read_csv(save_every, **options_read) cols = list(read.columns) add = [_ for _ in [col_full, col_latitude, col_longitude, col_geo] if _ not in df.columns] oris = list(df.columns) + add if oris != cols: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected differences in schemas:\nORIGINAL\n{0}\nSAVE" "\n{1}".format(oris, cols)) df = read else: df = df.copy() df[col_full] = numpy.nan df[col_latitude] = numpy.nan df[col_longitude] = numpy.nan df[col_geo] = numpy.nan errors = 0 no_result = 0 lasti = 0 for i in range(0, len(df)): lasti = i if i % every == 0: if save_every is not None: if fLOG is not None: fLOG( "saving place {0}/{1} - errors={2} - no-result={3}".format(i, len(df), errors, no_result)) df.to_csv(save_every, **options) elif fLOG is not None: fLOG( "geocode place {0}/{1} - errors={2} - no-result={3}".format(i, len(df), errors, no_result)) place, zips, city, address = df.loc[ i, [col_place, col_zip, col_city, col_address]] if not isinstance(zips, str): zips = "%05d" % zips def concat(s1, s2): if isinstance(s1, str) and len(s1) > 0: return s1 if isinstance(s2, str) and len(s2) > 0: return s2 return "" ad = "{0} {1} {2}".format(concat(address, place), zips, city).strip() if country is not None: ad += " " + country df.loc[i, col_full] = ad if (numpy.isnan(df.loc[i, col_latitude]) or numpy.isnan(df.loc[i, col_longitude])): if ad in cache: geo = cache[ad] if geo is None: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Do not populate the cache with None values for key " "'{0}'".format(ad)) rexc = None else: geo = None for cod in geocoder: try: geo = cod.geocode(ad, exactly_one=True, timeout=30) rexc = None if geo is not None: break except (TimeoutError, GeocoderServiceError) as e: geo = None rexc = e if geo is not None: df.loc[i, col_longitude] = geo.longitude df.loc[i, col_latitude] = geo.latitude df.loc[i, col_geo] = geo.address elif rexc: no_result += 1 errors += 1 if exc: if save_every is not None: df.to_csv(save_every, **options) raise rexc warnings.warn(str(rexc)) continue else: no_result += 1 if ad not in cache: cache[ad] = DummyClass(longitude=df.loc[i, col_longitude], latitude=df.loc[i, col_latitude], address=df.loc[i, col_geo]) if fLOG is not None: # pragma: no cover fLOG( "geocode place {0}/{1} - errors={2} - no-result={3}" "".format(lasti, len(df), errors, no_result)) if save_every is not None: df.to_csv(save_every, **options) return df