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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Quelques questions d'ordre général autour du langage Python.

from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
import io
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import numpy
from pytube import YouTube  # pylint: disable=E0401
from pytube.exceptions import RegexMatchError  # pylint: disable=E0401
from imageio import imsave
import as afx
import as vfx
from import ImageClip, VideoClip
from import ImageSequenceClip
from import CompositeAudioClip
from import CompositeVideoClip
from import concatenate_videoclips
from import concatenate_audioclips, AudioArrayClip
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
from .moviepy_context import AudioContext, VideoContext, get_wrapped, clean_video

[docs]class FontError(Exception): """ Raised when a font cannot be found. :githublink:`%|py|31` """ pass
[docs]def check(fLOG=None): """ Checks a couple of functionality works. The test takes 5-6 seconds to download, 4-5 seconds to process the video. :param logging: function :githublink:`%|py|42` """ t1 = time.perf_counter() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp: if fLOG: fLOG('[check] download_youtube_video') vid = download_youtube_video("4o5baMYWdtQ", temp, res=None) vid = os.path.join(temp, vid) t2 = time.perf_counter() if fLOG: fLOG('[check] video_compose') ext = video_compose(vid, vid, t2=2, place="h2") dest = os.path.join(temp, "res.mp4") if fLOG: fLOG('[check] video_save') video_save(ext, dest) res = os.path.exists(dest) delta1 = time.perf_counter() - t1 delta2 = time.perf_counter() - t2 if fLOG: fLOG("[check] video time={0} - video={1}".format(delta1, delta2)) return res
########## # youtube ##########
[docs]def download_youtube_video(tag, output_path=None, res='720p', mime_type="video/mp4", **kwargs): """ Downloads a video from :epkg:`youtube` with :epkg:`pytube`. Télécharge une vidéo depuis :epkg:`youtube` avec :epkg:`pytube`. :param tag: tag of the :epkg:`youtube` video to download :param output_path: output path :param mime_type: see :epkg:`youtube` :param res: see :epkg:`youtube` :param kwargs: see :epkg:`youtube` :return: filename (relative to *output_path*) .. faqref:: :title: Télécharger une vidéo sur YouTube Le module :epkg:`pytube` permet de télécharger une vidéo :epkg:`youtube`. Chaque vidéo est disponible selon plusieurs format dont on récupère la liste avant de choisir qui correspond à celui voulu. :: from pytube import YouTube yt = YouTube('') st = yt.streams fil = st.filter(mime_type="video/mp4", res="720p") fil.first().download() :githublink:`%|py|98` """ url = '{0}'.format(tag) try: yt = YouTube(url) except RegexMatchError as e: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to process tag=%r (url=%r)" % (tag, url)) from e st = yt.streams.filter(mime_type=mime_type, res=res, **kwargs) fi = st.first() if fi is None: raise ValueError( "By default the function downloads a video with resolution = 720, " "if it is not available, switch to res=None " "to choose the first one available [tag=%r url=%r]" % (tag, url)) return fi.default_filename
######## # audio ########
[docs]def audio_extract_audio(audio_or_file, ta=0, tb=None): """ Extracts a part of an audio. Extrait une partie du son. Uses `subclip <>`_. :param audio_or_file: string or :epkg:`AudioClip` :param ta: beginning :param tb: end :return: :epkg:`VideoClip` Example: :: from import audio_extract_audio son = audio_extract_audio('son.mp3', '00:00:01', '00:00:02') :githublink:`%|py|137` """ with AudioContext(audio_or_file) as audio: return audio.subclip(ta, tb)
[docs]def audio_save(audio_or_file, filename, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Saves as a sound. Enregistre un son dans un fichier. Uses `write_audiofile <>`_. :param audio_or_file: string or :epkg:`AudioClip` :param filename: save into this filename :param verbose: logging or not :param kwargs: see `write_audiofile < VideoClip/VideoClip.html? io.VideoFileClip.VideoFileClip.write_videofile>`_ :githublink:`%|py|155` """ with AudioContext(audio_or_file) as audio: if verbose: audio.write_audiofile(filename, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) else: f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): with redirect_stderr(f): audio.write_audiofile(filename, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
[docs]def audio_modification(audio, loop_duration=None, volumex=1., fadein=False, fadeout=False, t_start=0, t_end=None, speed=1., keep_duration=False, wav=False): """ Modifies a sound. Modifie un son. :param audio: sound :param loop_duration: loops sound :param volumex: multiplies the sound :param fadein: decreases the volume of the first seconds :param fadeout: decreases the volume of the last seconds :param t_start: shorten the audio :param t_end: shorten the audio :param speed: speed of the sound :param keep_duration: parameter to `ft_time <>`_ :return: new sound :githublink:`%|py|185` """ with AudioContext(audio) as audio_: if loop_duration: if audio_.duration is None: raise ValueError( "The duration is unknown, maybe you should apply the loop first.") audio_ = afx.audio_loop(audio_, duration=loop_duration) if volumex != 1.: audio_ = audio_.fx(afx.volumex, volumex) if speed != 1.: audio_ = audio_.fl_time(lambda t: t * speed, keep_duration=keep_duration) if fadein: audio_ = audio_.fx(afx.audio_fadein, 1.0) if fadeout: audio_ = audio_.fx(afx.audio_fadeout, 1.0) if t_start != 0 or t_end is not None: audio_ = audio_.subclip(t_start=t_start, t_end=t_end) return audio_
[docs]def audio2wav(audio, duration=None, **kwargs): """ The sound is converted into :epkg:`wav` and returned as an :epkg:`AudioArrayClip`. Le son est converti au format :epkg:`wav`. :param audio: sound :param duration: change the duration of the sound before converting it :param kwargs: see `to_soundarray <>`_ :return: :epkg:`AudioArrayClip` :githublink:`%|py|217` """ with AudioContext(audio) as audio_: if duration is not None: audio_ = audio_.set_duration(duration) wav = audio_.to_soundarray(**kwargs) fps = kwargs.get('fps', audio_.fps if hasattr(audio_, 'fps') else None) if fps is None: raise ValueError("fps cannot be None, 44100 is a proper value") return AudioArrayClip(wav, fps=fps)
[docs]def audio_compose(audio_or_file1, audio_or_file2, t1=0, t2=None): """ Concatenates or superposes two sounds. Ajoute ou superpose deux sons. :param audio_or_file1: son 1 :param audio_or_file2: son 2 :param t1: start of the first sound :param t2: start of the second sound (or None to add it ad :return: new sound Example: :: from import audio_compose son = audio_compose('son1.mp3', 'son2.mp3', 0, 10) :githublink:`%|py|245` """ with AudioContext(audio_or_file1) as audio1: with AudioContext(audio_or_file2) as audio2: add = [] if t1 != 0: add.append(audio1.set_start(t1)) else: add.append(audio1) if t2 is None: add.append(audio2.set_start(audio1.duration + t1)) else: add.append(audio2.set_start(t2)) comp = CompositeAudioClip(add) fps1 = audio1.fps if hasattr(audio1, 'fps') else None fps2 = audio2.fps if hasattr(audio2, 'fps') else None if fps1 is not None and fps2 is not None: fps = max(fps1, fps2) return comp.set_fps(fps) elif fps1 is None and fps2 is None: return comp else: return comp.set_fps(fps1 or fps2)
[docs]def audio_concatenate(audio_or_files, **kwargs): """ Concatenates sounds. Met bout à bout des sons. :param audio_or_files: list of sounds or filenames :param kwargs: additional parameters for `concatenate_audioclips <>`_ :return: :epkg:`AudioClip` Example: :: from import audio_concatenate son = audio_concatenate('son1.mp3', 'son2.mp3') :githublink:`%|py|285` """ ctx = [AudioContext(_).__enter__() for _ in audio_or_files] res = concatenate_audioclips([get_wrapped(_) for _ in ctx], **kwargs) for _ in ctx: _.__exit__() return res
######## # vidéo ########
[docs]def video_extract_video(video_or_file, ta=0, tb=None): """ Extracts a part of a video. Extrait une partie de la vidéo. Uses `subclip <>`_. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :param ta: beginning :param tb: end :return: :epkg:`VideoClip` Example: :: from code_beatrix.faq_faq_video import video_extract_video vid = video_extract_video('exemple.mp4', '00:00:01', '00:00:04') :githublink:`%|py|315` """ with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: return video.subclip(ta, tb)
[docs]def video_load(video_or_file): """ Loads a video. Charge une vidéo. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :return: :epkg:`VideoClip` :githublink:`%|py|327` """ with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: return
[docs]def video_save_image(video_or_file, t=None, filename=None, **kwargs): """ Saves one image from a video. Enregistre une image extraite d'une vidéo. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :param filename: if not None, saves the image into this file :param kwargs: see `save_frame < VideoClip.html?>`_ :return: one image if *filename* is None Example: :: from code_beatrix.faq_faq_video import video_extract_video, video_save_image vid = video_extract_video('exemple.mp4', '00:00:01', '00:00:04') video_save_image(vid, filename='new_image.jpg', t=2) :githublink:`%|py|351` """ with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: if filename is not None: video.save_frame(filename, t=t, **kwargs) return filename else: im = video.get_frame(t) if kwargs.get('withmask', True) and video.mask is not None: mask = 255 * video.mask.get_frame(t) im = numpy.dstack([im, mask]).astype('uint8') return Image.fromarray(im) else: return Image.fromarray(im).convert('RGBA')
[docs]def video_save(video_or_file, filename, verbose=False, duration=None, **kwargs): """ Saves as a video or as a :epkg:`gif`. Enregistre une vidéo dans un fichier. Uses `write_videofile <>`_. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :param filename: video saved into this filename :param duration: overwrite duration, see method `set_duration <>`_ :param verbose: logging or not :param kwargs: see `write_videofile < VideoClip/VideoClip.html? VideoFileClip.VideoFileClip.write_videofile>`_ Example: :: from code_beatrix.faq_faq_video import video_extract_video, video_save vid = video_extract_video('exemple.mp4', '00:00:01', '00:00:04') video_save(vid, 'new_video.mp4') :githublink:`%|py|390` """ if isinstance(filename, str) and os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] == '.gif': with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: if duration is not None: video = video.set_duration(duration) if verbose: video.write_gif(filename, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) else: f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): with redirect_stderr(f): video.write_gif(filename, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) else: with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: if duration is not None: video = video.set_duration(duration) if verbose: video.write_videofile(filename, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) else: f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): with redirect_stderr(f): video.write_videofile( filename, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
[docs]def video_enumerate_frames(video_or_file, folder=None, fps=10, pattern='images_%04d.jpg', clean=False, **kwargs): """ Enumerates frames from a video. Itère sur des images depuis une vidéo. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :param folder: where to exports the images or returns arrays if None :param pattern: image names :param fps: frames per seconds :param clean: clean open processes after it is done :param kwargs: arguments to `iter_frames < AudioClip.html?>`_ :return: iterator on arrays or files (see parameter *folder*) Example: :: form import video_enumerate_frames vid = 'example.mp4') for frame in video_enumerate_frames(vid, folder=temp): # ... If *clean* is true, it calls :func:`clean_video <>`. :githublink:`%|py|441` """ if clean is None: raise ValueError('cannot be None') with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: if folder is None: for frame in video.iter_frames(fps=fps, **kwargs): yield frame if clean: clean_video( else: if 'dtype' in kwargs: if kwargs['dtype'] != 'uint8': raise ValueError("dtype must be uint8") del kwargs['dtype'] for i, frame in enumerate(video.iter_frames(fps=fps, dtype='uint8', **kwargs)): # saves as image name = os.path.join(folder, pattern % i) imsave(name, frame) yield name if clean: clean_video(
[docs]def video_replace_audio(video_or_file, new_sound, loop=True): """ Replaces the sound of a video. Remplace la bande-son d'une vidéo. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :param new_sound: sound :param loop: loop on the audio if not long enough :return: :epkg:`VideoClip` The list of available transformations is at: `vfx <>`_. If parameter ``loop=True`` is specified, *loop_duration* becomes the duration of the video. Example: :: from import video_replace_sound vid = video_replace_sound('video.mp4', 'son.mp3', loop=True, volumex=5.5, t_end='00:00:05') :githublink:`%|py|486` """ with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: if loop: if video.duration is None: raise ValueError( "The duration of the video is unknown, use audio_modification and loop=False") audio = audio_modification(new_sound, loop_duration=video.duration) else: audio = new_sound new_clip = video.set_audio(audio) return new_clip
[docs]def video_extract_audio(video_or_file): """ Returns the audio of a video. Retourne le son d'une vidéo. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :return: :epkg:`AudioClip` :githublink:`%|py|506` """ with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: return
[docs]def video_remove_audio(video_or_file): """ Returns the same video without audio. Retourne la même vidéo sans le son. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :return: :epkg:`AudioClip` :githublink:`%|py|518` """ with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: return video.without_audio()
[docs]def video_compose(video_or_file1, video_or_file2=None, t1=0, t2=0, place=None, **kwargs): """ Concatenates or superposes two videos. Ajoute ou superpose deux vidéos. :param video_or_file1: vidéo 1 or list of video :param video_or_file2: vidéo 2 :param t1: start of the first sound :param t2: start of the second sound (or None to add it ad :param place: predefined placements :param kwargs: additional parameters, sent to `CompositeVideoClip < VideoClip/VideoClip.html?highlight=compositevideoclip#compositevideoclip>`_ :return: :epkg:`VideoClip` Example: :: from import video_compose vid = video_compose('video1.mp4', 'video2.mp4', '00:00:01', '00:00:04') The first video defines the size of the final video. List of predefined placements: * *h2*: two videos side by side horizontally * *v2*: two videos side by side vertically * *br*: two videos, second is placed at the bottom right corner *zoom* can be defined as a argument, it applies on the second video if *place* is defined and if there are two videos. :githublink:`%|py|554` """ if place is None: if isinstance(video_or_file1, list): if video_or_file2 is not None: raise ValueError( 'video_or_file1 is a list, video_or_file2 should be None') vids = [VideoContext(i).__enter__() for i in video_or_file1] comp = [] for i, v in enumerate(vids): v = if isinstance(t1, list) and i < len(t1): v.set_start(t1[i]) comp.append(v) res = CompositeVideoClip(comp, **kwargs) for v in vids: v.__exit__() return res else: with VideoContext(video_or_file1) as video1: with VideoContext(video_or_file2) as video2: add = [] if t1 != 0: add.append(video1.set_start(t1)) else: add.append(video1) if t2 is None: add.append(video2.set_start(video1.duration + t1)) else: add.append(video2.set_start(t2)) return CompositeVideoClip(add, **kwargs) else: def get_two(video_or_file1, video_or_file2, t1, t2): if isinstance(video_or_file1, list): if len(video_or_file1) != 2: raise ValueError( "Expecting two videos not {0}".format(len(video_or_file1))) v1, v2 = video_or_file1 t1, t2 = t1 else: if video_or_file2 is None: raise ValueError("Expecting two videos not less") v1, v2 = video_or_file1, video_or_file2 vc1 = VideoContext(v1).__enter__() vc2 = VideoContext(v2).__enter__() return (vc1, vc2), (t1, t2) (vc1, vc2), (t1, t2) = get_two(video_or_file1, video_or_file2, t1, t2) v1 = v2 = if kwargs.get('zoom', 1.) != 1.: v2 = video_modification(v2, resize=kwargs['zoom']) del kwargs['zoom'] # Predefined placements. if place == "h2": pos1 = 0, 0 pos2 = v1.size[0], 0 v1 = video_position(v1, pos=pos1) v2 = video_position(v2, pos=pos2) if 'size' not in kwargs: kwargs['size'] = v1.size[0] + \ v2.size[0], max(v1.size[1], v2.size[1]) res = video_compose(v1, v2, t1, t2, **kwargs) elif place == "v2": pos1 = 0, 0 pos2 = 0, v1.size[1] v1 = video_position(v1, pos=pos1) v2 = video_position(v2, pos=pos2) if 'size' not in kwargs: kwargs['size'] = max(v1.size[0], v2.size[0] ), v1.size[1] + v2.size[1] res = video_compose(v1, v2, t1, t2, **kwargs) elif place == "br": pos1 = 0, 0 pos2 = max(0, v1.size[0] - v2.size[0] ), max(0, v1.size[1] - v2.size[1]) v1 = video_position(v1, pos=pos1) v2 = video_position(v2, pos=pos2) if 'size' not in kwargs: kwargs['size'] = v1.size[0], v1.size[1] res = video_compose(v1, v2, t1, t2, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown placement '{0}'".format(place)) vc1.__exit__() vc2.__exit__() return res
[docs]def video_concatenate(video_or_files, **kwargs): """ Concatenates videos. Met bout à bout des vidéos. :param video_or_files: list of videos or filenames :param kwargs: additional parameters for `concatenate_videoclips < moviepy/video/compositing/>`_ :return: :epkg:`VideoClip` :githublink:`%|py|656` """ ctx = [VideoContext(_).__enter__() for _ in video_or_files] res = concatenate_videoclips([get_wrapped(_) for _ in ctx], **kwargs) for _ in ctx: _.__exit__() return res
[docs]def video_modification(video_or_file, volumex=1., resize=1., speed=1., mirrorx=False, mirrory=False): """ Modifies a video. Modifie une vidéo. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :param volumex: multiplies the sound :param speed: speed of the sound :param resize: resize :param mirrorx: mirror x :param mirrory: mirror y :return: new video Example: :: from import video_modification vid = video_modification('video.mp4', speed=2., mirrory=True, mirrorx=True) :githublink:`%|py|684` """ def check_duration(video): if video.duration is None: raise ValueError('video duration should not be None') with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: if speed: check_duration(video) dur = video.duration video = video.fl_time(lambda t: t * speed) video = video.set_duration(dur / speed) if volumex != 1.: video = video.fx(vfx.volumex, volumex) if resize != 1.: video = video.fx(vfx.resize, resize) if mirrorx: video = video.fx(vfx.mirror_x) if mirrory: video = video.fx(vfx.mirror_y) return video
[docs]def video_image(image_or_file, duration=None, zoom=None, opacity=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a :epkg:`ImageClip`. Créé une vidéo à partir d'une image. :param image_or_file: image or file :param duration: duration or None if not known :param zoom: applies a zoom on the image :param opacity: opacity of the image (0 for transparent, 255 for opaque) :param kwargs: additional parameters for :epkg:`ImageClip` :return: :epkg:`ImageClip` If *duration* is None, it will be fixed when the image is composed with another one. The image remains wherever it is placed. :githublink:`%|py|720` """ if isinstance(image_or_file, str): img = return video_image(img, duration=duration, zoom=zoom, opacity=opacity, **kwargs) elif isinstance(image_or_file, numpy.ndarray): if zoom is not None: from skimage.transform import rescale img = rescale(image_or_file, zoom) return video_image(img, duration=duration, opacity=opacity, **kwargs) else: img = image_or_file if len(img.shape) != 3: raise ValueError( "Image is not RGB or RGBA shape={0}".format(img.shape)) if img.shape[2] == 3: from import pil_to_ndarray pilimg = Image.fromarray(img).convert('RGBA') img = pil_to_ndarray(pilimg) if opacity is None: opacity = 255 if isinstance(opacity, int): img[:, :, 3] = opacity elif isinstance(opacity, float): img[:, :, 3] = int(opacity * 255) elif opacity is not None: raise TypeError("opacity should be int or float or None") return ImageClip(img, duration=duration, transparent=True, **kwargs) elif isinstance(image_or_file, Image.Image): from import pil_to_ndarray if image_or_file.mode != 'RGBA': image_or_file = image_or_file.convert('RGBA') if zoom is not None: image_or_file = image_or_file.resize(zoom) img = pil_to_ndarray(image_or_file) return video_image(img, duration=duration, opacity=opacity, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError( "Unable to create a video from type {0}".format(type(image_or_file)))
[docs]def video_position(video_or_file, pos, relative=False): """ Modifies the position of a position. Modifie la position d'une video. Relies on function `set_position <>`_. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :param pos: see `set_position < VideoClip.html?>`_ :param relative: see `set_position < VideoClip.html?>`_ :return: :epkg:`VideoClip` This function moves the video inside another one. Therefore, it has no effect if the result of this video is composed. See function :func:`video_compose <>`. Example: :: from import video_image, video_position, video_compose, video_text img = 'GastonLagaffe_1121.jpg' vidimg = video_image(img, duration=5, opacity=200) vidimg = video_position(vidimg, lambda t: (0, 0), relative=True) text = video_text('boule', size=2., color=(255, 0, 0, 128), background=(0, 255, 0, 100)) text = video_position(text, lambda t: (t * 0.1, t * 0.2), relative=True) comb = video_compose([vidimg, text], t1=[0, 1]) You can see an example of the video it produces in notebook :ref:`video_notebook`. :githublink:`%|py|795` """ with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: video = video.set_position(pos=pos, relative=relative) return video
[docs]def video_resize(video_or_file, newsize): """ Resizes a video. Modifie la taille d'une video. Relies on function `resize <>`_. :param video_or_file: string or :epkg:`VideoClip` :param newsize: `resize <>`_ :return: :epkg:`VideoClip` :githublink:`%|py|812` """ with VideoContext(video_or_file) as video: video = video.resize(newsize) return CompositeVideoClip([video])
[docs]def video_text(text, font=None, fontsize=32, size=None, color=None, background=None, opacity=None, **kwargs): """ Creates an image with text (:epkg:`ImageClip`). Créé une image à partir de texte. :param text: text :param color: color :param font: police name :param fontsize: font size :param size: image size, None to get the smallest one which contains the text, a float to get *size* times this smallest size :param background: background of the image :param opacity: to overwrite the opacity, *color* and *background* should be 4-uple colors, the last number in ``(0, 0, 0, 255)`` represents the opacity :param kwargs: additional parameters sent to :func:`video_image <>` :return: :epkg:`ImageClip` If *duration* is None, it will be fixed when the image is composed with another one. The image remains wherever it is placed. The *opacity* is a number between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque). 0 means the image cannot be seen. The number can be set up for each pixel. By default, the image background is transparent (0). You can find many font at `google/fonts <>`_ or `msfonts <>`_. :githublink:`%|py|847` """ if background is None: background = (255, 255, 255, 0) if color is None: color = (0, 0, 0, 255) if isinstance(font, str): if not font.endswith('.ttf'): font += '.ttf' elif font is None: if sys.platform.startswith('win'): font = "arial.ttf" else: exp = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu' # os.path.expanduser('~') d = exp # os.path.join(exp, '.local', 'share', 'fonts') if not os.path.exists(d): raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find '{0}'".format(d)) font = os.path.join(d, "DejaVuSans.ttf") if not os.path.exists(font): raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find font '{0}'. Available:\n{1}".format( font, "\n".join(os.listdir(d)))) try: obj = ImageFont.truetype(font=font, size=fontsize) except OSError as e: raise FontError("Unable to find font '{0}'".format(font)) from e if size is None: size = obj.getsize(text) elif isinstance(size, (float, int)): fs = obj.getsize(text) size = (int(fs[0] * size), int(fs[1] * size)) elif not isinstance(size, tuple): raise TypeError("size should be a tuple or a float") if opacity is not None: if len(color) == 3: color = color + (opacity,) elif len(color) == 4: color = color[:3] + (opacity,) else: raise ValueError("color should a 3 or 4 tuple") img ='RGBA', size, background) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.text((0, 0), text, font=obj, fill=color) return video_image(img, **kwargs)
[docs]def video_frame(fct_frame, **kwargs): """ Creates a video from drawing or images. *fct_frame* can either be a function which draws a picture at time *t* or a list of picture names or a folder. Créé une vidéo à partir de dessins ou d'images. *fct_frame* est soit une fonction qui dessine chaque image à chaque instant *t*, une liste de noms d'images ou un répertoire. :param fct_frame: function like ``def make_frame(t: float) -> numpy.ndarray``, or list of images or folder name :param kwargs: additional arguments for function `make_frame <>`_ :return: :epkg:`VideoClip` :githublink:`%|py|905` """ if isinstance(fct_frame, str): if not os.path.exists(fct_frame): raise FileNotFoundError( "Unable to find folder '{0}'".format(fct_frame)) imgs = os.listdir(fct_frame) exts = {'.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.bmp', '.tiff'} imgs = [os.path.join(fct_frame, _) for _ in imgs if os.path.splitext(_)[-1].lower() in exts] return video_frame(imgs, **kwargs) elif isinstance(fct_frame, list): for img in fct_frame: if not os.path.exists(img): raise FileNotFoundError( "Unable to find image '{0}'".format(img)) return ImageSequenceClip(fct_frame, **kwargs) else: return VideoClip(fct_frame, **kwargs)