Code source de code_beatrix.jsscripts.nbsnap

Snap rendering in a notebook.

import uuid
import os
import glob
from .snap import __file__ as location_js_snap

[docs]class RenderSnapRaw: """ Renders `Snap <>`_ using javascript. :githublink:`%|py|14` """
[docs] def __init__(self, width="1000", height="600", divid=None, filename=None): """ initialize :param width: (str) width :param height: (str) height :param divid: (str|None) id of the div :param filename: (str|None) filename :githublink:`%|py|24` """ if divid == "scratch_div_id": # we should use a static counter but it # is very unlikely more than one snap will be added to # a notebook divid += "_%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "") self.filename = filename self.divid = divid if divid else str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "") self.width = width self.height = height
[docs] def generate_html(self): """ Return a couple (HTML, JS). :githublink:`%|py|39` """ w = self.width h = self.height divid = self.divid js_path = os.path.dirname(location_js_snap) files = [os.path.split(_)[-1] for _ in glob.glob(js_path + "/*.js")] path = "/static/snap/" js_libs = [path + _ for _ in files] html_src = """ <div id="__DIV__div" style="position:relative; width:__WIDTH__px; height:__HEIGHT__px;"> Snap showing up soon... <canvas id="__DIV__" style="width:__WIDTH__px; height:__HEIGHT__px; position:relative; " /> </div> """.replace("__DIV__", divid).replace("__WIDTH__", w).replace("__HEIGHT__", h) test_js = """<script> var world__DIV__; function loop__DIV__() { world__DIV__.doOneCycle(); } function start_snap__DIV__() { var sec = document.getElementsByClassName("__DIV__div"); sec.innerHTML = "loading..."; world__DIV__ = new WorldMorph(document.getElementById('__DIV__')); world__DIV__.worldCanvas.focus(); new IDE_Morph().openIn(world__DIV__); setInterval(loop__DIV__, 1); sec.innerHTML = ""; } window.setTimeout(start_snap__DIV__,500); </script> """.replace("__DIV__", divid) libs = ['<script type="text/javascript" src="{0}"></script>'.format(le) for le in js_libs] libs = "\n".join(libs) return html_src, libs + "\n" + test_js
[docs]class RenderSnap(RenderSnapRaw): """ Render Snap using javascript, outputs only HTML. :githublink:`%|py|82` """
[docs] def _repr_html_(self): ht, js = self.generate_html() ht += "{0}".format(js) return ht