module art.videodl

Short summary


Fonctions proposant de traiter des vidéos avec des traitements compliqués type deep learning.

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truncated documentation


Applies one complex process to a video such as extracting characters from videos and removing the backaground. It …


Blurs people faces. Uses function detectmultiscale. …


Extracts characters from a movie. The movie is composed with an image and a mask. …


Fonctions proposant de traiter des vidéos avec des traitements compliqués type deep learning.

source on GitHub, name, fLOG=None, **kwargs)

Applies one complex process to a video such as extracting characters from videos and removing the backaground. It is done image by image. Applique un traitement compliqué sur une séquence d’images telle que la séparation des personnages et du fond.

  • video_or_file – string or VideoClip

  • name – name of the processing to do, see the list below

  • fLOG – logging function

  • kwargs – additional parameters



List of available treatments:

  • 'people': extracts characters from a movie. The movie is composed with an image and a mask. Parameters: see @fn video_map_images_people.

  • 'detect' : blurs or put a rectangle around faces, uses opencv


A couple of errors timeout, out of memory… The following processes might be quite time consuming or memory consuming. If it is the case, you should think of reducing the resolution, the number of frames per seconds (fps). You can also split the video and process each piece independently and finally concatenate them.

source on GitHub, fps=None, with_times=False, logger=None, dtype=None, scaleFactor=1.3, minNeighbors=4, minSize=(30, 30), action='blur', color=(255, 255, 0), haar=None, fLOG=None)

Blurs people faces. Uses function detectmultiscale. Relies on opencv. Floute les visages.



Only haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml is provided but you can get more at haarcascades.

Parameter action can be:

  • 'blur': to blur faces (or detector zones)

  • 'rect': to draw a rectangle around faces (or detector zones)

Faces in a yellow box in a video

The following example uses opencv to detect faces on each image of a video and put a yellow box around each of them.

from import video_map_images
from import video_save, video_extract_video

vide = video_extract_video(vid, 0, 5 if __name__ == "__main__" else 1)
vid2 = video_map_images(
    vide, fps=10, name='detect', action='rect',
    logger='bar', fLOG=fLOG)
exp = os.path.join(temp, "people.mp4")
video_save(vid2, exp, fps=10)

The following video is taken from Charlie Chaplin’s movies.

unable to find 'face.mp4'

source on GitHub, resize=('max2', 400), fps=None, with_times=False, logger=None, dtype=None, class_to_keep=15, fLOG=None, **kwargs)

Extracts characters from a movie. The movie is composed with an image and a mask. Extrait les personnages d’un film, le résultat est composé d’une image et d’un masque transparent qui laissera apparaître l’image d’en dessous si cette vidéo est aposée sur une autre.




A couple of errors timeout, out of memory… The following processes might be quite time consuming or memory consuming. If it is the case, you should think of reducing the resolution, the number of frames per seconds (fps). You can also split the video and process each piece independently and finally concatenate them.

Extract characters from a video.

The following example shows how to extract a movie with people and without the background. It works better if the contrast between the characters and the background is high.

from import video_extract_video, video_save
from import video_map_images

vide = video_extract_video("something.mp4", 0, 5)
vid2 = video_map_images(vide, fps=10, name="people", logger='bar')
video_save(vid2, "people.mp4")

The function returns something like the the following. The character is wearing black and the background is quite dark too. That explains that the kind of large halo around the character.

unable to find 'videodl.mp4'

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