Source code for cpyquickhelper.numbers.weighted_dataframe

@brief Addition for :epkg:`pandas`.
from itertools import chain
from typing import Sequence, Type
import numpy
from pandas import Series
from pandas.api.extensions import (
    register_series_accessor, ExtensionDtype, register_extension_dtype)
from pandas.core.arrays.base import ExtensionArrayT
from pandas.arrays import PandasArray
from pandas.core.arrays.numpy_ import PandasDtype
from .weighted_number import WeightedDouble  # pylint: disable=E0611

[docs]class WeightedSeriesDtype(ExtensionDtype): """ Defines a custom type for a @see cl WeightedSeries. """ dtype = numpy.dtype(WeightedDouble)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ usual """ return
@property def type(self): # type: () -> type """The scalar type for the array, e.g. ``int`` It's expected ``ExtensionArray[item]`` returns an instance of ``ExtensionDtype.type`` for scalar ``item``. """ return WeightedSeriesDtype
[docs] def __repr__(self): "usual" return "WeightedSeriesDtype()"
@property def kind(self): # type () -> str """ A character code (one of 'biufcmMOSUV'), default 'O' This should match the NumPy dtype used when the array is converted to an ndarray, 'O' in this case. type. See Also -------- numpy.dtype.kind """ return WeightedSeriesDtype.dtype.kind @property def name(self): """ A string identifying the data type. Will be used for display in, e.g. ``Series.dtype`` """ return "WeightedDouble"
[docs] @classmethod def construct_from_string(cls, string): """ Attempt to construct this type from a string. Parameters ---------- string : str Returns ------- self : instance of 'WeightedDouble' Raises ------ TypeError If a class cannot be constructed from this 'string'. """ if not string.startswith("WD"): # pragma no cover raise TypeError("Unable to parse '{0}'".format(string)) val = string[2:].strip('() ').split(",") if len(val) == 1 and val[0]: val = float(val[0]) elif len(val) == 2: val = float(val[0]), float(val[1]) elif len(val) == 0 or (len(val) == 1 and val[0] == ''): val = numpy.nan else: # pragma no cover raise TypeError("Unable to parse '{0}'".format(string)) if isinstance(val, tuple): if len(val) != 2: # pragma no cover raise TypeError("Unable to parse '{0}'".format(string)) return WeightedDouble(val[0], val[1]) return WeightedDouble(val)
[docs] @classmethod def construct_array_type(cls): """ Return the array type associated with this dtype. Returns ------- type """ return WeightedArray
[docs]@register_series_accessor("wdouble") class WeightedDoubleAccessor: """ Extends :epkg:`pandas` with new accessor for series based on @see cl WeightedDouble. """
[docs] def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.obj)
@property def value(self): "Returns the values." return self._new_series(lambda s: s.value) @property def weight(self): "Returns the weights." return self._new_series(lambda s: s.weight)
[docs] def isnan(self): "Tells if values are missing." return self._new_series(lambda s: numpy.isnan(s.value))
[docs] def _new_series(self, fct): if len(self) == 0: # pragma no cover raise ValueError("Series cannot be empty.") if isinstance(self.obj, WeightedArray) or isinstance(self.obj[0], WeightedDouble): return WeightedArray([fct(s) for s in self.obj], index=self.obj.index, dtype=float) raise TypeError( # pragma no cover "Unexpected type, array is '{0}', first element is '{1}'".format( type(self.obj), type(self.obj[0])))
[docs]class WeightedSeries(Series): """ Implements a series holding @see WeightedDouble numbers. Does not add anything to *Series*. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overwrites the constructor to force dtype to be @see cl WeightedSeriesDtype. """ dt = kwargs.pop('dtype', WeightedSeriesDtype()) Series.__init__(self, *args, dtype=dt, **kwargs)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Tries first to see if class *Series* has this attribute and then tries @see cl WeightedDoubleAccessor. """ if hasattr(Series, attr): return getattr(self, attr) if hasattr(WeightedDoubleAccessor, attr): obj = WeightedDoubleAccessor(self) return getattr(obj, attr) if attr == '_ndarray': return numpy.array(self) raise AttributeError("Unkown attribute '{0}'".format(attr))
[docs]class WeightedArray(PandasArray): """ Implements an array holding @see WeightedDouble numbers. This leverages a new concept introduced in :epkg:`pandas` 0.24 implemented in class :epkg:`PandasArray`. It can be used to define a new column type in a dataframe. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overwrites the constructor to force *dtype* to be @see cl WeightedSeriesDtype. """ if "data" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["data"], WeightedSeries): serie = kwargs["data"] elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], numpy.ndarray): PandasArray.__init__(self, args[0]) else: serie = WeightedSeries(*args, **kwargs) PandasArray.__init__(self, serie._ndarray)
@property def dtype(self): """ Returns @see cl WeightedSeriesDtype. """ return self._dtype @property def name(self): """ A string identifying the data type. Will be used for display in, e.g. ``Series.dtype`` """ return "WeightedArray"
[docs] def __add__(self, other): "Addition" return WeightedArray([a + b for a, b in zip(self, other)])
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): "Soustraction" return WeightedArray([a - b for a, b in zip(self, other)])
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): "Multiplication" return WeightedArray([a * b for a, b in zip(self, other)])
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other): "Division" return WeightedArray([a / b for a, b in zip(self, other)])
[docs] def isna(self): "is nan?" return numpy.array([numpy.isnan(s.value) for s in self])
[docs] @classmethod def _concat_same_type(cls: Type[ExtensionArrayT], # pylint: disable=W0221 to_concat: Sequence[ExtensionArrayT]) -> ExtensionArrayT: """Concatenate multiple array Parameters ---------- to_concat : sequence of this type Returns ------- @see cl WeightedArray """ for s in to_concat: if not isinstance(s.dtype, (WeightedSeriesDtype, object)): raise TypeError( # pragma no cover "All arrays must be of type WeightedSeriesDtype not {}-{}".format( type(s), type(s.dtype))) return WeightedArray(list(chain(*to_concat)))
[docs] @classmethod def _from_sequence(cls, scalars, *, dtype=None, copy=False): if isinstance(dtype, PandasDtype): dtype = dtype._dtype result = numpy.asarray(scalars, dtype=dtype) if copy and result is scalars: result = result.copy() return cls(result)