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3@brief Python wrapper around C functions. 


5from typing import Tuple 

6from io import StringIO 

7from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr 

8from .stdchelper import begin_capture, end_capture, get_capture # pylint: disable=E0611 



11def capture_output_c(function_to_call) -> Tuple: 

12 """ 

13 Capture the standard output and error for 

14 function *function_to_call*, it wraps C code which 

15 catches information from the command line. 


17 :param function_to_call: function to call 

18 :return: output, error 


20 This function must not be called in parallel with another 

21 call of the same function. 


23 .. warning:: *error* is always empty. Both streams are merged. 

24 """ 

25 if not callable(function_to_call): # pragma no cover 

26 raise TypeError("function_to_call must be callable.") 

27 begin_capture() 

28 fout = function_to_call() 

29 end_capture() 

30 res = get_capture() 

31 if res is None: # pragma: no cover 

32 return fout, None, None 

33 if isinstance(res, bytes): # pragma: no cover 

34 return fout, res, None 

35 if isinstance(res, tuple): # pragma: no cover 

36 return (fout, ) + res 

37 raise TypeError( # pragma no cover 

38 "Unexpected return type '{0}'.".format(type(res))) 



41def capture_output_py(function_to_call) -> Tuple[str, str]: 

42 """ 

43 Capture the standard output and error for 

44 function *function_to_call* with function 

45 `redirect_stdout <https://docs.python.org/3/library/contextlib.html#contextlib.redirect_stdout>`_ 

46 and function 

47 `redirect_stderr <https://docs.python.org/3/library/contextlib.html#contextlib.redirect_stderr>`_. 


49 :param function_to_call: function to call 

50 :return: output, error 


52 This function must not be called in parallel with another 

53 call of the same function. 


55 .. warning:: *error* is always empty. Both streams are merged. 

56 """ 

57 if not callable(function_to_call): 

58 raise TypeError("function_to_call must be callable.") 

59 out, err = StringIO(), StringIO() 

60 with redirect_stdout(out): 

61 with redirect_stderr(err): 

62 fout = function_to_call() 

63 return fout, out.getvalue(), err.getvalue() 



66def capture_output(function_to_call, lang="py"): 

67 """ 

68 Catch standard output and error for function 

69 *function_to_call*. If lang is *'py'*, calls 

70 @see fn capture_output_py or @see fn capture_output_c 

71 if lang is *'c'*. 


73 :param function_to_call: function to call 

74 :return: output, error 

75 """ 

76 if lang == "py": 

77 return capture_output_py(function_to_call) 

78 elif lang == "c": 

79 return capture_output_c(function_to_call) 

80 raise ValueError("lang must be 'py' or 'c' not '{0}'".format(lang))