module onnxtorch.tchrun#

Inheritance diagram of deeponnxcustom.onnxtorch.tchrun

Short summary#

module deeponnxcustom.onnxtorch.tchrun

Executes ONNX graph with pytorch.

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Executes ONNX graph using torch function. This is a very simple runtime. It goes through every node in the …

Static Methods#


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Builds a dictionary with all attributes


Builds a dictionary with all initializers converted into torch arrays.












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Executes a node with pytorch. Returns a dictionary.


Executes the ONNX graph.


Executes ONNX graph with pytorch.

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class deeponnxcustom.onnxtorch.tchrun.OnnxTorchRuntime(onnx_model)#

Bases: object

Executes ONNX graph using torch function. This is a very simple runtime. It goes through every node in the ONNX graph and execute with the corresponding torch functions.


onnx_model – ONNX model

The class is very basic. It does not handle subgraphs and supports a limited number of operators.


import pprint
from deeponnxcustom.onnxtorch.tchrun import OnnxTorchRuntime




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static _extract_atts(onnx_model)#

Builds a dictionary with all attributes

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static _extract_init(onnx_model)#

Builds a dictionary with all initializers converted into torch arrays.

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_mapping = {'Concat': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._concat>, 'Gather': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._gather>, 'Gemm': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._gemm>, 'Identity': <function OnnxTorchRuntime.<lambda>>, 'MatMul': <built-in method matmul of type object>, 'Max': <built-in method max of type object>, 'ReduceProd': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._reduceprod>, 'ReduceSum': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._reducesum>, 'Reshape': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._reshape>, 'Shape': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._shape>, 'Squeeze': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._squeeze>, 'Transpose': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._transpose>, 'Unsqueeze': <function _function_OnnxTorchRuntime._unqueeze>}#
_run_op(node_name, node, *inputs)#

Executes a node with pytorch. Returns a dictionary.

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run(*inputs, verbose=False)#

Executes the ONNX graph.

  • inputs – inputs of the function

  • verbose – displays more information while running the graph


a result or a tuple of results

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class deeponnxcustom.onnxtorch.tchrun._function_OnnxTorchRuntime#

Bases: object

static _concat(*tensors, axis=0)#
static _gather(t, indices, axis=0)#
static _gemm(a, b, c=None, alpha=1, beta=0, transA=False, transB=False)#
static _reduceprod(data, axes=None, keepdims=1)#
static _reducesum(data, axes=None, keepdims=1)#
static _reshape(t, shape)#
static _shape(t)#
static _squeeze(data, axes=None)#
static _transpose(t, perm)#
static _unqueeze(t, dim)#