.. _chshgeorst: ============================= Cheat sheet on Geocoordinates ============================= .. only:: html **Links:** :download:`notebook `, :downloadlink:`html `, :download:`PDF `, :download:`python `, :downloadlink:`slides `, :githublink:`GitHub|_doc/notebooks/cheat_sheets/chsh_geo.ipynb|*` Cheat sheet on geocoding. .. code:: ipython3 from jyquickhelper import add_notebook_menu add_notebook_menu() .. contents:: :local: Read shapefiles --------------- Shapefiles usually comes in three file: - ``.shp``: the shapes - ``.shx`` - ``.dbf``: the metadata Module you can use to read the files: `pyshp `__, `fiona `__\ … .. code:: ipython3 from pyquickhelper.filehelper import unzip_files unzip_files("geo_data.zip", ".") .. parsed-literal:: ['.\\Centerline.dbf', '.\\Centerline.prj', '.\\Centerline.shp', '.\\Centerline.shx'] .. code:: ipython3 import shapefile shp = shapefile.Reader("Centerline.shp") .. code:: ipython3 records = shp.records() shapes = shp.shapes() fields = shp.fields .. code:: ipython3 shapes[0].__dict__ .. parsed-literal:: {'shapeType': 3, 'points': [(1312867.164001003, 260498.0600337088), (1313098.4133638293, 260489.8426001817), (1313098.288386017, 260482.84261640906)], 'parts': [0], 'bbox': [1312867.164001003, 260482.84261640906, 1313098.4133638293, 260498.0600337088]} .. code:: ipython3 {k[0]:v for k,v in zip(fields[1:], records[0])} .. parsed-literal:: {'StreetName': 'NE 118th CT', 'FromStreet': '132nd PL NE', 'ToStreet': 'E of 132nd PL NE', 'StreetWidt': 34.0, 'ConstYear': 1980.0, 'ConstBy': '', 'd_Classifi': 4.0, 'd_Ownershi': 'RED', 'd_Status': 'ACT', 'd_DataSour': 'EXT', 'd_InsideCi': 'YES', 'FromLeft': 13200, 'ToLeft': 13398, 'FromRight': 13201, 'ToRight': 13399, 'LeftCity': 'RED', 'RightCity': 'RED', 'LeftZip': '98052', 'RightZip': '98052', 'Side': 'B', 'Exclude': '', 'Location': '', 'lz_evn': 'G', 'lz_odd': 'G', 'la_evn': 'G', 'la_odd': 'G', 'StreetNa_1': 'NE 118 CT', 'FireArteri': 0, 'surface': '1', 'Migrated': 'YES', 'd_ConstBy': '', 'RedCenterl': 7, 'MaxSpeedLi': 25, 'CreatedBy': '', 'DateCreate': b'', 'ModifiedBy': 'ESP-NFEARS', 'DateModifi': datetime.date(2016, 7, 21), 'StAlias1': '', 'StAlias2': '', 'StAlias3': '', 'AssetID': 'Cntl7', 'LucityAuto': 0, 'd_AssetTyp': 'Centerline', 'CalcLength': 238.39641915, 'Shape_len': 238.396419151} Convert coordinates into longitude / latitude --------------------------------------------- Source : `GIS Tips – How to Find the EPSG Code of your Shapefile `__ The file ``.prj`` contains informations about the coordinates used to encode the shapefiles. .. code:: ipython3 %load_ext pyensae .. code:: ipython3 %head Centerline.prj .. raw:: html
This means to be converted into another coordinates system: *ESPG:XXXX*. That’s what the website `Prj2EPSG `__ does. The module `pyproj `__ does the conversion into longitude / latitude. .. code:: ipython3 from pyproj import Proj, transform p1 = Proj(init='epsg:2926') # returned by Prj2ESPG p2 = Proj(init='epsg:4326') # longitude / latidue x0, y0 = 1312487.225652799, 231314.96255882084 transform(p1,p2,x0,y0) .. parsed-literal:: (-109.78898903640629, 48.55518509715834)