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3@brief Source: https://github.com/koniiiik/edmonds-blossom/blob/master/blossom.py 


5An implementation of Edmonds' blossom algorithm for finding minimum-weight 

6maximum matchings. 



9import fractions 

10import functools 

11import sys 



14INF = float('inf') 

15# Possible levels of blossoms. 


17LEVEL_ODD = 1 

18# Out-of-tree blossoms; they always appear in pairs connected by a matched 

19# edge. 

20LEVEL_OOT = -1 

21# Blossoms embedded in another blossom. 




25def cached_property(fun): 

26 """A memoize decorator for class properties.""" 

27 @functools.wraps(fun) 

28 def get(self): 

29 try: 

30 return self._cache[fun] 

31 except AttributeError: 

32 self._cache = {} 

33 except KeyError: 

34 pass 

35 ret = self._cache[fun] = fun(self) 

36 return ret 

37 return property(get) 



40class MaximumDualReached(Exception): 

41 """ 

42 Indicates that we have reached the maximum dual solution and cannot 

43 improve it further. 

44 """ 



47class EdgeTraversalError(Exception): 

48 pass 



51class EdgeNotOutgoing(EdgeTraversalError): 

52 """ 

53 Indicates that a traversal was requested through an edge from a set of 

54 vertices containing both its endpoints. 

55 """ 



58class EdgeNotIncident(EdgeTraversalError): 

59 """ 

60 Indicates that a traversal was requested through an edge from a set 

61 that doesn't contain any of its endpoints. 

62 """ 



65class TreeStructureChanged(Exception): 

66 """ 

67 Used whenever the structure of an alternating tree is changed to abort 

68 current traversal and initiate a new one. 

69 """ 



72class StructureUpToDate(Exception): 

73 """ 

74 This gets raised as soon as the structure of all trees is up-to-date, 

75 i.e. there are no more instances of any of the four cases. 

76 """ 



79class Edge: 


81 def __init__(self, v1, v2, value): 

82 self.vertices = frozenset((v1, v2)) 

83 self.value = value 

84 self.selected = 0 


86 @property 

87 def extremities(self): 

88 return tuple(sorted(v.id for v in self.vertices)) 


90 def __hash__(self): 

91 return hash(id(self)) 


93 def __eq__(self, other): 

94 return self is other 


96 def __str__(self): 

97 return "(%d, %d)" % tuple(sorted(v.id for v in self.vertices)) 


99 def __repr__(self): 

100 return "<Edge: %s>" % (str(self),) 


102 def traverse_from(self, v): 

103 """Returns the other endpoint of an edge. 


105 The argument can be either a vertex, a Blossom or a set of 

106 vertices. The argument is supposed to contain exactly one 

107 endpoint. 

108 """ 

109 if isinstance(v, Blossom): 

110 v = v.members 

111 diff = self.vertices - v 

112 if len(diff) == 0: 

113 raise EdgeNotOutgoing() 

114 if len(diff) > 1: 

115 raise EdgeNotIncident() 

116 return next(iter(diff)) 


118 def calculate_charge(self): 

119 """Calculates the total charge on this edge. 


121 The charge is calculated as the sum of all blossoms containing 

122 each vertex minus twice the sum of all blossoms containing both 

123 vertices at the same time. 

124 """ 

125 it = iter(self.vertices) 

126 blossom = next(it) 

127 first_owners = set() 

128 charge = 0 

129 while blossom is not None: 

130 charge += blossom.charge 

131 first_owners.add(blossom) 

132 blossom = blossom.owner 


134 blossom = next(it) 

135 common = None 

136 while blossom is not None: 

137 charge += blossom.charge 

138 if common is None and blossom in first_owners: 

139 common = blossom 

140 blossom = blossom.owner 


142 while common is not None: 

143 charge -= 2 * common.charge 

144 common = common.owner 


146 return charge 


148 def get_remaining_charge(self): 

149 return self.value - self.calculate_charge() 


151 def toggle_selection(self): 

152 """Toggles the membership of self in the current matching. 

153 """ 

154 assert self.get_remaining_charge() == 0, ("toggle_selection called " 

155 "on non-tight edge") 

156 self.selected = 1 - self.selected 



159class Blossom: 

160 # For nontrivial blossoms, the charge cannot decrease below 0. 

161 minimum_charge = 0 


163 def __init__(self, cycle, charge=0, level=LEVEL_EVEN): 

164 self.charge = fractions.Fraction(charge) 

165 self.level = level 

166 # Reference to the blossom directly containing this one. 

167 self.owner = None 

168 # The cycle of blossoms this one consists of. The first element is 

169 # the base. 

170 self.cycle = tuple(cycle) 

171 assert len(self.cycle) % 2 == 1 

172 # References to parent and children in a tree. For out-of-tree 

173 # pairs the parent is a reference to the peer. For embedded 

174 # blossoms the parent is the predecessor in the cycle. 

175 self.parent = None 

176 self.parent_edge = None 

177 self.children = set() 


179 def __hash__(self): 

180 return hash(id(self)) 


182 def __eq__(self, other): 

183 return self is other 


185 def __str__(self): 

186 return "(%s)" % (' '.join(str(b) for b in self.cycle)) 


188 def __repr__(self): 

189 return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) 


191 @cached_property 

192 def outgoing_edges(self): 

193 """ 

194 Returns a list of pairs (edge, target vertex). 

195 """ 

196 members = self.members 

197 return list({(e, v) 

198 for blossom in self.cycle 

199 for e, v in blossom.outgoing_edges 

200 if v not in members}) 


202 @cached_property 

203 def members(self): 

204 return {v for blossom in self.cycle for v in blossom.members} 


206 def get_outermost_blossom(self): 

207 if self.owner is not None: 

208 return self.owner.get_outermost_blossom() 

209 return self 


211 def get_root(self): 

212 assert self.level in (LEVEL_EVEN, LEVEL_ODD), ("get_root called on " 

213 "an out-of-tree blossom") 

214 if self.parent is None: 

215 return self 

216 return self.parent.get_root() 


218 def get_base_vertex(self): 

219 return self.cycle[0].get_base_vertex() 


221 def get_max_delta(self): 

222 """ 

223 Finds the maximum allowed charge adjust for this blossom and its 

224 children. 

225 """ 

226 if self.level == LEVEL_ODD: 

227 # Blossoms on odd levels are going to be decreased. 

228 delta = self.charge - self.minimum_charge 

229 elif self.level == LEVEL_EVEN: 

230 # Even levels get increased. We need to check each outgoing 

231 # edge. 

232 delta = INF 

233 for e, v in self.outgoing_edges: 

234 b = v.get_outermost_blossom() 

235 remaining = e.get_remaining_charge() 


237 if b.level == LEVEL_EVEN: 

238 # Both ends of e are on even level, both get 

239 # increased, therefore each can only get one half of 

240 # remaining capacity. 

241 delta = min(delta, remaining / 2) 

242 elif b.level == LEVEL_OOT: 

243 # The other end is an out-of-tree blossom whose charge 

244 # remains the same. 

245 delta = min(delta, remaining) 

246 # Odd blossoms don't limit us in any way as the difference 

247 # gets canceled out on the other end. 


249 # Recurse into children. 

250 return min([delta] + [child.get_max_delta() for child in self.children]) 


252 def adjust_charge(self, delta): 

253 """ 

254 Decides what is supposed to happen on charge adjusts and recurses. 

255 """ 

256 if self.level == LEVEL_EVEN: 

257 self.charge += delta 

258 elif self.level == LEVEL_ODD: 

259 self.charge -= delta 

260 assert self.charge >= self.minimum_charge, ("the charge of a " 

261 "blossom dropped " 

262 "below minimum") 


264 for child in self.children: 

265 child.adjust_charge(delta) 


267 def alter_tree(self, roots): 

268 """Detects and handles the four cases where trees need to be altered. 

269 """ 

270 if self.level == LEVEL_ODD: 

271 if self.charge == 0: 

272 self.expand(roots) 

273 elif self.level == LEVEL_EVEN: 

274 self.handle_tight_edges(roots) 

275 else: 

276 assert False, ("alter_tree called on blossom of level %d" % 

277 self.level) 


279 for child in self.children: 

280 child.alter_tree(roots) 


282 def handle_tight_edges(self, roots): 

283 """Finds any fresh tight edges. 


285 If a tight edge leads to an out-of-tree blossom, attach the pair 

286 (P2). 


288 If a tight edge leads to a blossom in the same tree as this one 

289 (the root blossom is the same), shrink (P3). 


291 If a tight edge leads to a blossom with a different root, augment 

292 (P4). 

293 """ 

294 assert self.level == LEVEL_EVEN, ("handle_tight_edges called on " 

295 "non-even blossom.") 


297 for e, v in self.outgoing_edges: 

298 if e is self.parent_edge: 

299 continue 

300 remaining_charge = e.get_remaining_charge() 

301 assert remaining_charge >= 0, "found an overcharged edge" 

302 if remaining_charge > 0: 

303 continue 

304 other_blossom = v.get_outermost_blossom() 

305 if other_blossom.level == LEVEL_ODD: 

306 # This blossom can be from a different tree -- we don't 

307 # particularly care. The charge adjusts will be 

308 # compensated anyway. 

309 continue 

310 if other_blossom.level == LEVEL_OOT: 

311 self.attach_out_of_tree_pair(other_blossom, e) 

312 continue 

313 if other_blossom.get_root() == self.get_root(): 

314 self.shrink_with_peer(other_blossom, e, roots) 

315 else: 

316 self.augment_matching(other_blossom, e, roots) 


318 def attach_out_of_tree_pair(self, target, edge): 

319 """Handles case (P2). 

320 """ 

321 assert self.level == LEVEL_EVEN 

322 assert target.level == LEVEL_OOT 

323 assert len(target.children) == 0 


325 self.children.add(target) 

326 target_peer = target.parent 

327 target.parent = self 

328 target.parent_edge = edge 

329 target.level = LEVEL_ODD 

330 target_peer.level = LEVEL_EVEN 

331 target.children.add(target_peer) 

332 assert len(target_peer.children) == 0 

333 raise TreeStructureChanged("Attached blossom on edge %s" % edge) 


335 def shrink_with_peer(self, other, edge, roots): 

336 """Shrinks the cycle along given edge into a new blossom. (P3) 

337 """ 

338 assert self.level == LEVEL_EVEN 

339 assert other.level == LEVEL_EVEN 

340 # Find the closest common ancestor and the chains of parents 

341 # leading to them. 

342 ancestors, parent_chain1, parent_chain2 = {}, [], [] 

343 blossom = self 

344 while blossom is not None: 

345 ancestors[blossom] = len(parent_chain1) 

346 parent_chain1.append(blossom) 

347 assert blossom.parent is None or blossom in blossom.parent.children 

348 blossom = blossom.parent 


350 blossom = other 

351 while blossom not in ancestors: 

352 parent_chain2.append(blossom) 

353 assert blossom.parent is None or blossom in blossom.parent.children 

354 blossom = blossom.parent 


356 parent_chain2.append(blossom) 

357 common_ancestor = blossom 

358 # We need to store these values here since they get rewritten in the 

359 # following loop. 

360 new_parent = common_ancestor.parent 

361 new_parent_edge = common_ancestor.parent_edge 


363 # Remove references to other components of the new blossom from each 

364 # component's children list. 

365 for blossom in (self, other): 

366 while blossom is not common_ancestor: 

367 blossom.parent.children.remove(blossom) 

368 blossom = blossom.parent 


370 # Repoint the parent references in parent_chain2 to point in the 

371 # other direction. This will close the cycle. 

372 prev_edge, prev_blossom = edge, self 

373 for blossom in parent_chain2: 

374 prev_edge, prev_blossom, blossom.parent, blossom.parent_edge = ( 

375 blossom.parent_edge, blossom, prev_blossom, prev_edge 

376 ) 


378 # The cycle now consists of the reverse of parent_chain1 up to and 

379 # including common_ancestor + parent_chain2 sans common_ancestor. 

380 cycle = parent_chain1[ 

381 ancestors[common_ancestor]::-1] + parent_chain2[:-1] 


383 new_blossom = Blossom(cycle) 

384 for blossom in cycle: 

385 new_blossom.children.update(blossom.children) 

386 blossom.owner = new_blossom 

387 blossom.children.clear() 

388 blossom.level = LEVEL_EMBED 


390 for child in new_blossom.children: 

391 child.parent = new_blossom 


393 if new_parent is None: 

394 registry = roots 

395 else: 

396 registry = new_parent.children 


398 registry.remove(common_ancestor) 

399 registry.add(new_blossom) 

400 new_blossom.parent = new_parent 

401 new_blossom.parent_edge = new_parent_edge 


403 raise TreeStructureChanged("Shrunk cycle on edge %s" % edge) 


405 def augment_matching(self, other_blossom, edge, roots): 

406 """Augments the matching along the alternating path containing given edge. (P4) 

407 """ 

408 # Always look for a path of even length within a blossom. Recurse 

409 # into sub-blossoms. 

410 assert edge.selected == 0, ("trying to augment via an already " 

411 "selected edge") 

412 self.flip_root_path(edge, roots) 

413 other_blossom.flip_root_path(edge, roots) 

414 edge.toggle_selection() 

415 raise TreeStructureChanged("Augmented on edge %s" % edge) 


417 def flip_root_path(self, edge, roots): 

418 """Flips edge selection on the alternating path from self to root. 


420 Argument edge is the edge from a child from which the alternating 

421 path leads through self. 


423 The children of this blossom are detached and this blossom becomes 

424 part of an out-of-tree pair around the given edge. 

425 """ 

426 assert self.level in (LEVEL_EVEN, LEVEL_ODD) 

427 v1 = self.get_base_vertex() 

428 if self.level == LEVEL_EVEN: 

429 v2 = next(iter(self.members & edge.vertices)) 

430 else: 

431 v2 = next(iter(self.members & self.parent_edge.vertices)) 


433 self.flip_alternating_path(v1, v2) 


435 # We need to store these values because detach_from_parent 

436 # modifies them and we need to recurse later. 

437 prev_parent, prev_parent_edge = self.parent, self.parent_edge 


439 if self.level == LEVEL_EVEN: 

440 self.detach_children(roots) 

441 # Become a peer to the blossom on the other side of edge. 

442 self.detach_from_parent(edge, roots) 

443 else: 

444 # Adjust self to become a peer to our parent. 

445 # Our child should be detached by now. 

446 assert len(self.children) == 0 

447 assert self.parent is not None 

448 self.parent.children.remove(self) 

449 self.level = LEVEL_OOT 


451 if prev_parent is not None: 

452 prev_parent_edge.toggle_selection() 

453 prev_parent.flip_root_path(prev_parent_edge, roots) 


455 def flip_alternating_path(self, v1, v2): 

456 """Flips edge selection on the alternating path from v1 to v2. 


458 v1 and v2 are the two vertices at the boundaries of this blossom 

459 along the augmenting alternating path. One of the two vertices 

460 needs to be the base of this blossom. 

461 """ 

462 assert v1 in self.members 

463 assert v2 in self.members 

464 if v1 is v2: 

465 return 


467 if v1 not in self.cycle[0].members: 

468 v1, v2 = v2, v1 


470 # v1 is in the base blossom, find the blossom containing v2 

471 lasti = 0 

472 for i, b in enumerate(self.cycle): 

473 lasti = i 

474 if v2 in b.members: 

475 break 

476 i = lasti 


478 # Trivial case: if both v1 and v2 are in the same blossom, we 

479 # don't need to do anything at this level. 

480 if i == 0: 

481 self.cycle[0].flip_alternating_path(v1, v2) 

482 return 


484 # self.cycle has odd length, pick the direction in which the path 

485 # from cycle[i] to cycle[0] has even length. 

486 sub_calls, edges = [], [] 

487 if i % 2 == 0: 

488 # Proceed from the base forwards toward self.cycle[i]. 

489 start, finish = 0, i 

490 else: 

491 # Proceed from self.cycle[i] forwards toward base. 

492 start, finish = i - len(self.cycle), 0 

493 v1, v2 = v2, v1 


495 prev_vertex = v1 

496 for j in range(start, finish): 

497 edge = self.cycle[j + 1].parent_edge 

498 sub_calls.append((self.cycle[j], prev_vertex, 

499 edge.traverse_from(self.cycle[j + 1]))) 

500 edges.append(edge) 

501 prev_vertex = edge.traverse_from(self.cycle[j]) 

502 sub_calls.append((self.cycle[finish], prev_vertex, v2)) 


504 assert len(sub_calls) % 2 == 1 

505 assert len(edges) % 2 == 0 


507 for e in edges: 

508 e.toggle_selection() 

509 for blossom, x1, x2 in sub_calls: 

510 blossom.flip_alternating_path(x1, x2) 


512 # Shift self.cycle to new base to keep the invariant that cycle[0] 

513 # is the base. cycle[i] should become cycle[0]. 

514 self.cycle = self.cycle[i:] + self.cycle[:i] 


516 def detach_children(self, roots): 

517 """Detaches all children and turns them into out-of-tree pairs. 

518 """ 

519 # We need to make a copy of self.children here since it gets 

520 # modified in each iteration. 

521 for child in list(self.children): 

522 child.detach_from_parent(None, roots) 


524 def detach_from_parent(self, edge, roots): 

525 """Detaches itself from the parent and forms an out-of-tree pair. 


527 If called on an odd blossom, edge needs to be None and the only 

528 child will be chosen. Otherwise, an edge leading to a peer needs 

529 to be supplied. 


531 If an edge is specified, it assumes the peer adjusts itself, 

532 otherwise we also adjust the single child that becomes the peer. 

533 """ 

534 assert (self.level == LEVEL_ODD) ^ (edge is not None) 


536 if self.parent is not None: 

537 self.parent.children.remove(self) 

538 else: 

539 roots.remove(self) 

540 if edge is not None: 

541 peer = edge.traverse_from(self).get_outermost_blossom() 

542 self.detach_children(roots) 

543 else: 

544 peer = next(iter(self.children)) 

545 self.children.clear() 

546 self.level = LEVEL_OOT 

547 self.parent = peer 

548 if edge is None: 

549 self.parent_edge = peer.parent_edge 

550 peer.level = LEVEL_OOT 

551 peer.detach_children(roots) 

552 else: 

553 self.parent_edge = edge 


555 def expand(self, roots): 

556 """ 

557 Expands this blossom back into its constituents. (P1) 

558 """ 

559 assert self.level == LEVEL_ODD 

560 assert self.charge == 0 


562 base = self.cycle[0] 

563 # Since self is odd, it has exactly one child. 

564 assert len(self.children) == 1 

565 child = next(iter(self.children)) 

566 assert child.level == LEVEL_EVEN 

567 child.parent = base 

568 base.children.add(child) 


570 # Find the component connected to parent. 

571 boundary_vertex = next(iter(self.parent_edge.vertices & self.members)) 

572 lasti = 0 

573 last_bl = None 

574 for i, blossom in enumerate(self.cycle): 

575 lasti = i 

576 last_bl = blossom 

577 if boundary_vertex in blossom.members: 

578 break 

579 i = lasti 

580 blossom = last_bl 


582 if i % 2 == 0: 

583 # Repoint the even-length part of the cycle to form a part of 

584 # the tree. 

585 prev_parent, prev_edge = self.parent, self.parent_edge 

586 for j in range(i, -1, -1): 

587 b = self.cycle[j] 

588 assert b.level == LEVEL_EMBED 

589 assert prev_parent.level in (LEVEL_EVEN, LEVEL_ODD) 

590 assert b.owner is self 

591 b.level = 1 - prev_parent.level 

592 b.owner = None 

593 if prev_parent is not None: 

594 prev_parent.children.add(b) 

595 prev_parent, prev_edge, b.parent, b.parent_edge = ( 

596 b, b.parent_edge, prev_parent, prev_edge 

597 ) 

598 pairs_start, pairs_end = -1, i - len(self.cycle) 

599 else: 

600 # The even part of our cycle has the correct pointers already, 

601 # fix their levels and ownership. 

602 blossom.parent = self.parent 

603 blossom.parent_edge = self.parent_edge 

604 for j in range(i - len(self.cycle), 1): 

605 b = self.cycle[j] 

606 assert b.level == LEVEL_EMBED 

607 assert b.parent.level in (LEVEL_EVEN, LEVEL_ODD) 

608 assert b.owner is self 

609 b.level = 1 - b.parent.level 

610 b.parent.children.add(b) 

611 b.owner = None 

612 pairs_start, pairs_end = i - 1, 0 


614 # Turn the odd-length part of the cycle into out-of-tree pairs. 

615 for j in range(pairs_start, pairs_end, -2): 

616 b = self.cycle[j] 

617 peer = b.parent 

618 assert b.level == LEVEL_EMBED 

619 assert b.parent.level == LEVEL_EMBED 

620 assert b.owner is self 

621 assert peer.owner is self 

622 assert len(b.children) == 0 

623 assert len(peer.children) == 0 

624 peer.parent, peer.parent_edge = b, b.parent_edge 

625 b.owner = peer.owner = None 

626 b.level = peer.level = LEVEL_OOT 


628 if self.parent is None: 

629 registry = roots 

630 else: 

631 registry = self.parent.children 

632 registry.remove(self) 

633 registry.add(self.cycle[i]) 


635 raise TreeStructureChanged("Expanded a blossom") 



638class Vertex(Blossom): 

639 # Single vertices are allowed to have negative charges. 

640 minimum_charge = -INF 


642 def __init__(self, idi): 

643 self.id = idi 

644 self.edges = [] 

645 super(Vertex, self).__init__(cycle=[self], charge=0) 


647 def __str__(self): 

648 return "%d" % (self.id,) 


650 def add_edge_to(self, other, value): 

651 e = Edge(self, other, value) 

652 self.edges.append(e) 

653 other.edges.append(e) 


655 @cached_property 

656 def outgoing_edges(self): 

657 return [(e, e.traverse_from(self)) for e in self.edges] 


659 @cached_property 

660 def members(self): 

661 return {self} 


663 def get_base_vertex(self): 

664 return self 


666 def expand(self, roots): 

667 # For simple vertices this is a no-op. 

668 pass 



671def get_max_delta(roots): 

672 """ 

673 Returns the maximal value by which we can improve the dual solution 

674 by adjusting charges on alternating trees. 

675 """ 

676 if len(roots) == 0: 

677 # All blossoms are matched. 

678 raise MaximumDualReached() 


680 delta = INF 

681 for root in roots: 

682 delta = min(delta, root.get_max_delta()) 


684 assert delta >= 0 


686 if delta <= 0: 

687 raise MaximumDualReached() 


689 return delta 



692def read_input(input_file): 

693 N, M = [int(x) for x in next(input_file).split()] 

694 if N is None or M is None: 

695 raise ValueError("Unable to process '{0}'".format(input_file)) 

696 vertices = {} 


698 for line in input_file: 

699 u, v, w = [int(x) for x in line.split()] 

700 for _v in (u, v): 

701 if _v not in vertices: 

702 vertices[_v] = Vertex(_v) 


704 u, v = vertices[u], vertices[v] 

705 u.add_edge_to(v, fractions.Fraction(w)) 


707 return vertices 



710def update_tree_structures(roots): 

711 try: 

712 while True: 

713 try: 

714 for root in roots: 

715 root.alter_tree() 

716 raise StructureUpToDate() 

717 except TreeStructureChanged: 

718 pass 

719 except StructureUpToDate: 

720 pass 



723if __name__ == "__main__": 


725 def main_blossom(): 


727 if len(sys.argv) > 1: 

728 input_file = open(sys.argv[1]) # pylint: disable=R1732 

729 else: 

730 input_file = sys.stdin 

731 vertices = read_input(input_file) 

732 aroots = set(vertices.values()) 

733 try: 

734 while True: 

735 delta = get_max_delta(aroots) 

736 sys.stderr.write("Adjusting by %s\n" % (delta,)) 

737 for root_ in aroots: 

738 root_.adjust_charge(delta) 

739 update_tree_structures(aroots) 

740 except MaximumDualReached: 

741 pass 


743 M = set() 

744 for v in vertices.values(): 

745 M.update(e for e in v.edges if e.selected) 


747 total_weight = sum(e.value for e in M) 

748 print(total_weight) 

749 for e in M: 

750 print("%s %s" % (e, e.value)) 


752 main_blossom()