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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Data related to La Croix-Rouge (Hackathon Microsoft / ENSAE / Croix-Rouge / 2015) 


6import os 

7import io 

8import pandas 

9from pyquickhelper.filehelper import encrypt_stream, decrypt_stream 

10from pyquickhelper.pandashelper import df2rst, df2html 

11from pyquickhelper.loghelper import get_password 

12from .data_exception import ProjectDataException, PasswordException 



15def get_password_from_keyring_or_env(pwd): 

16 """ 

17 Gets the password from `keyring 

18 <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/keyring>`_ first, 

19 then from the environment variables. 


21 @param pwd password to use or None to get it as ``os.environ["PWDCROIXROUGE"]`` 

22 or from `keyring 

23 <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/keyring>`_. 

24 @return password 


26 To set the password for `keyring 

27 <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/keyring>`_: 


29 :: 


31 from pyquickhelper.loghelper import set_password 

32 set_password("HACKATHON2015", "PWDCROIXROUGE", "value") 

33 """ 

34 if pwd is None: 

35 pwd = get_password("HACKATHON2015", "PWDCROIXROUGE", 

36 ask=False) # pylint: disable=E1123 

37 if pwd is None: 

38 if "PWDCROIXROUGE" not in os.environ: 

39 raise PasswordException( 

40 "password not found in environment variables: " 

41 "PWDCROIXROUGE is not set") 

42 pwd = os.environ["PWDCROIXROUGE"] 

43 return bytes(pwd, encoding="ascii") 

44 if not isinstance(pwd, bytes): 

45 return bytes(pwd, encoding="ascii") 

46 return pwd 



49def encrypt_file(infile, outfile, password=None): 

50 """ 

51 Encrypts a file with a specific password. 


53 @param password password for the hackathon, if None, look into 

54 ``os.environ["PWDCROIXROUGE"]`` 

55 @param infile input file 

56 @param outfile output file 

57 @return outfile 

58 """ 

59 password = get_password_from_keyring_or_env(password) 

60 return encrypt_stream(password, infile, outfile) 



63def decrypt_dataframe(infile, password=None, sep="\t", encoding="utf8", **kwargs): 

64 """ 

65 Reads an encrypted dataframe. 


67 @param infile filename 

68 @param password password 

69 @param sep separator 

70 @param encoding encoding 

71 @param kwargs others options for :epkg:`pandas:read_csv` 

72 @return dataframe 

73 """ 

74 password = get_password_from_keyring_or_env(password) 

75 data = decrypt_stream(password, infile) 

76 st = io.BytesIO(data) 

77 df = pandas.read_csv(st, sep=sep, encoding="utf8", **kwargs) 

78 return df 



81def get_meaning(table="invoice", password=None): 

82 """ 

83 Retrieves data related to the meaning of a table. 


85 @param table SINVOICE or SINVOICE_V, ITTMASTER or stojou 

86 @param password password, see @see fn get_password_from_keyring_or_env 

87 @return DataFrame 

88 """ 

89 fold = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) 

90 if table == "invoice": 

91 name = os.path.join( 

92 fold, "hackathon_2015_croix_rouge", "meaning_invoice.enc") 

93 df = decrypt_dataframe(name, password=password) 

94 df.columns = [_.strip() for _ in df.columns] 

95 for c in df.columns: 

96 df[c] = df[c].apply(lambda s: s.strip()) # pylint: disable=E1101,E1137,E1136 

97 df.columns = ["Zone"] + list(df.columns[1:]) 

98 return df 

99 if table in {"ITMMASTER", "SINVOICE", "SINVOICE_V", "stojou"}: 

100 name = os.path.join( 

101 fold, "hackathon_2015_croix_rouge", "%s.schema.enc" % table) 

102 df = decrypt_dataframe(name, password=password, 

103 sep="," if "stojou" in table else "\t") 

104 if table in "ITMMASTER": 

105 df["Zone"] = df.index + 1 

106 df["Zone"] = df.Zone.apply(lambda x: "ITM_%03d" % x) # pylint: disable=E1101,E1137 

107 df.columns = [_.strip() for _ in df.columns] 

108 # we remove column always null 

109 df = df.dropna(axis=1, how='all') # pylint: disable=E1101 

110 return df 

111 raise ProjectDataException( 

112 "unable to find information about table {0}".format(table)) 



115def merge_schema(tables=None, password=None): 

116 """ 

117 Merges schemas of various databases. 


119 @param tables list of tables or None for all 

120 @param password password 

121 @return dataframe with all columns 

122 """ 

123 if tables is None: 

124 tables = ["invoice", "ITMMASTER", "SINVOICE", "SINVOICE_V", "stojou"] 


126 dfs = [get_meaning(tbl, password=password) for tbl in tables] 

127 for df, name in zip(dfs, tables): 

128 df["name"] = name 


130 join = None 

131 for name, df in sorted(zip(tables, dfs)): 

132 nickname = name[0] + name[-1] 

133 df = df.copy() 

134 df.columns = [c + "_" + nickname if c != 

135 "Zone" else c for c in df.columns] 

136 if join is None: 

137 join = df 

138 else: 

139 join = join.merge(df, on="Zone", how="outer", 

140 suffixes=("", "_" + nickname)) 


142 # we merge what can be merged 

143 def merge_values(row, cs): 

144 return", ".join(list(set(row[c] for c in cs if isinstance(row[c], str)))) 


146 for prf in "Typ,Menu,Long,Dim,Act,Intitulé long,Table liée,Expression de lien,Vérification,Obligatoire,RAZ".split(","): 

147 cs = [c for c in join.columns if c.startswith(prf)] 

148 if prf == "Intitulé long": 

149 cs.append("Description_ie") 

150 new_col = join.apply(lambda row, cs=cs: merge_values(row, cs), axis=1) 

151 join = join[[c for c in join.columns if c not in cs]] 

152 join[prf] = new_col 


154 cols = "Zone,name_ie,name_IR,name_SE,name_SV,name_su,Intitulé long" + \ 

155 ",Typ,Menu,Long,Act,Dim,Table liée,Expression de lien,Vérification,Obligatoire,RAZ" 

156 cols = cols.split(",") 

157 join = join.sort_values("Zone") 

158 join = join[cols] 

159 join = join.reset_index(drop=True) 

160 join = join.reset_index(drop=False) 

161 return join 



164def df2rsthtml(df, format="html", fillna=""): # pylint: disable=W0622 

165 """ 

166 Writes a table into RST or HTML format. 


168 @param df dataframe 

169 @param format format 

170 @param fillna fill empty values 

171 @return string 

172 """ 

173 df = df.fillna(fillna) 

174 if format == "html": 

175 return df2html(df) 

176 if format == "rst": 

177 return df2rst(df) 

178 raise ValueError("Unknown format '{0}'".format(format))