Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.automation.ftp_publish_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Helpers to publish the documentation of :epkg:`python` to a website.

import sys
import os
from pyquickhelper.filehelper import TransferFTP, FileTreeNode, FolderTransferFTP
from pyquickhelper.filehelper.ftp_transfer_files import content_as_binary as pqh_content_as_binary
from .teaching_modules import get_teaching_modules

[docs]def trigger_on_specific_strings(content, filename=None, force_allow=None): """ Looks for specific string such as *USERNAME*, *USERDNSDOMAIN*, *HOMEPATH*, *USERNAME*, *COMPUTERNAME*, *LOGONSERVER*, *USER*, *HOME*, *LOGNAME* and returns None if it was found or modifies the content to remove it. :param content: content of a file :param filename: only used when an exception is raised :param force_allow: allow these expressions even if they seem to be credentials :return: modified content :githublink:`%|py|24` """ strep = [('somewhere', 'somewhere'), ('somewhere', 'somewhere')] for env in ['USERNAME', 'USER']: if env in os.environ and os.environ[env] != "jenkins": for sub in ["_data", "GitHub"]: strep.extend([(r"C:\\%s\\__home_\\%s\\" % (os.environ[env], sub), "somewhere"), ("C:\\%s\\__home_\\%s\\" % (os.environ[env], sub), "somewhere"), ("C:\\%s\\__home_\\%s\\" % (os.environ[env], sub), "somewhere"), ("C:%s__home_%s" % (os.environ[env], sub), "somewhere"), ("%s__home_%s" % (os.environ[env], sub), "somewhere") ]) for s, b in strep: if s in content: content = content.replace(s, b) if force_allow is None: force_allow = set() else: force_allow = set(force_allow) lower_content = content.lower() for st in ["USERNAME", "USERDNSDOMAIN", "HOMEPATH", "USERNAME", "COMPUTERNAME", "LOGONSERVER", "USER", 'HOME', 'LOGNAME']: if st in os.environ: s = os.environ[st].lower() if s == 'jenkins': continue if s in ('administrateur', 'administrator'): continue if s not in force_allow and s in lower_content: raise Exception( 'string {0}:{1} was found in\n File "{2}", line 1'.format(st, s, filename)) return content
[docs]def content_as_binary(filename): """ Overloads function `content_as_finary < highlight=content_as_binary#pyquickhelper.filehelper.ftp_transfer_files.content_as_binary>`_ from `pyquickhelper <>`_. Determines if filename is binary or None before transfering it. :param filename: filename :return: boolean :githublink:`%|py|73` """ if pqh_content_as_binary(filename): return True ff = os.path.split(filename)[-1] if ff == "footer.html": return True return False
[docs]def text_transform(ftpp, filename, content): """ If filename is *rss.xml*, replaces the string *__BLOG_ROOT__* by *self._root_web*. :param ftpp: object FolderTransferFTP :param filename: filename :param content: content of the file :return: new content :githublink:`%|py|91` """ if filename.endswith("rss.xml"): web = ftpp._root_web if not web.startswith("http://"): web = "http://" + web.strip("/") ftpp.fLOG("[text_transform] replace __BLOG_ROOT__ by ", web) return content.replace("__BLOG_ROOT__", web) else: return content
[docs]def publish_documentation(docs, ftpsite=None, login=None, password=None, footer_html=None, content_filter=trigger_on_specific_strings, is_binary=content_as_binary, force_allow=None, delay=0.5, exc=False, ftps='FTP', page_transform=None, fLOG=print): """ Publishes the documentation and the setups of a python module on a webiste, it assumes the modules is organized the same way as :epkg:`pyquickhelper`. :param docs: list of dictionaries (see below) :param ftpsite: something like ``ftp.something.`` :param login: login :param password: password :param footer_html: append this HTML code to any uploaded page (such a javascript code to count the audience) :param content_filter: filter the content of a file (it raises an exception if the result is None), appies only on text files :param is_binary: a function to tell if a content of a file is binary or not :param force_allow: a file is not published if it contains something which looks like credentials except if this string is part of *force_allow* :param delay: delay between file transferring (in average) :param exc: raise exception if not able to transfer :param ftps: use protocol FTP, TLS, or SFTP :param page_transform: function which transforms the page before uploading it, :func:`text_transform <ensae_teaching_cs.automation.ftp_publish_helper.text_transform>` :param fLOG: logging function *docs* is a list of dictionaries which must contain for each folder to transfer: - ``local``: local folder - ``root_local``: local paths will be related to this root - ``root_web``: prefix to add to the remote paths - ``status_file``: a file where the function populates the transfered files and some information about them A local file is composed by ``<local_root>/<relative_path>``, it will be uploaded to ``<web_root>/<relative_path>``. :githublink:`%|py|139` """ params = {"ftpsite": ftpsite, "login": login, "password": password} nbnone = len([v for k, v in params.items() if v is None or len(v) == 0]) if nbnone > 0: raise ValueError( "One of the following parameters is not specified:\n{0}".format(params)) nbnone = [v for k, v in params.items() if v is None or len(v) == 0] if len(nbnone) > 0: raise Exception("one of the parameters is None:\n" + str(nbnone)) password = params["password"] login = params["login"] ftpsite = params["ftpsite"] filter_out = "([/\\\\]((moduletoc.html)|(blogtoc.html)|(searchbox.html)))|([.]buildinfo)|([.]pyc)" ftp = TransferFTP(ftpsite, login, password, ftps=ftps, fLOG=fLOG) if page_transform is None: fct_transform = text_transform else: def combined_transform(ftpp, filename, content): text_transform(ftpp, filename, content) page_transform(ftpp, filename, content) fct_transform = combined_transform for project in docs: fLOG("######################################################################") for k, v in sorted(project.items()): fLOG("[publish_documentation] loop {}='{}'".format(k, v)) location = project["local"] root_local = project["root_local"] root_web = project["root_web"] sfile = project["status_file"] rootw = project["root_web"] # documentation + setup fLOG("[publish_documentation] location='{}'".format(location)) ftn = FileTreeNode(root_local) fftp = FolderTransferFTP(ftn, ftp, sfile, root_web=rootw, fLOG=fLOG, footer_html=footer_html, content_filter=content_filter, is_binary=is_binary, text_transform=fct_transform, filter_out=filter_out, force_allow=force_allow, exc=exc) fftp.start_transfering(delay=delay) ftn = FileTreeNode(os.path.join(root_local, ".."), filter=lambda root, path, f, dir: not dir) fftp = FolderTransferFTP(ftn, ftp, sfile, root_web=root_web.replace("helpsphinx", ""), fLOG=fLOG, footer_html=footer_html, content_filter=content_filter, is_binary=is_binary, text_transform=fct_transform, filter_out=filter_out) fftp.start_transfering() ftp.close()
[docs]def publish_teachings_to_web(login, ftpsite="", google_id=None, # pylint: disable=W0102 location="c:\\jenkins\\pymy\\%s\\%s%s\\dist\\%s", rootw="/www/htdocs/app/%s/%s", folder_status=".", layout=[("html", "helpsphinx")], modules=None, password=None, force_allow=None, suffix=("_UT_%d%d_std" % sys.version_info[:2],), delay=0.5, exc=False, exc_transfer=False, transfer=True, additional_projects=None, ftps='FTP', page_transform=None, fLOG=print): """ Copies the documentation to the website. :param login: login :param ftpsite: ftp site :param google_id: google_id :param location: location of Jenkins build :param rootw: root on ftp site :param folder_status: folder status :param modules: list of modules to publish, if None, use :func:`get_teaching_modules <ensae_teaching_cs.automation.teaching_modules.get_teaching_modules>` :param password: if None, if will asked :param layout: last part of the folders :param suffix: suffixes to append to the project name :param force_allow: allow to publish files even if they contain these strings whereas they seem to be credentials :param delay: delay between two files being transferred :param exc: raise exception if not found (True) or skip (False) :param exc_transfer: raise an exception if cannot be transfered :param transfer: starts transfering, otherwise returns the list of transfering task to do :param additional_projects: additional projects :param ftps: use protocol FTP, TLS, or SFTP :param page_transform: function which transforms a page before uploading it, :func:`text_transform <ensae_teaching_cs.automation.ftp_publish_helper.text_transform>` :param fLOG: logging function Example of use:: import sys import os from pyquickhelper.filehelper import TransferFTP, FileTreeNode, FolderTransferFTP from tkinterquickhelper.funcwin import open_window_params from ensae_teaching_cs.automation.ftp_publish_helper import publish_teachings_to_web login = "..." website = "ftp...." rootw = "/www/htdocs/app/%s/%s" password = None publish_teachings_to_web(login, ftpsite=website, google_id="google_id", location="<something>\\\\%s\\\\%s%s\\\\dist\\\\%s", rootw=rootw, folder_status=os.path.abspath("."), password=password) Example of an additional projects: :: other_projects = [dict(status_file="status_projects.txt"), root_local="...", root_web="...")] :githublink:`%|py|272` """ if modules is None: modules = get_teaching_modules() if google_id is None: google_id = "" else: footer = """ <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "{}"; urchinTracker(); </script> """.format(google_id) if password is None and transfer: raise ValueError("password is empty") location = os.path.abspath(location) if folder_status is None: folder_status = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) else: folder_status = os.path.abspath(folder_status) if not isinstance(suffix, (tuple, list)): suffix = [suffix] projects = [] for module in modules: fLOG( "[ensae_teaching_cs] PUBLISH '{0}' - layout '{1}'".format(module, layout)) for lay in layout: for suf in suffix: root = os.path.abspath(location % (module, module, suf, lay[0])) if transfer and os.path.exists(root): break if transfer and not os.path.exists(root): if exc: p = os.path.abspath(location % (module, module, suffix[0], lay[0])) raise FileNotFoundError( "First tried '{0}'\n last tried '{1}'".format(root, p)) else: continue fLOG(" ", root) rw = rootw % (module, lay[1]) project = dict(status_file=os.path.join(folder_status, "status_%s.txt" % module), local=root, root_local=root, root_web=rw) projects.append(project) if module == "ensae_teaching_cs": lay = [_ for _ in layout if _[0] == "html"][0] if transfer and not os.path.exists(root): if exc: raise FileNotFoundError(root) else: continue def _update_path(pth): for a, b in [("\\build", "\\build3"), ("\\html", "\\html3"), ("/build", "/build3"), ("/html", "/html3")]: pth = pth.replace(a, b) return pth local = _update_path(root) fLOG("[ensae_teaching_cs] checking folder '{0}'".format(local)) fLOG("[ensae_teaching_cs] root is '{0}'".format(root)) if os.path.exists(local): fLOG("[ensae_teaching_cs] found '{0}'".format(local)) project = dict(status_file=os.path.join(folder_status, "status_3_%s.txt" % module), local=local, root_local=local, root_web=(rootw % (module, lay[1])).replace("_no_clean", "").replace("/helpsphinx", "/helpsphinx3")) projects.append(project) project = dict(status_file=os.path.join(folder_status, "status_2_%s.txt" % module), local=local, root_local=local, root_web=(rootw % (module, lay[1])).replace("_no_clean", "").replace("/helpsphinx", "/helpsphinx2")) projects.append(project) else: fLOG("[ensae_teaching_cs] looking into DOC1, DOC3") root1 = root.replace("_UT_", "_DOC1_") if transfer: if not os.path.exists(root1): if exc: raise FileNotFoundError(root1) else: pass else: project = dict(status_file=os.path.join(folder_status, "status_doc1_%s.txt" % module), local=root1, root_local=root1, root_web=(rootw % (module, lay[1])).replace("_no_clean", "")) projects.append(project) root3 = root.replace("_UT_", "_DOC3_").replace("html", "html3") if transfer: if not os.path.exists(root3): if exc: raise FileNotFoundError(root3) else: project = dict(status_file=os.path.join(folder_status, "status_doc3_%s.txt" % module), local=root3, root_local=root3, root_web=(rootw % (module, lay[1])).replace("_no_clean", "").replace("/helpsphinx", "/helpsphinx3")) projects.append(project) project = dict(status_file=os.path.join(folder_status, "status_doc2_%s.txt" % module), local=root3, root_local=root3, root_web=(rootw % (module, lay[1])).replace("_no_clean", "").replace("/helpsphinx", "/helpsphinx2")) projects.append(project) # publish if additional_projects: for proj in additional_projects: if 'root_local' not in proj: if 'folder' not in proj: raise KeyError( "Key 'folder' or 'root_local' must be specified in {}.".format(proj)) proj = proj.copy() proj['root_local'] = proj['folder'] if 'folder' not in proj: proj = proj.copy() proj['folder'] = proj['root_local'] if 'local' not in proj: proj = proj.copy() proj['local'] = os.path.dirname(proj['root_local']) projects.append(proj) if transfer: publish_documentation(projects, ftpsite=ftpsite, login=login, password=password, footer_html=footer, force_allow=force_allow, delay=delay, exc=exc_transfer, ftps=ftps, page_transform=page_transform, fLOG=fLOG) return projects