Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.automation_students.git_helper

Some automation helpers to grab mails from students about projects.


import os
import re
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import noLOG, run_cmd
from pyquickhelper.texthelper import remove_diacritics

[docs]def git_clone(local_folder, url_https, user=None, password=None, timeout=60, init=True, fLOG=noLOG): """ Clones a project from a git repository in a non empty local folder, it requires `GIT <>`_ to be installed and uses the command line. :param local_folder: local folder of the project :param url_https: url, example ``https://gitlab.server/folder/project_name`` :param user: part 1 of the credentials :param password: part 2 of the credentials :param timeout: timeout for the command line :param init: see below (True, use fetch, False, use clone) :param fLOG: logging function :return: local_folder If the reposity has already been cloned, it does not do it again. We assume that git can be run without giving its full location. The function executes the following commands (if init is True):: cd [folder] git init git remote add origin [https://user.password@server/project.git] git fetch Otherwise, it does:: cd [folder] git clone origin [https://user.password@server/project.git] git fetch A folder will be created. .. exref:: :tag: Automation :title: Clone many folders in one row :: eleves = "project1;project2;..." root = r"destination" for el in eleves.split(";"): cl = el.lower().replace(".","-") fold = os.path.join(root, el) if not os.path.exists(fold): print("clone", el) url = "https://<gitlab>/<group>/{0}.git".format(cl) git_clone( fold, url,user=user,password=password, init=False,fLOG=print) :githublink:`%|py|63` """ url_user = git_url_user_password(url_https, user, password) timeout = 60 local_folder = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(local_folder)) if init: if not os.path.exists(local_folder): fLOG("creating folder", local_folder) os.mkdir(local_folder) hg = os.path.join(local_folder, ".git") if os.path.exists(hg): raise Exception("folder {0} should not exist".format(local_folder)) if not os.path.exists(hg): cmds = """ cd {0} git init git remote add origin {1} git fetch """.format(local_folder, url_user).replace(" ", "").strip(" \n\r\t") cmd = cmds.replace("\n", "&") sin = "" # "{0}\n".format(password) out, err = run_cmd( cmd, sin=sin, wait=True, timeout=timeout, fLOG=fLOG) git_check_error(out, err, fLOG) return local_folder else: if not os.path.exists(local_folder): fLOG("creating folder", local_folder) os.mkdir(local_folder) hg = os.path.join(local_folder, ".git") if os.path.exists(hg): raise Exception("folder {0} should not exist".format(local_folder)) final = os.path.split(url_user)[-1].replace(".git", "") locf = os.path.join(local_folder, final) if os.path.exists(locf): raise Exception( "folder {0} should not exists before cloning".format(locf)) cmds = """ cd {0} git clone {1} . """.format(local_folder, url_user).replace(" ", "").strip(" \n\r\t") cmd = cmds.replace("\n", "&") sin = "" # "{0}\n".format(password) out, err = run_cmd(cmd, sin=sin, wait=True, timeout=timeout, fLOG=fLOG) git_check_error(out, err, fLOG) return locf
[docs]def git_change_remote_origin(local_folder, url_https, user=None, password=None, add_fetch=False, timeout=10, fLOG=noLOG): """ Changes the origin of the repository. The url and the password refer to the new repository. :param local_folder: local folder :param url_https: url, example ``https://gitlab.server/folder/project_name`` :param user: part 1 of the credentials :param password: part 2 of the credentials :param timeout: timeout for the command line :param add_fetch: add instruction ``fetch`` :param fLOG: logging function :return: something The function runs the instruction:: git remote remove origin git remote add origin url :githublink:`%|py|138` """ url_user = git_url_user_password(url_https, user, password) cmds = """ cd {0} git remote remove origin git remote add origin {1} """.format(local_folder, url_user).replace(" ", "").strip(" \n\r\t") if add_fetch: cmds += "\ngit fetch" cmd = cmds.replace("\n", "&") sin = "" # "{0}\n".format(password) out, err = run_cmd(cmd, sin=sin, wait=True, timeout=timeout, fLOG=fLOG) git_check_error(out, err, fLOG)
[docs]def git_commit_all(local_folder, url_https, message, user=None, password=None, timeout=300, fLOG=noLOG): """ From a git repository, it requires `GIT <>`_ to be installed and uses the command line. :param local_folder: local folder of the project :param url_https: url, example ``https://gitlab.server/folder/project_name`` :param message: message for the commit :param user: part 1 of the credentials :param password: part 2 of the credentials :param timeout: timeout for the command line :param fLOG: logging function :return: None If the reposity has already been cloned, it does not do it again. We assume that git can be run without giving its full location. The function executes the following commands:: cd [folder] git add -A git commit -m "[message]" git push -u origin master :githublink:`%|py|179` """ cmds = """ cd {0} git add -A git commit -m "{1}" git push -u origin master """.format(local_folder, message).replace(" ", "").strip(" \n\r\t") cmd = cmds.replace("\n", "&") sin = "" # "{0}\n".format(password) out, err = run_cmd(cmd, sin=sin, wait=True, timeout=timeout, fLOG=fLOG) git_check_error(out, err, fLOG)
[docs]def git_first_commit_all_projects(local_folder, user=None, password=None, timeout=300, suivi="suivi.rst", fLOG=noLOG): """ :param local_folder: folder :param user: part 1 of the credentials :param password: part 2 of the credentials :param timeout: timeout for the command line :param suivi: file to open to get the gitlab account :param fLOG: logging function :return: None or ( local_folder, gitlab ) :githublink:`%|py|202` """ if not os.path.exists(local_folder): raise FileNotFoundError(local_folder) filename = os.path.join(local_folder, suivi) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(filename) with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: content = _gitlab_regex = re.compile(".+1.*") gitlab = _gitlab_regex.findall(content) if len(gitlab) == 0: raise Exception( "unable to find the regular expression {0} in {1}".format( _gitlab_regex.pattern, filename)) if not isinstance(gitlab, list): raise TypeError("we expect a list for: " + str(gitlab)) if len(gitlab) != 1: raise Exception( "more than one gitlab repo is mentioned {0} in {1}".format( _gitlab_regex.pattern, filename)) gitlab = gitlab[0] fLOG("* gitlab", gitlab) g = os.path.join(local_folder, ".git") commit = None if not os.path.exists(g): fLOG("* initialize", local_folder) git_clone(local_folder, gitlab, user=user, password=password, fLOG=fLOG) sub = os.path.split(local_folder)[-1] fLOG("* first commit ", gitlab) git_commit_all(local_folder, gitlab, "first commit to " + sub, user=user, password=password, fLOG=print) commit = local_folder, gitlab return commit
[docs]def create_folders_from_dataframe(df, root, report="suivi.rst", col_student="Eleves", col_group="Groupe", col_subject="Sujet", overwrite=False, email_function=None): """ Creates a series of folders for groups of students. :param root: where to create the folders :param col_student: column which contains the student name (firt name + last name) :param col_group: index of the grou :param col_subject: column which contains the subject :param df: DataFrame :param email_function: function which infers email from first and last names, see below :param report: report file :param overwrite: if False, skip if the report already exists :return: list of creates folders The function *email_function* has the following signature:: def email_function(first_name, last_name): # .... :githublink:`%|py|265` """ def split_name(name): name = remove_diacritics(name).split(" ") first = name[-1] last = " ".join(name[:-1]) return first, last def ul(last): res = "" for i, c in enumerate(last): if c == " ": res += "_" elif i == 0 or last[i - 1] in [" ", "-", "_"]: res += c.upper() else: res += c.lower() return res folds = [] gr = df.groupby(col_group) for name, group in gr: s = list(set(group[col_subject].copy())) if len(s) > 1: raise Exception( "more than one subject for group: " + str(name) + "\n" + str(s)) # subject = s[0] eleves = list(group[col_student]) names = [(_,) + split_name(_) for _ in eleves] eleves.sort() title = ", ".join(eleves) content = [title] content.append("=" * len(title)) content.append("") content.append("* subject: " + title) content.append("* G: %d" % int(name)) if email_function is not None: mails = [email_function(a[1], a[2]) for a in names] jmail = "; ".join(mails) content.append("* mails: " + jmail) content.append("") content.append("") last = ".".join(ul(a[-1]) for a in sorted(names)) folder = os.path.join(root, last) filename = os.path.join(folder, report) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) if overwrite or not os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("\n".join(content)) folds.append(folder) return folds
[docs]def get_sections(path, suivi="suivi.rst"): """ Extracts sections from a filename used to follow a group of students. :param path: where to find filename :param suivi: file, RST format, section are followed by ``+++++`` :return: dictionary { section : content } Example of a file:: rapport +++++++ * bla 1 extrait +++++++ :: paragraphe 1 paragraphe 2 :githublink:`%|py|353` """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(path) filename = os.path.join(path, suivi) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(filename) try: with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: content = except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise ValueError( 'unable to parse file:\n File "{0}", line 1'.format(filename)) from e lines = [_.strip("\r").rstrip() for _ in content.split("\n")] added_in = [] sections = {"": []} title = "" for i, line in enumerate(lines): if len(line) == 0: sections[title].append(line) added_in.append(title) else: f = line[0] if f == " ": if title is not None: sections[title].append(line) added_in.append(title) else: sections[""].append(line) added_in.append("") elif f in "=+-": if line == f * len(line): title = lines[i - 1] if len(added_in) > 0: t = added_in[-1] sections[t] = sections[t][:-1] added_in[-1] = title if f == "=": sections["title"] = [title] added_in.append("title") title = "title" else: sections[title] = [] added_in.append(title) else: sections[title].append(line) added_in.append(title) else: sections[title].append(line) added_in.append(title) return sections
[docs]def git_url_user_password(url_https, user, password): """ Builds a url (starting with https) and add the user and the password to skip the authentification. :param url_https: example ``https://gitlab.server/folder/project_name`` :param user: part 1 of the credentials :param password: part 2 of the credentials :return: url :githublink:`%|py|417` """ url_user = url_https.replace( "https://", "https://{0}:{1}@".format(user, password)) return url_user
[docs]def git_check_error(out, err, fLOG): """ Private function, analyse the output. :githublink:`%|py|426` """ if len(out) > 0: fLOG("OUT:\n" + out) if len(err) > 0: if "error" in err.lower(): raise Exception("OUT:\n{0}\nERR:\n{1}".format(out, err)) raise Exception(err)