Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.cli.code

Starts an app locally to test it.

from ..helpers import enumerate_inspect_source_code

[docs]def inspect_source_code(folder, file_pattern=".*[.]((py)|(ipynb))$", line_patterns="from sklearn[_0-9a-zA-Z.]* import ([_a-zA-Z0-9]+);;import sklearn[.]([_a-z]+)", neg_pattern=".*(([-]checkpoint)|(_todo)|(_temp)).*", fullname=False, fLOG=print): """ Counts groups extracted from source file. We assume all selected files can be opened as text files encoded in :epkg:`utf-8` character set. Prints the results on the standard output. First line is a header. :param folder: folder to dig into :param file_pattern: files to consider :param neg_pattern: negative patterns for filenames :param line_patterns: patterns to look into, separated by ``;;`` :param fullname: if True, include the subfolder while checking the regex :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of dictionaries :githublink:`%|py|24` """ cols = None for obs in enumerate_inspect_source_code(folder, file_pattern=file_pattern, neg_pattern=neg_pattern, line_patterns=line_patterns, fullname=fullname): if cols is None: cols = list(sorted(obs)) fLOG(",".join(cols)) values = [str(obs[k]) for k in cols] fLOG(",".join(values))