Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.copyfile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copy files

import os
import shutil
import datetime
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG
from .clean_python_script_before_exporting_outside import cleanFileFromtohtmlreplace
from .utils_file import checksum_md5
from .latex_svg_gif import replace_file

class FileToCopy:

    def __init__(self, filename, size, date, mdate, checksum):

        self.filename = filename
        self.size = size = date
        self.mdate = mdate    # modification date
        self.checksum = checksum
        if date is not None and not isinstance(, datetime.datetime):
            raise ValueError(  # pragma: no cover
                "mismatch for date (%s) and file %s" %
                (str(type(date)), filename))
        if mdate is not None and not isinstance(self.mdate, datetime.datetime):
            raise ValueError(  # pragma: no cover
                "mismatch for mdate (%s) and file %s" %
                (str(type(mdate)), filename))
        if not isinstance(size, int):
            raise ValueError(  # pragma: no cover
                "mismatch for size (%s) and file %s" %
                (str(type(size)), filename))
        if checksum is not None and not isinstance(checksum, str):
            raise ValueError(  # pragma: no cover
                "mismatch for checksum (%s) and file %s" %
                (str(type(checksum)), filename))
        if date is not None and mdate is not None:
            if mdate > date:
                raise ValueError(
                    "expecting mdate <= date for file " + filename)

    def __str__(self):
        return "File[name=%s, size=%d (%s), mdate=%s (%s), date=%s (%s), md5=%s (%s)]" % \
             self.size, str(type(self.size)),
             str(self.mdate), str(type(self.mdate)),
             str(, str(type(,
             self.checksum, str(type(self.checksum)))

    def set_date(self, date): = date
        if not isinstance(, datetime.datetime):
            raise ValueError("mismatch for date (%s) and file %s" %
                             (str(type(date)), self.filename))

    def set_mdate(self, mdate):
        self.mdate = mdate
        if not isinstance(self.mdate, datetime.datetime):
            raise ValueError("mismatch for date (%s) and file %s" %
                             (str(type(mdate)), self.filename))

    def set_md5(self, checksum):
        self.checksum = checksum
        if not isinstance(checksum, str):
            raise ValueError("mismatch for checksum (%s) and file %s" %
                             (str(type(checksum)), self.filename))

[docs]class CopyFileForFtp: """ This classes maintains a list of files and does some verifications in order to check if a file was modified or not (if yes, then it will be updated to the website). :githublink:`%|py|77` """ @staticmethod def convert_st_date_to_datetime(t): if isinstance(t, str): if "." in t: return datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") return datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)
[docs] def __init__(self, file, logfunction=fLOG, bloggiflatex="blog/giflatex/", giflatex="giflatex", giflatextemp="giflatex/temp", specificTrigger=False): self.copyFiles = {} self.fileKeep = file self.LOG = logfunction self.bloggiflatex = bloggiflatex self.giflatex = giflatex self.giflatextemp = giflatextemp self.specificTrigger = specificTrigger if os.path.exists(self.fileKeep): # pragma: no cover f = open(self.fileKeep, "r") for _ in f.readlines(): spl = _.strip("\r\n ").split("\t") try: if len(spl) >= 2: a, b = spl[:2] obj = FileToCopy(a, int(b), None, None, None) if len(spl) > 2 and len(spl[2]) > 0: obj.set_date( CopyFileForFtp.convert_st_date_to_datetime(spl[2])) if len(spl) > 3 and len(spl[3]) > 0: obj.set_mdate( CopyFileForFtp.convert_st_date_to_datetime(spl[3])) if len(spl) > 4 and len(spl[4]) > 0: obj.set_md5(spl[4]) self.copyFiles[a] = obj else: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "expecting a filename and a date on this line: " + _) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover fLOG("issue with line", _, spl) raise e f.close() # contains all file to update self.modifiedFile = []
[docs] def save_dates(self, checkfile=None): """ Saves the status of the copy. :param checkfile: check the status for file checkfile :githublink:`%|py|134` """ if checkfile is None: checkfile = [] rows = [] for k in sorted(self.copyFiles): obj = self.copyFiles[k] da = "" if is None else str( mda = "" if obj.mdate is None else str(obj.mdate) sum5 = "" if obj.checksum is None else str(obj.checksum) if k in checkfile and len(da) == 0: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "there should be a date for file " + k + "\n" + str(obj)) if k in checkfile and len(mda) == 0: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "there should be a mdate for file " + k + "\n" + str(obj)) if k in checkfile and len(sum5) <= 10: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "there should be a checksum( for file " + k + "\n" + str(obj)) values = [k, str(obj.size), da, mda, sum5] sval = "%s\n" % "\t".join(values) if "\tNone" in sval: raise AssertionError( "this case should happen " + sval + "\n" + str(obj)) rows.append(sval) f = open(self.fileKeep, "w") for r in rows: f.write(r) f.close()
[docs] def has_been_modified_and_reason(self, file): """ Returns True, reason if a file was modified or False, None if not. :param file: filename :return: True,reason or False,None :githublink:`%|py|173` """ res = True reason = None if file not in self.copyFiles: reason = "new" res = True else: obj = self.copyFiles[file] st = os.stat(file) if st.st_size != obj.size: reason = "size %s != old size %s" % ( str(st.st_size), str(obj.size)) res = True else: l_ = obj.mdate _m = st.st_mtime d = CopyFileForFtp.convert_st_date_to_datetime(_m) if d != l_: # les dates sont différentes mais les fichiers peuvent être # différents if obj.checksum is not None: ch = checksum_md5(file) if ch != obj.checksum: reason = "date/md5 %s != old date %s md5 %s != %s" % ( str(l_), str(d), obj.checksum, ch) res = True else: res = False else: # on ne peut pas savoir, dans le doute, on s'abstient res = False else: # mda.... mais pas sûr (la date n'a pas changé) res = False if res: self.modifiedFile.append((file, reason)) return res, reason
[docs] def add_if_modified(self, file): """ Adds a file to self.modifiedList if it was modified. :param file: filename :return: True or False :githublink:`%|py|219` """ res, reason = self.has_been_modified_and_reason(file) if res: memo = [_ for _ in self.modifiedFile if _[0] == file] if len(memo) == 0: # not already added self.modifiedFile.append((file, reason)) return res
[docs] def update_copied_file(self, file): """ Updates the file in copyFiles (before saving), update all field. :param file: filename :return: file object :githublink:`%|py|234` """ st = os.stat(file) size = st.st_size mdate = CopyFileForFtp.convert_st_date_to_datetime(st.st_mtime) date = md = checksum_md5(file) obj = FileToCopy(file, size, date, mdate, md) self.copyFiles[file] = obj return obj
[docs] def copy_file(self, file, to, doFTP=True, doClean=False, to_is_a_file=False): """ Processes a file copy. :param file: file to copy :param to: destination (folder) :param doFTP: if True, does some latex modifications (creates an image) :param doClean: if True, does some cleaning before the copy (for script in pyhome having section such as the one in :param to_is_a_file: it means to is a file, not a folder :githublink:`%|py|254` """ if doClean and doFTP: raise AssertionError( "this case is not meant to happen, doClean and doFTP, set up at the same time") if len(to) == 0: raise ValueError("an empty folder is not allowed for parameter to") folder = to if not os.path.exists(folder): ffff, last = os.path.split(to) if to_is_a_file: folder = ffff elif "." in last: raise ValueError("are you sure to is not a file :" + to + "?") if not os.path.exists(folder): self.LOG("[copy_file] creating folder ", folder) os.makedirs(folder) if doFTP: if file not in self.copyFiles or \ os.stat(file).st_size != self.copyFiles[file].size: # some exception for latex if self.specificTrigger and "2013-02-04" not in file and \ file.endswith(".html") and "-" in file: fLOG("[copy_file] latex exception for: ", file) replace_file(file, file, self.bloggiflatex, self.giflatex, self.LOG, self.giflatextemp) if not os.path.exists(to): self.LOG("[copy_file] creating directory ", to) os.mkdir(to) self.LOG("[copy_file] copy of '{}' to '{}'.".format(file, to)) reason = "new" if file not in self.copyFiles else \ ("new size %s != old size %s" % (str(os.stat(file).st_size), str(self.copyFiles[file].size))) try: try: shutil.copy(file, to) except shutil.SameFileError: # pragma: no cover pass self.modifiedFile.append((file, reason)) return to except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.LOG( "[copy_file] issue with '{}' copy to '{}'.".format(file, to)) self.LOG( "[copy_file] message d'erreur {}: {}".format(type(e), e)) return to else: try: shutil.copy(file, to) if not os.path.isfile(to): to = os.path.join(to, os.path.split(file)[-1]) fLOG("copy ", file, " as ", to) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.LOG("issue with ", file, " copy to ", to) self.LOG("message d'erreur ", e) if doClean: f = open(to, "r") content = f.close() newcontent = cleanFileFromtohtmlreplace(content) if newcontent != content: fLOG(" cleaning python script ", to) f = open(to, "w") f.write(newcontent) f.close() return to
[docs] def copy_file_ext(self, file, exte, to, doFTP=True, doClean=False): """ :meth:`copy_file <ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.copyfile.CopyFileForFtp.copy_file>`, :githublink:`%|py|335` """ res = [] if not os.path.exists(file): raise FileNotFoundError(file) nb = 0 fi = os.listdir(file) for f in fi: if not os.path.isfile(file + "/" + f): continue ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1] if exte is None or ext[1:] == exte: self.copy_file(file + "/" + f, to, doFTP, doClean) res.append(file + "/" + f) nb += 1 if nb == 0: raise RuntimeError("No file found in '{}'.".format(file)) return res
[docs] def copy_file_contains(self, file, pattern, to, doFTP=True, doClean=False): """ :meth:`copy_file <ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.copyfile.CopyFileForFtp.copy_file>` :githublink:`%|py|356` """ fi = os.listdir(file) nb = 0 for f in fi: if not os.path.isfile(file + "/" + f): continue if pattern in f: self.copy_file(file + "/" + f, to, doFTP, doClean) nb += 1 if nb == 0: raise RuntimeError("No file found in '{}'.".format(file))