Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.latex_helper

Various function about processing latex file

import os
from .latex_file import LatexFile

[docs]def explore_folder_produce_code_html(files, header, footer, destination, classpre="prettyprint", classpre_type="brush: {0}", classcom="codeintro", skip_missing=False): """ Explores a list of files, extract all pieces of code and produces html page for each latex file :param files: list of 2uple [ (file, title) ] :param header: header for html file, must contain two ``%s`` for the title (header + body) :param footer: footer :param destination: where to put the produced html file, name is the file with the extension replaced by .html :param classpre: class for pre :param classpre_type: if the type can be guessed, then this template will used instead of the first one :param classcom: class for the comment :param skip_missing: skip missing file (True) or raise an exception (False) :return: list of produced file :githublink:`%|py|25` """ res = [] for file in files: tex, title = file lat = LatexFile(tex) html = [header % (title, title)] html.append(lat.code_in_html( classpre=classpre, classpre_type=classpre_type, classcom=classcom, skip_missing=skip_missing)) html.append(footer) filh = os.path.split(tex)[-1] filh = os.path.splitext(filh)[0] filh = os.path.join(destination, filh + ".html") with open(filh, "w", encoding="utf8") as h: h.write("\n".join(html)) res.append(filh) return res