Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.pyhomeftp

provides some functionalities to upload file to a website

.. deprecated:: 0.8

from ftplib import FTP
import os
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG

[docs]class pyhomeFTP (FTP): """ Old version to upload file on a FTP web site :githublink:`%|py|15` """ errorNoDirectory = "Can't change directory"
[docs] def __init__(self, site, login, password): """ constructor :githublink:`%|py|21` """ FTP.__init__(self, site, login, password)
def privatelogin(self): fLOG("connecting") FTP.login(self) def RunCommand(self, command, *args): try: t = command(self, *args) if command == FTP.pwd or command == FTP.dir: return t elif command != FTP.cwd: fLOG(" ** run ", str(command), str(args)) return True except Exception as e: if pyhomeFTP.errorNoDirectory in str(e): raise e fLOG(e) fLOG(" ** run exc ", str(command), str(args)) self.privatelogin() command(self, *args) fLOG(" ** run ", str(command), str(args)) return False def printlist(self): return self.RunCommand(FTP.retrlines, 'LIST')
[docs] def close(self): fLOG("disconnecting") FTP.quit(self)
[docs] def mkd(self, path): return self.RunCommand(FTP.mkd, path)
[docs] def cwd(self, path, create=False): try: self.RunCommand(FTP.cwd, path) except Exception as e: if create and pyhomeFTP.errorNoDirectory in str(e): fLOG("** creating directory ", path) self.mkd(path) self.cwd(path, create) else: raise e
[docs] def pwd(self): return self.RunCommand(FTP.pwd)
[docs] def dir(self, path='.'): return self.RunCommand(FTP.dir, path)
[docs] def transfer(self, file, to, debug=False): """ transfers a file :param file: file :param to: destination :param debug: if True, displays more information :return: status :githublink:`%|py|80` """ path = to.split("/") path = [_ for _ in path if len(_) > 0] temp = os.path.split(file)[-1] fLOG("-- upload ", temp, "to", to) if debug: fLOG(" -- path", path) fLOG(" -- pwd", self.pwd()) for p in path: if debug: fLOG(" -- cwd", p) self.cwd(p, True) if debug: fLOG(" -- transferring", file) with open(file, "rb") as f: r = self.RunCommand(FTP.storbinary, 'STOR ' + temp, f) for p in path: if debug: fLOG(" -- cwd", "..") self.cwd("..") return r