Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.special.einstein_prolog

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This programs solves `Einstein's riddle <>`_ ou en
Français `Intégramme <>`_. The algorithm is based
on logic and its `clause <>`_.

import copy

#: definition of all possible values (French terms)
#: colors
ttcouleur = ["jaune", "bleu", "rouge", "blanc", "vert"]
#: nationalities
ttnationalite = ["danois", "norvegien", "anglais", "allemand", "suedois"]
#: drinks
ttboisson = ["eau", "the", "lait", "cafe", "biere"]
#: smoke  brand
ttcigare = ["Dunhill", "Blend", "Pall Mall", "Prince", "Bluemaster"]
#: animal
ttanimal = ["chats", "cheval", "oiseaux", "poisson", "chiens"]

#: all possibles values
ensemble = [ttcouleur, ttnationalite, ttboisson, ttcigare, ttanimal]

[docs]def permutation(nb): """ Compute all permutations of set [[ 1, 2, ..., nb ]]. Example for 3: :: [[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1], [1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1], [2, 1, 0]] :param nb: permutation over the set [[1..n]] :return: list of all possible permutations .. warning:: This method can be very long if nb is high (>10). This function does something very similar to `itertools.permutations <>`_. :githublink:`%|py|44` """ per = [] p = [i for i in range(0, nb)] while p[0] < nb: next = False for i in range(1, nb): if p[i] in p[0:i]: next = True break if not next: per.append(copy.copy(p)) p[nb - 1] += 1 for j in range(nb - 1, 0, -1): if p[j] >= nb: p[j] = 0 p[j - 1] += 1 return per
[docs]class Rule: """ This class defines a constraint of the problem or a clause (see ``) There are 5 different types of clauses described by Einstein's enigma each of them is described by a different class. There are defined by classes: :class:`RulePosition <ensae_teaching_cs.special.einstein_prolog.RulePosition>`, :class:`RuleEquivalence`, :class:`RuleVoisin`, :class:`RuleAvant <ensae_teaching_cs.special.einstein_prolog.RuleAvant>`, :class:`RuleEnsemble`. :githublink:`%|py|76` """
[docs] def __init__(self): #: name of the rule = None #: set of clauses self.set = None
[docs] def genere(self): """ Generates all possible clauses (list of lists) (l [0][0] et l [0][1]) ou (l [1][0] et l [1][1]), a clause is a triplet of (person, (property, category) ) :githublink:`%|py|90` """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def __str__(self): """ display :githublink:`%|py|96` """ if is not None: if not hasattr(self, "clauses"): s = + " \t: " a = self.genere() for al in a: st = "\n ou " + str(al) if len(st) > 260: st = st[:260] + "..." s += st if len(s) > 1000: break return s else: s = + " \t: " + str(self.set) for al in self.clauses: st = "\n ou " + str(al) if len(st) > 260: st = st[:260] + "..." s += st if len(s) > 1000: break return s else: return None
[docs] def combine(self, cl1, cl2): """ combine two clauses, two cases : 1. nothing in common or everything in common --> concatenation of clauses 2. a position or a property in common --> null clause :param cl1: clause 1 :param cl2: clause 2 :return: the new clause A clause is a :class:`Rule <ensae_teaching_cs.special.einstein_prolog.Rule>`. :githublink:`%|py|133` """ # incompatibility for p1 in cl1: for p2 in cl2: if p1[1][0] == p2[1][0]: # same property if p1[0] != p2[0]: # but different positions return None if p1[0] == p2[0]: # same person if p1[1][1] == p2[1][1] and p1[1][0] != p2[1][0]: # same category but different properties return None # compatibility r = copy.deepcopy(cl1) for c in cl2: if c not in r: r.append(c) return r
[docs] def combine_cross_sets(self, set1, set2): """ combines two sets of clauses :param set1: set of clauses 1 :param set2: set of clauses 2 :return: combination :githublink:`%|py|157` """ if len(set1) == 0: return copy.deepcopy(set2) if len(set2) == 0: return copy.deepcopy(set1) res = [] for cl1 in set1: for cl2 in set2: r = self.combine(cl1, cl2) if r is not None: res.append(r) return res
[docs]class RulePosition(Rule): """ p1 at position :githublink:`%|py|174` """
[docs] def __init__(self, p1, pos): Rule.__init__(self) self.set = [p1] = "position" self.position = pos
[docs] def genere(self): """ overrides method ``genere`` :githublink:`%|py|185` """ return [[(self.position, self.set[0])]]
[docs]class RuleEquivalence(Rule): """ p1 equivalent to p2 :githublink:`%|py|192` """
[docs] def __init__(self, p1, p2): Rule.__init__(self) self.set = [p1, p2] = "equivalence"
[docs] def genere(self): """ overrides method ``genere`` :githublink:`%|py|202` """ lt = [] for i in range(0, 5): lt.append([(i, self.set[0]), (i, self.set[1])]) return lt
[docs]class RuleVoisin(Rule): """ p1 and p2 are neighbors :githublink:`%|py|212` """
[docs] def __init__(self, p1, p2): Rule.__init__(self) self.set = [p1, p2] = "voisin"
[docs] def genere(self): """ overrides method ``genere`` :githublink:`%|py|222` """ lt = [] for i in range(0, 4): lt.append([(i, self.set[0]), (i + 1, self.set[1])]) lt.append([(i + 1, self.set[0]), (i, self.set[1])]) return lt
[docs]class RuleAvant(Rule): """ p1 before p2 :githublink:`%|py|233` """
[docs] def __init__(self, p1, p2): Rule.__init__(self) self.set = [p1, p2] = "avant"
[docs] def genere(self): """ overrides method ``genere`` :githublink:`%|py|243` """ lt = [] for j in range(1, 5): for i in range(0, j): lt.append([(i, self.set[0]), (j, self.set[1])]) return lt
[docs]class RuleEnsemble(Rule): """ permutation of the elements of a category :githublink:`%|py|255` """
[docs] def __init__(self, sets, categorie): Rule.__init__(self) self.set = [(s, categorie) for s in sets] = "ensemble"
[docs] def genere(self): """ overrides method ``genere`` :githublink:`%|py|265` """ lt = [] per = permutation(5) for p in per: tl = [] for i in range(0, len(p)): tl.append((i, self.set[p[i]])) lt.append(tl) return lt
[docs]class Enigma: """ this class solves the enigma :githublink:`%|py|280` """
[docs] def __init__(self, display=True): """ we describe the enigma using the classes we defined above :param display: if True, use print to print some information :githublink:`%|py|286` """ self.regle = [] self.regle.append(RulePosition(self.find("lait"), 2)) self.regle.append(RulePosition(self.find("norvegien"), 0)) self.regle.append( RuleEquivalence( self.find("Pall Mall"), self.find("oiseaux"))) self.regle.append( RuleEquivalence( self.find("anglais"), self.find("rouge"))) self.regle.append( RuleEquivalence( self.find("suedois"), self.find("chiens"))) self.regle.append( RuleEquivalence( self.find("danois"), self.find("the"))) self.regle.append( RuleEquivalence( self.find("vert"), self.find("cafe"))) self.regle.append( RuleEquivalence( self.find("jaune"), self.find("Dunhill"))) self.regle.append( RuleEquivalence( self.find("biere"), self.find("Bluemaster"))) self.regle.append( RuleEquivalence( self.find("allemand"), self.find("Prince"))) self.regle.append( RuleVoisin( self.find("Dunhill"), self.find("cheval"))) self.regle.append( RuleVoisin( self.find("norvegien"), self.find("bleu"))) self.regle.append(RuleVoisin(self.find("Blend"), self.find("eau"))) self.regle.append(RuleVoisin(self.find("Blend"), self.find("chats"))) self.regle.append(RuleAvant(self.find("vert"), self.find("blanc"))) self.regle.append(RuleEnsemble(ttcouleur, 0)) self.regle.append(RuleEnsemble(ttnationalite, 1)) self.regle.append(RuleEnsemble(ttboisson, 2)) self.regle.append(RuleEnsemble(ttcigare, 3)) self.regle.append(RuleEnsemble(ttanimal, 4)) for r in self.regle: r.clauses = r.genere() r.utilise = False self.count = 0
[docs] def find(self, p): """ finds a clause in the different sets of clause (houses, colors, ...) :param p: clause :return: tuple (clause, position) :githublink:`%|py|356` """ for i in range(0, len(ensemble)): if p in ensemble[i]: return (p, i) return None
[docs] def __str__(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|365` """ if "solution" not in self.__dict__ or self.solution is None or len( self.solution) == 0: if self.count > 0: s = "solution impossible apres " + \ str(self.count) + " iterations \n" else: s = "" for r in self.regle: s += str(r) + "\n" return s else: sr = ["solution, iteration " + str(self.count)] matrix = [list(" " * 5) for _ in range(0, 5)] for row in self.solution: i = row[0] j = row[1][1] s = row[1][0] matrix[i][j] = s + " " * (10 - len(s)) for row in matrix: sr.append(", ".join(row)) classic = "\n".join(sr[1:]) html = classic.replace(",", "</td><tr>").replace("\n", "</td></tr>\n<tr><td>") return sr[0] + "\n" + "\n".join([ classic, "<table>", "<tr><td>" + html + "</td></tr>", "</table>"])
[docs] def solve(self, solution=None, logf=print): # solution = [ ]) : """ Solves the enigma by eploring in deepness, the method is recursive :param solution: [] empty at the beginning, recursively used then :return: solution :githublink:`%|py|403` """ if solution is None: solution = [] self.count += 1 if self.count % 10 == 0: logf( "*", self.count, " - properties in place : ", len(solution) - 1) if len(solution) == 25: # we know the solution must contain 25 clauses, # if are here than the problem is solved unless some # incompatibility for r in self.regle: cl = r.combine_cross_sets([solution], r.clauses) if cl is None or len(cl) == 0: # the solution is incompatible with a solution return None self.solution = solution return solution # we are looking for the rule which generates the least possible clauses # in order to reduce the number of possibilities as much as possible # the research could be represented as a tree, we avoid creating two # many paths best = None rule = None for r in self.regle: cl = r.combine_cross_sets([solution], r.clauses) if cl is None: # the solution is incompatible with a solution return None # we check rule r is bringing back some results for c in cl: if len(c) > len(solution): break else: cl = None if cl is not None and (best is None or len(best) > len(cl)): best = cl rule = r if best is None: # the solution is incompatible with a solution return None rule.utilise = True # we test all clauses for c in best: r = self.solve(c, logf=logf) if r is not None: # we found return r rule.utilise = False # impossible return None
if __name__ == "__main__": en = Enigma() print(en) print("-----------------------------\n") en.solve() print("-----------------------------\n") print(en)