.. image:: pystat.png :height: 20 :alt: Statistique :target: http://www.xavierdupre.fr/app/ensae_teaching_cs/helpsphinx/td_2a_notions.html#pour-un-profil-plutot-data-scientist .. _l-ml2a-bandits: Bandits +++++++ *(à venir)* *Lectures* * `Modeles de bandit : une histoire bayésienne et fréquentiste `_ * `Bandit theory, part I `_ * `Bandit theory, part II `_ * `Kernel-based methods for bandit convex optimization, part 1 `_ * `Kernel-based methods for bandit convex optimization, part 2 `_ * `Kernel-based methods for bandit convex optimization, part 3 `_ * `Learning to Interact `_ (John Langford) * `Batch Learning from Logged Bandit Feedback through Counterfactual Risk Minimization `_ * `Stochastic Structured Prediction under Bandit Feedback `_ * `Thompson sampling with the online bootstrap `_ (à lire) * `Trial without Error: Towards Safe Reinforcement Learning via Human Intervention `_ * `Corrupt Bandits for Preserving Local Privacy `_ * `Multi-Player Bandits Revisited `_ * `Learning the distribution with largest mean: two bandit frameworks `_ * `Analyse de stratégies bayésiennes et fréquentistes pour l’allocation séquentielle de ressources `_ (thèse) *Modules* * `SMPyBandits `_, `SMPyBandits, a Research Framework for Single and Multi-Players Multi-Arms Bandits Algorithms in Python `_