.. image:: pystat.png :height: 20 :alt: Statistique :target: http://www.xavierdupre.fr/app/ensae_teaching_cs/helpsphinx/td_2a_notions.html#pour-un-profil-plutot-data-scientist .. _l-td2a-reinforcement-learning-marl: Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Lectures* * `Decentralised Learning in Systems with Many, Many Strategic Agents `_ * `Developing a Python Reinforcement Learning Library for Traffic Simulation `_ * `Multiagent Reinforcement Learning: Theoretical Framework and an Algorithm `_ * `Reinforcement Learning and Nonparametric Detection of Game-Theoretic Equilibrium Play in Social Networks `_ * `Efficient Learning Equilibrium `_ * `Paper Collection of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) `_ * `A reinforcement learning algorithm for building collaboration in multi-agent systems `_ *Modules* * `pyrl `_ (pas vraiment finie) * `streamingbandit `_ *Environnements* * `OpenAI Gym `_, l'outil propose une formalisation qui permet de tester les algorithmes d'apprentissage par renforcements pour ses propres expériences ou pour des contextes ou jeu prédéfinies. Cela peut aboutir à ce type d'expérience : `OpenAI Gym for NES games + DQN with Keras to learn Mario Bros. from raw pixels `_.