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3@brief Simple simulation of an epidemic. It makes a couple of assumption 

4on how the disease is transmitted and its effect on a person. The user 

5can specify many parameters. 


7import random 

8import copy 

9import os 

10from collections import Counter 

11from pyquickhelper.loghelper import noLOG 

12from ..helpers.pygame_helper import wait_event, empty_main_loop 



15class Point: 

16 """ 

17 Defines a point. 

18 """ 


20 def __init__(self, x, y): 

21 """ 

22 constructor 


24 @param x x 

25 @param y y 

26 """ 

27 self.x, self.y = float(x), float(y) 


29 def norm(self): 

30 """ 

31 return the norm l2 

32 """ 

33 return (self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2) ** 0.5 


35 def __add__(self, p): 

36 """ 

37 addition 

38 """ 

39 return Point(self.x + p.x, self.y + p.y) 


41 def __sub__(self, p): 

42 """ 

43 soustraction 

44 """ 

45 return Point(self.x - p.x, self.y - p.y) 


47 def __mul__(self, p): 

48 """ 

49 multiplication by a scalar 

50 """ 

51 return Point(self.x * p, self.y * p) 


53 def __div__(self, p): 

54 """ 

55 division by a scalar 

56 """ 

57 return Point(self.x / p, self.y / p) 


59 def __iadd__(self, p): 

60 """ 

61 addition inplace 

62 """ 

63 self.x += p.x 

64 self.y += p.y 

65 return self 


67 def __isub__(self, p): 

68 """ 

69 soustraction inplace 

70 """ 

71 self.x -= p.x 

72 self.y -= p.y 

73 return self 


75 def __imul__(self, p): 

76 """ 

77 multiplication by a scalar inplace 

78 """ 

79 self.x *= p 

80 self.y *= p 

81 return self 


83 def __idiv__(self, p): 

84 """ 

85 divsion by a scalar inplace 

86 """ 

87 self.x /= p 

88 self.y /= p 

89 return self 



92class Rect: 

93 """ 

94 Defines a rectangle. 

95 """ 


97 def __init__(self, a, b): 

98 """ 

99 constructor 


101 @param a Point 

102 @param b Point 

103 """ 

104 self.a = a 

105 self.b = b 


107 def limit(self, pos): 

108 """ 

109 tells if point *pos* belongs to the area 

110 defined by the rectangle 

111 """ 

112 r = False 

113 if pos.x < self.a.x: 

114 pos.x = self.a.x 

115 r = True 

116 if pos.y < self.a.y: 

117 pos.y = self.a.y 

118 r = True 

119 if pos.x > self.b.x: 

120 pos.x = self.b.x 

121 r = True 

122 if pos.y > self.b.x: 

123 pos.y = self.b.y 

124 r = True 

125 return r 



128class Person: 

129 """ 

130 defines a person for the simulation 


132 colors 


134 * 0: sain 

135 * 1: malade 

136 * 2: mort 

137 * 3: gueris 


139 A person moves by drawing a random gaussian vector added to 

140 its current acceleration. 

141 """ 

142 colors = {0: (255, 255, 255), 1: (0, 255, 0), 

143 2: (0, 0, 0), 3: (50, 50, 200)} 


145 def __init__(self, position, borne_pos=None, borne_acc=None, 

146 alea_acc=5, sick_vit=0.25, rayon=10, nb_day=70, 

147 prob_die=0.5, prob_cont=0.5): 

148 """ 

149 constructor 


151 @param position position 

152 @param borne_pos upper bound for the position (rectangle) 

153 @param borne_acc upper bound for the acceleration (rectangle) 

154 @param alea_acc sigma to draw random acceleration 

155 @param sick_vit when people are sick, they go slower, this muliplies 

156 the acceleration by a factor 

157 @param rayon radius, below that distance, a sick person is contagious for the neighbours 

158 @param nb_day number of days a person will be sick, after, the person 

159 either recovers, either dies 

160 @param prob_die probability to die at each iteration 

161 @param prob_cont probability to transmit the disease to a neighbour 

162 """ 

163 self.pos = position 

164 self.vit = Point(0, 0) 

165 self.acc = Point(0, 0) 

166 self.state = 0 

167 self.alea_acc = alea_acc 

168 self.borne_pos = borne_pos 

169 self.borne_acc = borne_acc 


171 self.sick_vit = sick_vit 

172 self.rayon = rayon 

173 self.nb_day = nb_day 

174 self.prob_die = prob_die 

175 self.prob_cont = prob_cont 


177 # memorize the day the person got sick 

178 self._since = 0 


180 def __str__(self): 

181 """ 

182 usual 

183 """ 

184 return str(self.__dict__) 


186 def distance(self, p): 

187 """ 

188 return the distance between this person and another one 

189 """ 

190 d = self.pos - p.pos 

191 return d.norm() 


193 def _get_new_acceleration(self): 

194 """ 

195 update the acceleration by adding a random gaussian vector 

196 to the current acceleration, check that acceleration 

197 is not beyond some boundary 

198 """ 

199 x = random.gauss(0, self.alea_acc) 

200 y = random.gauss(0, self.alea_acc) 

201 res = Point(x, y) 

202 if self.borne_acc is not None: 

203 r = self.borne_acc.limit(res) 

204 if r: 

205 self.acc = Point(0, 0) 

206 self.vit = Point(0, 0) 

207 return res 


209 def state_evolution(self, population): 

210 """ 

211 update the state of the person: healthy --> sick --> cured or dead 


213 @param population sets of other persons 


215 The function updates the state of the persons. 

216 One of steps involves looking over the entire population to check 

217 if some sick people are close enough to transmis the disease. 

218 """ 

219 if self.state in [2, 3]: 

220 return 

221 elif self.state == 1: 

222 if self._since < self.nb_day: 

223 self._since += 1 

224 else: 

225 k = random.random() 

226 if k < self.prob_die: 

227 self.state = 2 

228 else: 

229 self.state = 3 

230 self._since = 0 

231 elif self.state == 0: 

232 alls = [] 

233 for p in population: 

234 if p.state != 1: 

235 continue 

236 d = self.distance(p) 

237 if d <= self.rayon: 

238 alls.append(p) 


240 for k in alls: 

241 p = random.random() 

242 if p <= self.prob_cont: 

243 self.state = 1 

244 break 

245 else: 

246 raise Exception("impossible") 


248 def evolution(self, dt, population): 

249 """ 

250 update the population, random acceleration 


252 @param dt time delta (only used to update the position) 

253 @param population other set of people 


255 The function updates the state of the person, 

256 draws a new acceleration and updates the position. 

257 """ 

258 self.state_evolution(population) 


260 if self.state == 1: 

261 dt *= self.sick_vit 

262 elif self.state == 2: 

263 dt = 0 


265 self.pos += self.vit * dt 

266 self.vit += self.acc * dt 

267 self.acc = self._get_new_acceleration() 

268 if self.borne_pos is not None: 

269 r = self.borne_pos.limit(self.pos) 

270 if r: 

271 self.acc = Point(0, 0) 

272 self.vit = Point(0, 0) 



275class EpidemicPopulation: 

276 """ 

277 defines a population 

278 """ 


280 def __init__(self, cote=500, nb=(100, 1), **params): 

281 """ 

282 constructeur 


284 @param cote size of the zone person move 

285 @param nb tuple number of people (healthy, sick) 

286 @param params others parameters 


288 Draws a population. 

289 """ 

290 if cote is None: 

291 pass 

292 else: 

293 self.cote = cote 

294 self.gens = [] 

295 for i in range(0, nb[0]): 

296 p = Person(Point(random.randint(0, cote), random.randint(0, cote)), 

297 Rect(Point(0, 0), Point(cote, cote)), 

298 **params) 

299 self.gens.append(p) 

300 for i in range(0, nb[1]): 

301 p = Person(Point(random.randint(0, cote), random.randint(0, cote)), 

302 Rect(Point(0, 0), Point(cote, cote)), 

303 **params) 

304 p.state = 1 

305 self.gens.append(p) 


307 def __getitem__(self, i): 

308 """ 

309 usual 

310 """ 

311 return self.gens[i] 


313 def __iter__(self): 

314 """ 

315 usual 

316 """ 

317 return self.gens.__iter__() 


319 def __len__(self): 

320 """ 

321 usual 

322 """ 

323 return len(self.gens) 


325 def count(self): 

326 """ 

327 return the distribution of healthy, sick, cured people 

328 """ 

329 return Counter(map(lambda p: p.state, self)) 


331 def evolution(self, dt=0.5): 

332 """ 

333 new iteration 


335 @param dt dt 

336 @return nb1,nb2 


338 We walk through everybody and call 

339 :meth:`evolution <ensae_teaching_cs.special.propragation_epidemics.Person.evolution>`. 

340 """ 


342 # on renouvelle une certaine proportion de pates (renouvellement) 

343 # tire au hasard 

344 pop = copy.deepcopy(self) 

345 for p in self.gens: 

346 p.evolution(dt, pop) 

347 return self.count() 



350def display_person(self, screen, pygame): 

351 """ 

352 display a person on a pygame screen 


354 @param self Person 

355 @param screen screen 

356 @param pygame module pygame 

357 """ 

358 c = Person.colors[self.state] 

359 pygame.draw.rect(screen, c, pygame.Rect( 

360 self.pos.x - 4, self.pos.y - 4, 8, 8)) 



363def display_population(self, screen, pygame, font, back_ground): 

364 """ 

365 affichage 


367 @param self Person 

368 @param screen screen 

369 @param font font (pygame) 

370 @param back_ground back ground color 

371 @param pygame module pygame 

372 """ 

373 screen.fill(back_ground) 

374 for p in self.gens: 

375 display_person(p, screen, pygame) 

376 c = self.count() 

377 text = "vie: %d" % c.get(0, 0) 

378 text = font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255)) 

379 screen.blit(text, (self.cote, 100)) 

380 text = "malade: %d" % c.get(1, 0) 

381 text = font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255)) 

382 screen.blit(text, (self.cote, 135)) 

383 text = "mort: %d" % c.get(2, 0) 

384 text = font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255)) 

385 screen.blit(text, (self.cote, 170)) 

386 text = "gueris: %d" % c.get(3, 0) 

387 text = font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255)) 

388 screen.blit(text, (self.cote, 205)) 



391def pygame_simulation(pygame, first_click=False, folder=None, 

392 iter=1000, cote=600, nb=(200, 20), flags=0, 

393 **params): 

394 """ 

395 Runs a graphic simulation. The user can see a :epkg:`pygame` 

396 screen showing the evolution of population. 

397 A healthy person is white, green is sick, 

398 blue is healed, black is dead. The function can save an image for 

399 every iteration. They can be merged into a video with 

400 function @see fn make_video. 


402 @param pygame module pygame (avoids importing in this file) 

403 @param first_click starts the simulation after a first click 

404 @param folder to save the simulation, an image per simulation 

405 @param iter number of iterations to run 

406 @param cote @see cl EpidemicPopulation 

407 @param nb @see cl EpidemicPopulation 

408 @param params @see cl EpidemicPopulation 

409 @param flags see `pygame.display.set_mode <https://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/display.html#pygame.display.set_mode>`_ 

410 @param fLOG logging function 


412 The simulation looks like this: 


414 .. raw:: html 


416 <video autoplay="" controls="" loop="" height="400"> 

417 <source src="http://www.xavierdupre.fr/enseignement/complements/epidemic.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> 

418 </video> 


420 Pour lancer la simulation:: 


422 from ensae_teaching_cs.special.propagation_epidemic import pygame_simulation 

423 import pygame 

424 pygame_simulation(pygame) 


426 """ 

427 pygame.init() 

428 size = cote + 200, cote 

429 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size, flags) 

430 font = pygame.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf", 30) 

431 back_ground = (128, 128, 128) 


433 pop = EpidemicPopulation(cote, nb) 

434 display_population(pop, screen, pygame, font, back_ground) 

435 pygame.display.flip() 

436 if first_click: 

437 wait_event(pygame) 


439 for i in range(0, iter): 


441 empty_main_loop(pygame) 

442 nb = pop.evolution() 

443 display_population(pop, screen, pygame, font, back_ground) 

444 pygame.display.flip() 

445 pygame.event.peek() 

446 if folder is not None: 

447 image = os.path.join(folder, "image_%04d.png" % i) 

448 pygame.image.save(screen, image) 

449 pygame.time.wait(50) 

450 if 1 not in nb or nb[1] == 0: 

451 break 


453 if first_click: 

454 wait_event(pygame) 



457def numerical_simulation(nb=(200, 20), cote=600, iter=1000, fLOG=noLOG, **params): 

458 """ 

459 Run a simulation, @see cl EpidemicPopulation. 


461 @param iter number of iterations to run 

462 @param cote @see cl EpidemicPopulation 

463 @param nb @see cl EpidemicPopulation 

464 @param params @see cl EpidemicPopulation 

465 @param fLOG to display status every 10 iterations 

466 @return population count 

467 """ 

468 pop = EpidemicPopulation(cote, nb, **params) 


470 lasti = None 

471 for i in range(0, iter): 

472 nb = pop.evolution() 

473 lasti = i 

474 if 1 not in nb or nb[1] == 0: 

475 break 

476 if i % 10 == 0: 

477 fLOG("iteration", i, ":", nb) 


479 r = pop.count() 

480 return r, lasti