module homeblog.py2html#

Short summary#

module ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.py2html

Mark-up Python code file using HTML for syntax highlighting. Syntax highlighting rules are in the spirit of IDLE.

Unless the -r 0 option is used it will also format the code by applying some of the PEP8 spacing guidelines to expressions and assignments.

For those that want a GUI you can try py2htmTk.pyw - (it’s minimal but functional).

USAGE in command line mode:

py2html [options] [-i filename]|-I]


Print this command line summary


Print more detailed help on styles and revision info.

-o filename Output file (default is « py2html.html ») -i filename Source file. See -I. -p filename HTML page template (must include a %s for inserting

the code). If not specified then a default is used.

-s filename Use a style-file otherwise use built in styles

(see –help for details)

-r 0|1|2 Reformat expressions and definitions.

-r 0 No formatting -r 1 Format as a = 3+4; b = [1, 2, 3] (default) -r 2 Format as a = 3 + 4; b = [1 , 2 , 3]


Replace newlines with <br>, tabs and multi-spaces with &nbsp;


Just make a block (ignores -p)


Print to sys.stdout (ignores -o, no file created)


Use stdin as source file (ignore -i option)

-E 0|1|2|3|4 0 - Don’t do entity substitution.

1 - Substitute < > and & (default) 2 - Substitute < > & and  » 3 - Substitute <> &  » and “ 4 - Substitute all non-ASCIIalphanumeric

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truncated documentation


Supplied with an index this function applies the style using the format rules and returns a formatted verison of …


This is the function that handles command line mode


Reads a file and returns the contents as a string, highlighted with HTML styles. This function uses the …


Applies the block tags to text


Read a style file and return a style dictionary. The file format is


Helper function that does the \n and space substition returning the changed text.


based on level setting do entity substitution and return revised. iso8859-1 ??:


Mark-up Python code file using HTML for syntax highlighting. Syntax highlighting rules are in the spirit of IDLE.

Unless the -r 0 option is used it will also format the code by applying some of the PEP8 spacing guidelines to expressions and assignments.

For those that want a GUI you can try py2htmTk.pyw - (it’s minimal but functional).

USAGE in command line mode:

py2html [options] [-i filename]|-I]


Print this command line summary


Print more detailed help on styles and revision info.

-o filename Output file (default is « py2html.html ») -i filename Source file. See -I. -p filename HTML page template (must include a %s for inserting

the code). If not specified then a default is used.

-s filename Use a style-file otherwise use built in styles

(see –help for details)

-r 0|1|2 Reformat expressions and definitions.

-r 0 No formatting -r 1 Format as a = 3+4; b = [1, 2, 3] (default) -r 2 Format as a = 3 + 4; b = [1 , 2 , 3]


Replace newlines with <br>, tabs and multi-spaces with &nbsp;


Just make a block (ignores -p)


Print to sys.stdout (ignores -o, no file created)


Use stdin as source file (ignore -i option)

-E 0|1|2|3|4 0 - Don’t do entity substitution.

1 - Substitute < > and & (default) 2 - Substitute < > & and  » 3 - Substitute <> &  » and “ 4 - Substitute all non-ASCIIalphanumeric

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ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.py2html.apply_style(index, token, start, src, format, style, entity='1')#

Supplied with an index this function applies the style using the format rules and returns a formatted verison of the token. “start” and “src” are (not used yet) for appliance of intelligent line breaks for long lines entity is the replace entities flag

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This is the function that handles command line mode

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ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.py2html.file2HTML(file_name, format, style, Replace, entity='1', encoding='utf-8')#

Reads a file and returns the contents as a string, highlighted with HTML styles. This function uses the output of the tokenize module to decide what to colour. It calls apply_style with the token index.

  • If format == “0” then the code will display as the author expected it to.

  • If format == “1” then spaces are added and removed around expressions to standardise the format.

  • If format == “2” as “1” but different rules

  • If style == style dictionary. Replace (boolean)

  • If True then replace \n with <br>, multiple spaces with &nbsp<space>combinations;

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Applies the block tags to text

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Read a style file and return a style dictionary. The file format is:

#User editable style substitutions
# This style-file assumes a css is used.
# Format:
# styleName | start | end
# examples:
# block | <pre> | </pre>
# key | <span class="key">'| </span>
# str | <span style = "color: #00AA00"> | </span>

block | <pre class="python_code" id="pycode"> | </pre>
key | <span class="py_key"> | </span>
num | <span class="py_num"> | </span>
str | <span class="py_str"> | </span>
op  | <span class="py_op">  | </span>
com | <span class="py_com"> | </span>
res | <span class="py_res"> | </span>
def | <span class="py_def"> | </span>
brk | <span class="py_brk"> | </span>

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Helper function that does the \n and space substition returning the changed text.

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ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.py2html.substituteEntities(token, level='1', char_set=None)#

based on level setting do entity substitution and return revised. iso8859-1 ??:

  • « 0 » : Don’t do entity substitution.

  • « 1 » : Substitute < > and & (default)

  • « 2 » : Substitute < > & and "

  • « 3 » : Substitute <> & " and '

  • « 4 » : Substitute all non-ASCIIalphanumeric char_set not implemented yet

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