module automation_students.mail_helper#

Short summary#

module ensae_teaching_cs.automation_students.mail_helper

Some automation helpers to grab mails from student about project.

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truncated documentation


Extracts mails and names from a mail box.


Looks for some emails in a mail box from specific emails or sent to specific emails.


Some automation helpers to grab mails from student about project.

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ensae_teaching_cs.automation_students.mail_helper.extract_students_mail_and_name_from_gmail(user=None, pwd=None, server='', mailfolder=['ensae/actuariat'], date='1-Jan-2016', fLOG=<function noLOG>)#

Extracts mails and names from a mail box.

  • user – user of the gmail inbox

  • pwd – password of the gmail inbox

  • server – gmail server, it should be "", it works with others mail servers using the IMAP protocol

  • mailfolder – folder in your inbox to look into, there can be several

  • date – when to start looking (do not change the format, look at the default value)

  • fLOG – logging function


list of dictionary [{"name": ..., "mail": ...}]

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ensae_teaching_cs.automation_students.mail_helper.grab_addresses(mailbox, subfolder, date, no_domain=False, max_dest=5, names=False, fLOG=<function noLOG>)#

Looks for some emails in a mail box from specific emails or sent to specific emails.

  • mailbox – MailBoxImap object (we assume you are logged in)

  • date – date (grab emails since …, example 1-Oct-2014)

  • subfolder – folder of the mailbox to look into

  • no_domain – remove domain when searching for emails

  • max_dest – number of receivers to have a valid mail

  • names – if true, return suggestions for names for each mail

  • fLOG – logging function


list of emails or tuple(list of emails, dictionary(email: name)) if names is True

Collect email addresses from mails in an inbox folder)

from ensae_teaching_cs.automation_students import grab_addresses
from pymmails import MailBoxImap

user = "xavier.dupre"
pwd = "***"
server = ""
mailfolder = ["ensae/ENSAE_2016", "ensae/ensae_interro_2015"]
date = "1-Dec-2015"

box = MailBoxImap(user, pwd, server, ssl=True, fLOG=fLOG)
emails = grab_addresses(box, mailfolder, date, fLOG=fLOG)

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