Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.automation_students.send_feedback

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Some automation helpers to grab mails from students about projects.


import time
import random
import numpy
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import noLOG
from pyquickhelper.texthelper.templating import apply_template
from pymmails.sender import send_email

template_mail_feedback = """
<p>{{ begin }}</p>
<p><b>{{ col_name }}</b></p>
<p>{{ name }}</p>
{{ content }}
<p>{{ end }}</p>

template_mail_columns = "<p><b>{{ key }}</b></p><p>{{ value }}</p>\n"

[docs]def enumerate_feedback(df1, col_group="Groupe", col_mail="Mail", col_name="Name", cols=["Sujet", "Rapport", "Code", "Soutenance"], subject=None, begin=None, end=None, template=template_mail_feedback, template_col=template_mail_columns, engine="jinja2", exc=True, fLOG=noLOG): """ Sends feedback to students. :param df1: dataframe :param col_group: name of the column which contains the group definition :param col_mail: name of the column which contains the mail of the members :param col_name: name of the column which contains the names of the members :param cols: list of columns to add to the mails, if there are multiple values per group, they will be joined by space or another separator if an element in this list is a tuple ``(col_name, sep)`` :param subject: subject of the mail :param begin: beginning of the mail :param end: end of the mail (signature) :param template: template of the mail :param template_col: template for additional columns, the outcome will be joined to fill ``{{ content }}`` in the other template :param engine: engine for the template :param exc: raise an exception if there is no mail :return: enumerate mails content as tuple *(mail, html, text)* Example of dataframe containing feedback: +------+-----------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mail | Name | Groupe | Sujet | Pitch | Code | +======+===========+========+=======================================+===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================+==================================================================================================================================================+ | | AAA bbb | 1 | | | | +------+-----------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ABA ccc | 1 | jeu de hex | ok | ok | +------+-----------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | VVV uuu | 2 | | | | +------+-----------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ZZZZ xxxx | 2 | élections US, twitter, nuages de mots | ok | ok | +------+-----------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | GGG ffff | 3 | distribution des sièges dans un avion | ok | Les print peuvent être remplacés par une autre fonction afin de désactiver les print qui ne servent qu'à la mise au point. | +------+-----------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ?? | 31 | | | | +------+-----------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | RRRR yyyy | 31 | analyse de texte / nuage de mots | Il faut éviter le code dans le contenu du pitch. Le pitch est un peu flou quant aux raisons qui vous poussent à développer votre propre tokenizer. A bien justifier avant de vous lancer dans ce type de travail et ne pas oublier la question de son évaluation. | L'interface graphique est-elle indispensable ? Le code alterne fonction, lecture de texte. N'hésitez pas à séparer les deux pour le rendu final. | +------+-----------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :githublink:`%|py|73` """ if begin is None: raise ValueError("begin cannot be None, it should be string.") if end is None: raise ValueError("end cannot be None, it should be your signature.") if subject is None: raise ValueError( "subject cannot be None, it should be the subject of the mail.") def sums(spl): spl = [_ for _ in spl if isinstance(_, str) if "??" not in _] return ";".join(spl) def sums2(spl): spl = [_ for _ in spl if isinstance(_, str)] return ", ".join(spl) def sums3(spl, sep): res = [] for _ in spl: if isinstance(_, str): try: i = int(_) _ = i except ValueError: try: i = float(_) _ = i except ValueError: pass if isinstance(_, float): if numpy.isnan(_): continue if int(_) == _: s_ = str(int(_)) else: s_ = str(_) else: s_ = str(_) if s_ not in res: res.append(s_) # pandas seems to change the type of the value # if extra characters are not added return sep.join(res) def clean_value(s): if isinstance(s, float): if numpy.isnan(s): return "" elif int(s) == s: return str(int(s)) else: return str(s) else: return str(s).strip() begin = begin.replace("\n", "<br />\n") end = end.replace("\n", "<br />\n") aggs = {col_mail: sums} if col_name is not None: aggs[col_name] = sums2 for c in cols: if isinstance(c, tuple): aggs[c[0]] = lambda s, sep=c[1]: sums3( # pylint: disable=W0631,W0640 s, sep) # pylint: disable=W0631,W0640 else: aggs[c] = lambda s: sums3(s, " ") if col_group is not None: group = df1.groupby(col_group).agg(aggs) common = dict(col_group=col_group, col_name=col_name, col_mail=col_mail) common_rev = {v: k for k, v in common.items()} lc = list(group.columns) colsi = [lc.index(c[0] if isinstance(c, tuple) else c) for c in cols] else: # already aggregated by group group = df1.groupby(col_mail).agg(aggs) common = dict(col_name=col_name, col_mail=col_mail) common_rev = {v: k for k, v in common.items()} lc = list(group.columns) colsi = [lc.index(c[0] if isinstance(c, tuple) else c) for c in cols] for row in group.itertuples(index=False): # key, value pairs content = [] for c, i in zip(cols, colsi): cn = c[0] if isinstance(c, tuple) else c v = clean_value(row[i]) if v: ct = dict(key=cn, value=v) text = apply_template(template_col, ct, engine=engine) content.append(text) # main mail context = common.copy() context["begin"] = begin context["end"] = end context["content"] = "\n".join(content) mail = None # rest of columns add to the context for k, v in zip(group.columns, row): if k == col_mail: mail = v k = common_rev.get(k, k) if k.startswith("col_"): k = k[4:] context[k] = clean_value(v) text = apply_template(template, context, engine=engine) if mail is None or "@" not in mail: if exc: raise ValueError("No mail for:\n" + text) else: fLOG("No mail for:\n" + text) html = ('<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body>\n' + text + "\n</body></html>\n") text = text.replace("<b>", "").replace( "</b>", "").replace("<br />", "\n") yield (mail, html, text)
[docs]def enumerate_send_email(mailbox, subject, fr, df1, cc=None, delay=(1000, 1500), delay_sending=False, exc=True, skip=0, only=None, **params): """ Sends feedback to students. Sets mailbox to None to see what the first mail looks like before going through the whole list. :param mailbox: mailbox, see `create_smtp_server < email_sender.html?pymmails.sender.email_sender.create_smtp_server>`_, if mailbox is None, the function displays the message and fails :param subject: subject :param fr: from :param df1: first dataframe :param cc: additional receivers :param delay: random delay between two mails :param delay_sending: returns functions :param exc: raise exception when mail is empty :param skip: skip the first mails :param only: send only to these groups (group id) :param params: see :func:`enumerate_feedback <ensae_teaching_cs.automation_students.send_feedback.enumerate_feedback>` :return: enumerate mails Short example (see algo :ref:``):: import pandas import sys import os cc = [""] sujet = "Projet informatique, feedback sur le pitch" only = None # {28, 20, 19} from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG fLOG(OutputPrint=True) from ensae_teaching_cs.automation_students import enumerate_feedback, enumerate_send_email import pymmails df = pandas.read_excel("groupes_eleves_pitch.xlsx", sheet_name=0, engine='openpyxl') mailbox = pymmails.sender.create_smtp_server("gmail", "xavier.dupre", "****") mails = enumerate_send_email(mailbox, sujet, "", df, exc=True, fLOG=fLOG, delay_sending=False, begin=begin, end=end, cc=cc, only=only, col_group="Groupe", col_name="Nom", col_mail="Mail", cols=["Sujet", "Rapport", "Code", "Soutenance", "Question code", "Note rapport / 5", "Note code / 7", "Note soutenance / 5", "Suivi et Bonus / 3 ou 4", "Bonus raison"]) mailbox.close() :githublink:`%|py|253` """ loop = 0 for mails, html, text in enumerate_feedback(df1, exc=exc, subject=subject, **params): if loop < skip: loop += 1 continue if only is not None and loop not in only: loop += 1 continue if mails is None or "@" not in mails: # if there is an issue, it should been cautch by the previous # function (we skip) loop += 1 continue if not delay_sending and "fLOG" in params: params["fLOG"](loop, "send mail to ", mails) if isinstance(mails, str) and ";" in mails: mails = ";".join(_.strip() for _ in mails.split(";")) if mailbox is None: if "fLOG" not in params: raise KeyError( "fLOG should be send to the function as a parameter, it is used to display the message when mailbox is None") fLOG = params["fLOG"] fLOG("***********************") fLOG("fr={0}".format(fr)) fLOG("to={0}".format(mails)) fLOG("cc={0}".format(cc)) fLOG("subject={0}".format(subject)) fLOG("body\n{0}".format(html)) with open("enumerate_send_email_debug.html", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(html) raise ValueError( "mailbox is None, first mail is display and the process is stopped, see enumerate_send_email_debug.html.") res = send_email(mailbox, fr=fr, to=mails.split(";"), cc=cc, delay_sending=delay_sending, body_html=html, body_text=text, subject=subject) if delay_sending: def delay_send(params, loop, mails, res): if "fLOG" in params: params["fLOG"](loop, "send mail to ", mails) res() rnd = random.randint(*delay) time.sleep(rnd / 1000.0) yield lambda params=params, loop=loop, mails=mails, res=res: delay_send(params, loop, mails, res) else: yield res rnd = random.randint(*delay) time.sleep(rnd / 1000.0) loop += 1