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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Jeux de données reliés aux vins.

import os
import pandas

[docs]def load_sentiment_dataset(cache="."): """ Retourne un ensemble de phrases en anglais avec assorties d'un sentiment positif ou négatif. Source : `Sentiment Labelled Sentences Data Set <>`_. :param cache: where to cache or unzip the data if downloaded a second time :return: text content (str) :githublink:`%|py|19` """ from pyensae.datasource import download_data # url = "" name = "" res = download_data(name, whereTo=cache) if len(res) != 9: raise ValueError("Unzipping '{0}' failed.".format(name)) dfs = [] for fi in res: if ".txt" not in fi or "readme" in fi or "__MACOSX" in fi: continue df = pandas.read_csv(fi, sep='\t', quoting=3, names=['sentance', 'sentiment']) df["source"] = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fi)[-1])[0] dfs.append(df) return pandas.concat(dfs)