Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.buildrss

# coding:utf-8
About RSS

import datetime
import os
import re
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG
from .filefunction import find_all_blogs_function

modelForARSSFeed = """<rss version="2.0">
                            <title>XD blog</title>
                            <description>new posts from XD blog</description>
                            """.replace("                        ", "")

modelForARSSRow = """
            <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>

modelForARSSChannel = """\n</channel>\n</rss>\n"""

[docs]def file_build_rss(folder=".", outfile="blog/xdbrss.xml",, model_feed=modelForARSSFeed, model_row=modelForARSSRow, model_channel=modelForARSSChannel, months_delay=6): """ Build a RSS file, the function keeps the blog post (HTML format) from the last month. If a post contains one the two following string: :: <!-- SUMMARY BEGINS --> <!-- SUMMARY ENDS --> The summary will only contains the part included in those two comments. :param folder: folder where the blog post can be found :param outfile: final file to produce :param now: date to use as a final date, only blog post between one month now and now will be kept :param model_feed: see model_channel :param model_row: see model_row :param model_channel: the part related to a post in the rss stream is composed by the concatenation of the three stream: :: model_feed model_row model_channel You should see the default value to see how you can replace them. :param months_delay: keep mails written a couple of months ago: *month_delay* months :return: 2-uple: outfile and the list of kept blog post (the last month) :githublink:`%|py|64` """ now -= datetime.timedelta(days=months_delay * 30) fLOG("now - month ", now) file = find_all_blogs_function(folder) nbfile = len(file) exp = re.compile('<meta +name=\\"description\\" +content=\\"(.*?)\\" */>') expt = re.compile('<title>(.*?)</title>') keepfiles = [] rss = [] for f in file: temp = os.path.split(f)[-1].lower().replace(".html", "") day = datetime.datetime(int(temp[:4]), int(temp[5:7]), int(temp[8:10])) if day > now: keepfiles.append(f) ff = open(f, "r", encoding="utf8") t ="\n", " ").replace("\r", " ") ff.close() check_encoding(f) summary = title = if not title: raise ValueError("unable to find title in " + f) fLOG("getting summary for ", f) title = title.groups()[0] summary = None if summary is None else summary.groups()[0] adddots = False if summary is None or len(summary) == 0: if "<!-- SUMMARY BEGINS -->" in t and "<!-- SUMMARY ENDS -->" in t: p0 = t.find("<!-- SUMMARY BEGINS -->") p1 = t.find("<!-- SUMMARY ENDS -->") summary = t[ p0 + len("<!-- SUMMARY BEGINS -->"):p1].strip(" \n\r\t") summary = summary.replace("<", "&lt;") summary = summary.replace(">", "&gt;") adddots = True if summary is None or len(summary) == 0: p0 = t.find("<body>") p1 = t.find("</body>") summary = t[p0 + len("<body>"):p1].strip(" \n\r\t") summary = summary.replace("<", "&lt;") summary = summary.replace(">", "&gt;") if summary is None or len(summary) == 0: raise ValueError("summary is empty for blog " + f) summary = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", summary) rss.append((day, f, summary, temp, title)) rows = ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"] rows.append(modelForARSSFeed) if len(rss) == 0: raise Exception( "No found file in '{0}' (raw count {1}).".format(folder, nbfile)) rss.sort(reverse=True) for day, f, summary, short, title in rss: if adddots and not summary.endswith("..."): summary += " suite..." if not summary.endswith( ".") else " suite..." row = modelForARSSRow % (title, short, short, summary, str(day)) rows.append(row) rows.append(modelForARSSChannel) content = "\n".join(rows) rssf = open(outfile, "w", encoding='utf-8') rssf.write(content) rssf.close() return outfile, keepfiles
[docs]def check_encoding(file): """ check the encoding of a file (ASCII here), read the file, it does not return anything :param file: file to check :githublink:`%|py|149` """ f = open(file, "r") try: except Exception as e: size = os.stat(file).st_size raise Exception( "issue with file (size {1})\n File \"{0}\", line 1".format(file, size)) from e f.close()