Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.latex_file

Ths file contains some functions to extract pieces of codes from a latex file


import re
import os

from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG
from .program_helper import guess_language_code

[docs]class LatexCode: """ many latex contains examples of codes this describes one of them :githublink:`%|py|17` """ comment_analysis = re.compile("([(][-]{2}([a-z]+)[-]{2}[)])")
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, line, content, comment=None, content_type=None): """ constructor :param parent: (LatexFile) object :param line: number (int), 0 is the first one :param content: code content :param comment: comment for the piece of code if comment contains ``(--<something>--)``, it indicates the content type of the zone (ie: py) :githublink:`%|py|30` """ self.parent = parent self.line = line self.content = content self.comment = comment if not isinstance(line, tuple): raise TypeError("we expect tuple for the line number") if content_type is not None: self.content_type = content_type elif self.comment is None: self.content_type = "" else: se = if se: self.content_type = se.groups()[1] self.comment = self.replace(se.groups()[0], "") else: guess = guess_language_code(self.content) self.content_type = guess[ 0] if guess is not None and guess[1] > 0.66 else ""
[docs] def __str__(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|54` """ comment = (", comment: %s (-t:%s)" % (self.comment, self.content_type)) if self.comment is not None else "" return " File \"%s\", line %d%s" % (self.parent.file, self.line[-1] + 1, comment)
[docs]class LatexIncludedFile: """ Describes a file included a latex file. .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - attribute - meaning * - parent - (LatexFile) * - line - (int) line number * - file - (str) file name * - comment - (str) comment * - obj - (LatexFile|LatexCode) object :githublink:`%|py|69` """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, line, file, comment): """ :param parent: (LatexFile) which contains this file :param line: line number where it was found in the late file it belongs to :param file: file name :param comment: comment :githublink:`%|py|77` """ self.parent = parent self.line = line self.file = file self.comment = comment self.init()
[docs] def init(self): """ Completes the contructor. :githublink:`%|py|87` """ ext = os.path.splitext(self.file)[-1].lower() if ext == ".tex": self.obj = LatexFile(self.file, self.parent.root, line=self.line) elif ext in [".py", ".cpp", ".h", ".hpp", ".c", ".hhp", ".vba", ".sql", ".r", ".hhk", ".iss", ".txt", ".xml", ".html", ".js"]: try: with open(self.file, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: content = except UnicodeDecodeError: try: with open(self.file, "r", encoding="latin-1") as f: content = except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(self.file, "r") as f: content = sexp = ext.strip(". ") typ = {"html": "xml", "hpp": "cpp", "h": "cpp", "vba": "vb", "py": "py", "xml": "xml", "cpp": "cpp", "js": "js", "c": "cpp", "sql": "sql"}. get(sexp, None) self.obj = LatexCode(self.parent, self.line, content, self.comment, content_type=typ) else: raise ValueError( "unable to read file %s, not python, not latex" % self.file)
[docs] def enumerate_code(self, skip_missing=False): """ Enumerates all pieces of code (in ``verbatim``, ``verbatimx`` or ``\\inputcode`` sections. :return: LatexCode :githublink:`%|py|120` """ if isinstance(self.obj, LatexFile): for co in self.obj.enumerate_code(skip_missing=skip_missing): yield co elif isinstance(self.obj, LatexCode): yield self.obj else: raise TypeError("unexpected class for self.obj: %s" % str(type(self.obj)))
[docs]class LatexFile: """ Description of a latex file. .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - attribute - meaning * - file - file name for the latex file * - root - every file referenced in the latex will use ``root`` as a root for the relative paths * - filelines - for each line, we store every included file here, it is a dictionary { line number : object file } * - line - keeps line number in a stack (if this file is included by another one) :githublink:`%|py|141` """
[docs] def __init__(self, file, root=None, line=tuple()): """ constructor :param file: file name :param root: for included files, the root determines the folder relative paths refer to, if None, the file folder will be used as a root :param line: if this file is included by another one, it keeps the line number in a stack :githublink:`%|py|152` """ self.file = file self.root = root self.filelines = {} self.line = line if self.root is None: self.root = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(file)[0])
[docs] def __str__(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|164` """ return "file: %s" % self.file
[docs] def read(self): """ read the latex file and stores into ``self.content``, if the method is called a second time, the function will use a member ``content``. :return: string (file content) :githublink:`%|py|174` """ if "content" in self.__dict__ and self.content is not None: return self.content else: try: with open(self.file, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: content = except UnicodeDecodeError: try: with open(self.file, "r", encoding="latin-1") as f: content = except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(self.file, "r") as f: content = self.content = content return content
[docs] @staticmethod def dichotomy_find(array, value): """ find the greatest position which contains a value below ``value`` :param value: value :param array: array of integers :return: position p such as array[p] <= value < array[p+1] :githublink:`%|py|201` """ a = 0 b = len(array) - 1 while a < b: m = (a + b) // 2 if value == array[m]: return m elif value < array[m]: b = m elif a == m: return a else: a = m return a
[docs] def enumerate_code(self, skip_missing=False): """ enumerate all pieces of code (in ``verbatim``, ``verbatimx`` or ``\\inputcode`` sections :param skip_missing: if True, avoids stopping whenever a file is not found :return: LatexCode :githublink:`%|py|222` """ try: content = except FileNotFoundError as e: if skip_missing: fLOG("w,unable to find file", self.file) content = " " else: raise e lines = content.split("\n") linebeginning = [] s = 0 for line in lines: linebeginning.append(s) s += len(line) + 1 p = re.compile("(\\\\begin[{]verbatim(x|no|nocut)?[}]( *[%]{3}(.*?)[%]{3})?((.|\\n)*?)\\\\end[{]verbatim(x|no|nocut)??[}])|" + "(\\\\inputcodes[{]([./a-zA-Z0-9_]+?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}])|" + "(\\\\input[{]([./a-zA-Z0-9_]+?)[}])|" + "(\\\\inputcode[{]([./a-zA-Z0-9_]+?)[}][{](.*?)[}])") recom = re.compile("([%]{3}(.*?)[%]{3})") for m in p.finditer(content): a = m.span()[0] li = LatexFile.dichotomy_find(linebeginning, a) gs = tuple(m.groups()) # if gs[0] is None : # for i,g in enumerate(gs) : print (i,g) if gs[0] is not None: # verbatim # 0 1 2 3 4 # ('\\begin{verbatimx} ... \\end{verbatimx}', 'x', None, None, # '\n x = 5\n y = 10\n z = x + y\n print (z) # affiche z\n ', ' ', 'x', # None, None, None, None, None, None) # comment = gs[3].strip() if gs[3] is not None else gs[3] if comment is None or len(comment) == 0: # we check the previous line ci = li - 1 if ci > 0: com =[ci]) if com: comment = com.groups()[1] c = LatexCode(self, self.line + (li,), gs[4], comment) yield c elif gs[7] is not None: # input code # (None, None, None, None, None, # "\\inputcodes{../data/}{exercice pour ...valuer}{, correction 2006}", # '../data/', "exercice pour ...", ', correction 2006') if li not in self.filelines: fil = os.path.join(self.root, gs[8]) self.filelines[li] = LatexIncludedFile( self, self.line + (li,), fil, gs[10]) for co in self.filelines[li].enumerate_code(): yield co elif gs[11] is not None: if li not in self.filelines: fil = os.path.join(self.root, gs[12]) self.filelines[li] = LatexIncludedFile( self, self.line + (li,), fil, None) for co in self.filelines[li].enumerate_code(skip_missing=skip_missing): yield co elif gs[13] is not None: # print (len(gs),gs) # input code # (None, None, None, None, None, # "\\inputcodes{../data/}{exercice pour ...valuer}{, correction 2006}", # '../data/', "exercice pour ...", ', correction 2006') if li not in self.filelines: fil = os.path.join(self.root, gs[14]) self.filelines[li] = LatexIncludedFile( self, self.line + (li,), fil, gs[15]) for co in self.filelines[li].enumerate_code(): yield co
[docs] def code_in_html(self, header=None, footer=None, classpre="prettyprint", classpre_type="brush: {0}", classcom="codeintro", skip_missing=False, remove_unnecessary_indentation=True): """ produces html format containing all the code example :param header: if not None, it should end by ``<body>`` :param footer: if not None, it should start by ``</body>`` :param classpre: if not, use ``<pre>`` otherwise ``<pre class="classpre">`` :param classpre_type: if the type can be guessed, then this template will used instead of the first one :param classcom: if the comment is not none, it will output ``<p class="classcom">`` (if classcom is not None) :param skip_missing: if True, avoids stopping whenever a file is not found :param remove_unnecessary_indentation: remove unnecessary indentation :return: string string :githublink:`%|py|321` """ res = [] if header is not None: res.append(header) for code in self.enumerate_code(skip_missing=skip_missing): if code.comment is not None: com = ("<p class=\"%s\">%s</p>" % (classcom, code.comment) ) if classcom is not None else ("<p>%s</p>" % code.comment) else: com = ("<p class=\"%s\">File: %s, line %d</p>" % (classcom, os.path.split(code.parent.file)[-1], code.line[-1])) \ if classcom is not None else ("<p>line %s</p>" % code.line) res.append(com) res.append("<!-- File \"%s\", lines %s -->" % (code.parent.file, str(code.line))) if classpre_type is not None and len(classpre_type) > 0 and \ code.content_type is not None and len(code.content_type) > 0: pre = ("<pre class=\"%s\">") % classpre_type.format( code.content_type) else: pre = ( "<pre class=\"%s\">") % classpre if classpre is not None else "<pre>" res.append(pre) memocode = code.content.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;") if remove_unnecessary_indentation: lines = memocode.split("\n") mini = None for line in lines: temp = line.lstrip() if len(temp) > 0: df = len(line) - len(temp) mini = df if mini is None else min(mini, df) df = mini if df is not None and df > 0: for i in range(len(lines)): li = lines[i] if len(li) >= df: lines[i] = lines[i][df:] memocode = "\n".join(lines) res.append(memocode) res.append("</pre>") return "\n".join(res)