Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.table_formula_stat

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
Contains TableFormulaStat.


[docs]class _TableFormulaStat: """ Contains various statistical functions. :: table = TableFormula ("sum_y#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1".replace(" ", "\\t").replace("#","\\n")) gini = table.Gini (lambda v : v["sum_y"]) print (gini) # expects 1 table = TableFormula ("sum_y#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#5#10".replace(" ", "\\t").replace("#","\\n")) gini = table.Gini (lambda v : v["sum_y"]) print (gini) # expects much more less than 1 :githublink:`%|py|22` """
[docs] def GiniCurve(self, functionY, functionX=None, isXdx=False): """ Computes the Gini curve, takes the following parameters. :param functionY: revenues :param functionX: sum of persons having an income below Y (or having Y is isXdx is True) :param isXdx: number of persons equal to Y (True) or inferior (False), if True, X,Y couples are sorted :return: a curve (x, Gini(x)) :githublink:`%|py|34` """ couples = [(0., 0.)] for i, row in enumerate(self.values): v = self._interpret_row(row) x = functionX(v) if functionX is not None else float(i + 1) y = functionY(v) couples.append((x, y)) if y < 0: raise ValueError( "a value should not be negative for y: " + str(y)) if x < 0: raise ValueError( "a value should not be negative for x: " + str(x)) if not isXdx: couples.sort() sumx = sum(_[0] for _ in couples) if isXdx else max(_[0] for _ in couples) sumy = sum(_[1] for _ in couples) couples = [[_[0] / sumx, _[1] / sumy] for _ in couples] for i in range(1, len(couples)): couples[i][1] += couples[i - 1][1] if isXdx: couples[i][0] += couples[i - 1][0] for _ in (0, 1): couples[i][_] = min(couples[i][_], 1.) return self._private_getclass()(["x", "Gini(x)"], couples)
[docs] def Gini(self, functionY, functionX=None, isXdx=False): """ computes the Gini, it calls GiniCurve (:meth:`GiniCurve <ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.table_formula_stat._TableFormulaStat.GiniCurve>`), it takes the following parameters: :param functionY: revenues :param functionX: sum of persons having an income below Y (or having Y is isXdx is True) :param isXdx: number of persons equal to Y (True) or inferior (False), if True, X,Y couples are sorted :return: a curve (x, Gini(x)) :githublink:`%|py|75` """ giniC = self.GiniCurve(functionY, functionX, isXdx) gini = 0. row_ = giniC.values[0] for i in range(1, len(giniC)): row = giniC.values[i] dx = row[0] - row_[0] y = row[1] + row_[1] gini += dx * y row_ = row return 1. - gini
[docs] def summary(self): """ produces a summary on each columns :return: TableFormulaStat :githublink:`%|py|93` """ row = [] for col in self.header: res = self.summary_column(col) row.append(res) return self._private_getclass()(row)
[docs] def summary_column(self, column_name): """ produces a summary of a column, it the column is numerical, it computes, the min, max, quantile, mean, med, std. If it is not, count the number of distinct values. The function considers an empty column as a non-numerical column. The fonction do not consider None values. :param column_name: column name :return: dictionary :githublink:`%|py|112` """ vals = v: v[column_name]) vals = [_ for _ in vals if _ is not None] missing = len(self) - len(vals) if len(vals) > 0: try: s = sum(vals) s2 = sum([v**2 for v in vals]) m = s / len(vals) vals.sort() res = {"ave": m, "std": (s2 / len(vals) - m**2) ** 0.5, "med": vals[len(vals) // 2], "min": vals[0], "max": vals[-1], "1qua": vals[len(vals) * 1 // 4], "3qua": vals[len(vals) * 3 // 4], "02.5%": vals[len(vals) * 25 // 1000], "97.5%": vals[len(vals) * 975 // 1000], } except TypeError: count = {} for v in vals: count[v] = count.get(v, 0) + 1 res = {"count": len(count)} else: res = {"count": 0} if missing > 0: res["missing"] = missing res["var"] = column_name return res