Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.td_1a.edit_distance

edit distance


[docs]def edit_distance(mot1, mot2): """ Computes the edit distance between two strings. :param mot1: first string :param mot2: second string :return: distance, path More alternatives are available in the following paper `Harry: A Tool for Measuring String Similarity <>`_. *distance* is an integer, *path* is a series of 2-uples of positions :githublink:`%|py|20` """ dist = {(-1, -1): 0} pred = {(-1, -1): None} if len(mot1) == 0: for j, d in enumerate(mot2): dist[-1, j] = dist[-1, j - 1] + 1 pred[-1, j] = (-1, j - 1) dist[j, -1] = dist[j - 1, -1] + 1 pred[j, -1] = (j - 1, -1) for i, c in enumerate(mot1): dist[i, -1] = dist[i - 1, -1] + 1 pred[i, -1] = (i - 1, -1) dist[-1, i] = dist[-1, i - 1] + 1 pred[-1, i] = (-1, i - 1) for j, d in enumerate(mot2): opt = [] if (i - 1, j) in dist: x = dist[i - 1, j] + 1 opt.append((x, (i - 1, j))) if (i, j - 1) in dist: x = dist[i, j - 1] + 1 opt.append((x, (i, j - 1))) if (i - 1, j - 1) in dist: x = dist[i - 1, j - 1] + (1 if c != d else 0) opt.append((x, (i - 1, j - 1))) mi = min(opt) dist[i, j] = mi[0] pred[i, j] = mi[1] p = (len(mot1) - 1, len(mot2) - 1) chemin = [] try: while p is not None: chemin.append(p) p = pred[p] except KeyError as e: raise Exception("Issue with:\n'{0}'\n'{1}'\ndist={2}\npred={3}\np={4}".format( mot1, mot2, dist, pred, p)) from e chemin.reverse() return dist[len(mot1) - 1, len(mot2) - 1], chemin