.. _2018-10-09ensemblegradientboostingrst: ======================================== 2018-10-09 Ensemble, Gradient, Boosting… ======================================== .. only:: html **Links:** :download:`notebook <2018-10-09_ensemble_gradient_boosting.ipynb>`, :downloadlink:`html <2018-10-09_ensemble_gradient_boosting2html.html>`, :download:`python <2018-10-09_ensemble_gradient_boosting.py>`, :downloadlink:`slides <2018-10-09_ensemble_gradient_boosting.slides.html>`, :githublink:`GitHub|_doc/notebooks/notebook_eleves/2018-2019/2018-10-09_ensemble_gradient_boosting.ipynb|*` Le noteboook explore quelques particularités des algorithmes d’apprentissage pour expliquer certains résultats numériques. L’algoithme `AdaBoost `__ surpondère les exemples sur lequel un modèle fait des erreurs. .. code:: ipython3 from jyquickhelper import add_notebook_menu add_notebook_menu() .. contents:: :local: .. code:: ipython3 %matplotlib inline Skewed split train test ----------------------- Lorsqu’une classe est sous représentée, il est difficile de prédire les résultats d’un modèle de machine learning. .. code:: ipython3 import numpy, numpy.random from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix N = 1000 res = [] for n in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80, 90, 100, 110]: print("n=", n) for k in range(10): X = numpy.zeros((N, 2)) X[:, 0] = numpy.random.randint(0, 2, (N,)) X[:, 1] = numpy.random.randint(0, n+1, (N,)) Y = X[:, 0] + X[:, 1] + numpy.random.normal(size=(N,)) / 2 Y[Y < 1.5] = 0 Y[Y >= 1.5] = 1 X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y) stat = dict(N=N, n=n, ratio_train=y_train.sum()/y_train.shape[0], k=k, ratio_test=y_test.sum()/y_test.shape[0]) for model in [LogisticRegression(solver="liblinear"), MLPClassifier(max_iter=500), RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10), AdaBoostClassifier(DecisionTreeClassifier(), n_estimators=10)]: obs = stat.copy() obs["model"] = model.__class__.__name__ if obs["model"] == "AdaBoostClassifier": obs["model"] = "AdaB-" + model.base_estimator.__class__.__name__ try: model.fit(X_train, y_train) except ValueError as e: obs["erreur"] = str(e) res.append(obs) continue sc = model.score(X_test, y_test) obs["accuracy"] = sc conf = confusion_matrix(y_test, model.predict(X_test)) try: obs["Error-0|1"] = conf[0, 1] / conf[0, :].sum() obs["Error-1|0"] = conf[1, 0] / conf[1, :].sum() except Exception: pass res.append(obs) .. parsed-literal:: n= 1 n= 2 n= 5 n= 10 n= 20 n= 50 n= 80 n= 90 n= 100 n= 110 .. code:: ipython3 from pandas import DataFrame df = DataFrame(res) df = df.sort_values(['n', 'model', 'model', "k"]).reset_index(drop=True) df["diff_ratio"] = (df["ratio_test"] - df["ratio_train"]).abs() df.head(n=5) .. raw:: html
N n ratio_train k ratio_test model accuracy Error-0|1 Error-1|0 diff_ratio
0 1000 1 0.273333 0 0.300 AdaB-DecisionTreeClassifier 0.860 0.062857 0.320000 0.026667
1 1000 1 0.274667 1 0.328 AdaB-DecisionTreeClassifier 0.916 0.029762 0.195122 0.053333
2 1000 1 0.304000 2 0.284 AdaB-DecisionTreeClassifier 0.860 0.072626 0.309859 0.020000
3 1000 1 0.285333 3 0.268 AdaB-DecisionTreeClassifier 0.896 0.027322 0.313433 0.017333
4 1000 1 0.297333 4 0.256 AdaB-DecisionTreeClassifier 0.888 0.053763 0.281250 0.041333
.. code:: ipython3 df.tail(n=5) .. raw:: html
N n ratio_train k ratio_test model accuracy Error-0|1 Error-1|0 diff_ratio
395 1000 110 0.982667 5 0.996 RandomForestClassifier 0.996 0.0 0.004016 0.013333
396 1000 110 0.990667 6 0.980 RandomForestClassifier 0.996 0.2 0.000000 0.010667
397 1000 110 0.985333 7 0.988 RandomForestClassifier 1.000 0.0 0.000000 0.002667
398 1000 110 0.985333 8 0.992 RandomForestClassifier 1.000 0.0 0.000000 0.006667
399 1000 110 0.985333 9 0.992 RandomForestClassifier 0.996 0.5 0.000000 0.006667
La répartition train/test est loin d’être statisfaisante lorsqu’il existe une classe sous représentée. .. code:: ipython3 df[df.n==100][["n", "ratio_test", "ratio_train"]].head(n=10) .. raw:: html
n ratio_test ratio_train
320 100 0.980 0.992000
321 100 0.984 0.980000
322 100 0.988 0.984000
323 100 0.988 0.986667
324 100 0.976 0.986667
325 100 0.984 0.985333
326 100 0.984 0.981333
327 100 0.988 0.982667
328 100 0.984 0.989333
329 100 0.992 0.989333
.. code:: ipython3 #df.to_excel("data.xlsx") .. code:: ipython3 columns = ["n", "N", "model"] agg = df.groupby(columns, as_index=False).mean().sort_values(["n", "model"]).reset_index(drop=True) agg.tail() .. raw:: html
n N model ratio_train k ratio_test accuracy Error-0|1 Error-1|0 diff_ratio
35 100 1000 RandomForestClassifier 0.985733 4.5 0.9848 0.9956 0.185000 0.001216 0.004933
36 110 1000 AdaB-DecisionTreeClassifier 0.986533 4.5 0.9900 0.9972 0.130000 0.000810 0.007200
37 110 1000 LogisticRegression 0.986533 4.5 0.9900 0.9960 0.346667 0.000402 0.007200
38 110 1000 MLPClassifier 0.986533 4.5 0.9900 0.9956 0.346667 0.000810 0.007200
39 110 1000 RandomForestClassifier 0.986533 4.5 0.9900 0.9980 0.090000 0.000810 0.007200
.. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,4)) agg.plot(x="n", y="diff_ratio", ax=ax[0]) agg.plot(x="n", y="ratio_train", ax=ax[1]) agg.plot(x="n", y="ratio_test", ax=ax[1]) ax[0].set_title("Maximum difference between\nratio of first class on train and test") ax[1].set_title("Ratio of first class on train and test") ax[0].legend(); .. image:: 2018-10-09_ensemble_gradient_boosting_11_0.png Une astuce pour éviter les doublons avant d’effecturer un pivot. .. code:: ipython3 agg2 = agg.copy() agg2["ratio_test2"] = agg2["ratio_test"] + agg2["n"] / 100000 .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14,4)) agg2.pivot("ratio_test2", "model", "accuracy").plot(ax=ax[0]) agg2.pivot("ratio_test2", "model", "Error-0|1").plot(ax=ax[1]) agg2.pivot("ratio_test2", "model", "Error-1|0").plot(ax=ax[2]) ax[0].plot([0.5, 1.0], [0.5, 1.0], '--', label="constant") ax[0].set_title("Accuracy") ax[1].set_title("Error-0|1") ax[2].set_title("Error-1|0") ax[0].legend(); .. image:: 2018-10-09_ensemble_gradient_boosting_14_0.png .. code:: ipython3 agg2.pivot("ratio_test2", "model", "Error-0|1") .. raw:: html
model AdaB-DecisionTreeClassifier LogisticRegression MLPClassifier RandomForestClassifier
0.29721 0.052249 0.052249 0.052249 0.052249
0.50682 0.110686 0.110686 0.110686 0.110686
0.75525 0.119578 0.119578 0.119578 0.119578
0.86690 0.099333 0.099333 0.099333 0.099333
0.92900 0.088095 0.113095 0.113095 0.088095
0.96970 0.106349 0.253968 0.220635 0.163492
0.98120 0.125000 0.310000 0.200000 0.175000
0.98490 0.110000 0.155000 0.155000 0.170000
0.98580 0.185000 0.335000 0.268333 0.185000
0.99110 0.130000 0.346667 0.346667 0.090000
Le modèle `AdaBoost `__ construit 10 arbres tout comme la forêt aléatoire à ceci près que le poids associé à chacun des arbres des différents et non uniforme. Apprentissage continu --------------------- Apprendre une forêt aléatoire, puis ajouter un arbre, encore un tout en gardant le résultat des apprentissages précédents. .. code:: ipython3 from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes data = load_diabetes() X, y = data.data, data.target .. code:: ipython3 X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y) .. code:: ipython3 from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor model = None res = [] for i in range(0, 20): if model is None: model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=1, warm_start=True) else: model.set_params(**dict(n_estimators=model.n_estimators+1)) model.fit(X_train, y_train) score = model.score(X_test, y_test) res.append(dict(n_estimators=model.n_estimators, score=score)) .. code:: ipython3 df = DataFrame(res) df.head() .. raw:: html
n_estimators score
0 1 0.128906
1 2 0.323854
2 3 0.352876
3 4 0.389476
4 5 0.429992
.. code:: ipython3 ax = df.plot(x="n_estimators", y="score") ax.set_title("Apprentissage continu\nmesure de la performance à chaque itération"); .. image:: 2018-10-09_ensemble_gradient_boosting_22_0.png