Source code for jupytalk.benchmark.mlprediction

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import timeit
import pandas

[docs]def unit(x): """ Optimizes the rendering of time. .. runpython:: :showcode: from jupytalk.benchmark.mlprediction import unit print(unit(34)) print(unit(3.4)) print(unit(0.34)) print(unit(0.034)) print(unit(0.0034)) print(unit(0.00034)) print(unit(0.000034)) print(unit(0.0000034)) print(unit(0.00000034)) :githublink:`%|py|28` """ if x >= 1: return "%1.2f s" % x elif x >= 1e-3: return "%1.2f ms" % (x * 1000) elif x >= 1e-6: return "%1.2f µs" % (x * 1000**2) elif x >= 1e-9: return "%1.2f ns" % (x * 1000**3) else: return "%1.2g s" % x
[docs]def timeexec(legend, code, number=50, repeat=200, verbose=True, context=None): """ Measures the time for a given expression. :param legend: name of the experiment :param code: code to measure (as a string) :param number: number of time to run the expression (and then divide by this number to get an average) :param repeat: number of times to repeat the computation of the above average :param verbose: print the time :param globals: context (usuable equal to ``globals()``) :return: dictionary .. runpython:: :showcode: from jupytalk.benchmark.mlprediction import timeexec code = "3 * 45535266234653452" print(timeexec("multiplication", code)) :githublink:`%|py|62` """ if context is None: context = globals() rep = timeit.repeat(code, number=number, repeat=repeat, globals=context) ave = sum(rep) / (number * repeat) std = (sum((x / number - ave)**2 for x in rep) / repeat)**0.5 fir = rep[0] / number fir3 = sum(rep[:3]) / (3 * number) las3 = sum(rep[-3:]) / (3 * number) rep.sort() mini = rep[len(rep) // 20] / number maxi = rep[-len(rep) // 20] / number if verbose: print("Average: %s deviation %s (with %d runs) in [%s, %s]" % ( unit(ave), unit(std), number, unit(mini), unit(maxi))) return dict(legend=legend, average=ave, deviation=std, first=fir, first3=fir3, last3=las3, repeat=repeat, min5=mini, max5=maxi, code=code, run=number)
[docs]def make_dataframe(labels, arrays): """ Builds a dataframe from multiple arrays. :param labels: list of labels :param arrays: list of arrays (or one array) :return: dataframes :githublink:`%|py|88` """ if labels is not None: df = [pandas.DataFrame(data={'Label': labels})] else: df = [] if isinstance(arrays, list): for i, ar in enumerate(arrays): d = pandas.DataFrame( data=ar, columns=["F%d_%d" % (i, j) for j in range(ar.shape[1])]) df.append(d) else: ar = arrays d = pandas.DataFrame( data=ar, columns=["F%d" % j for j in range(ar.shape[1])]) df.append(d) return pandas.concat(df, axis=1)