.. _l-pyparis2018: ONNX: machine learning in production ==================================== .. sharenet:: :facebook: 1 :linkedin: 2 :twitter: 3 :head: False .. contents:: :local: `PyParis `_ Résumé ------ Most of machine learning libraries are optimized to train models and not necessarily to use them for fast predictions in online web services. :epkg:`ONNX` is one solution started last year by Microsoft and Facebook. This presentation describes the concept and shows some examples with :epkg:`scikit-learn` and :epkg:`ML.net`. :ref:`onnxdeploypyparisrst` Links ----- * :epkg:`ONNX` * :epkg:`ML.net` * :epkg:`onnxmltools` * :epkg:`onnxruntime` * :epkg:`nimbusml` * `Custom Extensions to ML.net `_ Lectures -------- * `Optimisation de code avec cffi, numba, cython `_