.. _onnxdeployrst: ======================================= Deploy machine learned models with ONNX ======================================= .. only:: html **Links:** :download:`notebook `, :downloadlink:`html `, :download:`PDF `, :download:`python `, :downloadlink:`slides `, :githublink:`GitHub|_doc/notebooks/2018/msexp/onnx_deploy.ipynb|*` **Xavier Dupré** - Senior Data Scientist at Microsoft - Computer Science Teacher at `ENSAE `__ Most of machine learning libraries are optimized to train models and not necessarily to use them for fast predictions in online web services. `ONNX `__ is one solution started last year by Microsoft and Facebook. This presentation describes the concept and shows some examples with `scikit-learn `__ and `ML.net `__. - `github/xadupre `__ - `github/sdpython `__ La plupart des libraires de machine learning sont optimisées pour entraîner des modèles et pas nécessairement les utiliser dans des sites internet online où l’exigence de rapidité est importante. `ONNX `__, une initiative open source proposée l’année dernière par Microsoft et Facebook est une réponse à ce problème. Ce talk illustrera ce concept avec un démo mêlant deep learning, `scikit-learn `__ et `ML.net `__, la librairie de machine learning open source écrite en C# et développée par Microsoft. .. code:: ipython3 from jyquickhelper import add_notebook_menu add_notebook_menu(last_level=2) .. contents:: :local: .. code:: ipython3 from pyquickhelper.helpgen import NbImage Open source tools in this talk ------------------------------ .. code:: ipython3 import keras, lightgbm, onnx, skl2onnx, onnxruntime, sklearn, torch, xgboost mods = [keras, lightgbm, onnx, skl2onnx, onnxruntime, sklearn, torch, xgboost] for m in mods: print(m.__name__, m.__version__) .. parsed-literal:: Using TensorFlow backend. .. parsed-literal:: keras 2.3.1 lightgbm 2.3.1 onnx 1.7.105 skl2onnx 1.7.0 onnxruntime 1.3.993 sklearn 0.24.dev0 torch 1.5.0+cpu xgboost 1.1.0 ML.net ~~~~~~ - Open source in 2018 - `ML.net `__ - Machine learning library written in C# - Used in many places in Microsoft Services (Bing, …) - Working on it for three years .. code:: ipython3 NbImage("mlnet.png", width=500) .. image:: onnx_deploy_8_0.png :width: 500px onnx ~~~~ - Serialisation library specialized for machine learning based on `Google.Protobuf `__ - Open source in 2017 - `onnx `__ .. code:: ipython3 NbImage("onnx.png", width=500) .. image:: onnx_deploy_10_0.png :width: 500px sklearn-learn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Open source in 2018 - Converters for *scikit-learn* models - `sklearn-onnx `__ .. code:: ipython3 NbImage("sklearn-onnx.png") .. image:: onnx_deploy_12_0.png onnxruntime ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Open source in December 2018 - Available on `Pypi/onnxruntime `__ - documentation is `here `__ - source on `microsoft/onnxruntime `__ - Working on it for a couple of months .. code:: ipython3 NbImage("onnxruntime.png", width=400) .. image:: onnx_deploy_14_0.png :width: 400px Others tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `scikit-learn `__ - `xgboost `__ - `lightgbm `__ - `keras `__ - `pytorch `__ The problem about deployment ---------------------------- Learn and predict ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Two different purposes not necessarily aligned for optimization - **Learn** : computation optimized for large number of observations (*batch prediction*) - **Predict** : computation optimized for one observation (*one-off prediction*) - Machine learning libraries optimize the **learn** scenario. Illustration with a linear regression ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We consider a datasets available in *scikit-learn*: `diabetes `__ .. code:: ipython3 measures_lr = [] .. code:: ipython3 from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes diabetes = load_diabetes() diabetes_X_train = diabetes.data[:-20] diabetes_X_test = diabetes.data[-20:] diabetes_y_train = diabetes.target[:-20] diabetes_y_test = diabetes.target[-20:] diabetes_X_train[:1] .. parsed-literal:: array([[ 0.03807591, 0.05068012, 0.06169621, 0.02187235, -0.0442235 , -0.03482076, -0.04340085, -0.00259226, 0.01990842, -0.01764613]]) scikit-learn ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: ipython3 from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression clr = LinearRegression() clr.fit(diabetes_X_train, diabetes_y_train) .. parsed-literal:: LinearRegression() .. code:: ipython3 clr.predict(diabetes_X_test[:1]) .. parsed-literal:: array([197.61846908]) .. code:: ipython3 from jupytalk.benchmark import timeexec measures_lr += [timeexec("sklearn", "clr.predict(diabetes_X_test[:1])", context=globals())] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 81.64 µs deviation 45.34 µs (with 50 runs) in [48.70 µs, 164.52 µs] pure python ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: ipython3 def python_prediction(X, coef, intercept): s = intercept for a, b in zip(X, coef): s += a * b return s python_prediction(diabetes_X_test[0], clr.coef_, clr.intercept_) .. parsed-literal:: 197.6184690750328 .. code:: ipython3 measures_lr += [timeexec("python", "python_prediction(diabetes_X_test[0], clr.coef_, clr.intercept_)", context=globals())] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 12.53 µs deviation 9.88 µs (with 50 runs) in [5.92 µs, 28.09 µs] Summary ~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(data=measures_lr) df = df.set_index("legend").sort_values("average") df .. raw:: html
average deviation first first3 last3 repeat min5 max5 code run
python 0.000013 0.000010 0.000021 0.000015 0.000007 200 0.000006 0.000028 python_prediction(diabetes_X_test[0], clr.coef... 50
sklearn 0.000082 0.000045 0.000165 0.000139 0.000070 200 0.000049 0.000165 clr.predict(diabetes_X_test[:1]) 50
.. code:: ipython3 %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10,3)) df[["average", "deviation"]].plot(kind="barh", logx=True, ax=ax, xerr="deviation", legend=False, fontsize=12, width=0.8) ax.set_ylabel("") ax.grid(b=True, which="major") ax.grid(b=True, which="minor") ax.set_title("Prediction time for one observation\nLinear Regression"); .. image:: onnx_deploy_30_0.png Illustration with a random forest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 measures_rf = [] scikit-learn ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: ipython3 from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=10) rf.fit(diabetes_X_train, diabetes_y_train) .. parsed-literal:: RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=10) .. code:: ipython3 measures_rf += [timeexec("sklearn", "rf.predict(diabetes_X_test[:1])", context=globals())] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 1.01 ms deviation 155.50 µs (with 50 runs) in [852.33 µs, 1.37 ms] XGBoost ^^^^^^^ .. code:: ipython3 from xgboost import XGBRegressor xg = XGBRegressor(n_estimators=10) xg.fit(diabetes_X_train, diabetes_y_train) .. parsed-literal:: XGBRegressor(base_score=0.5, booster='gbtree', colsample_bylevel=1, colsample_bynode=1, colsample_bytree=1, gamma=0, gpu_id=-1, importance_type='gain', interaction_constraints='', learning_rate=0.300000012, max_delta_step=0, max_depth=6, min_child_weight=1, missing=nan, monotone_constraints='()', n_estimators=10, n_jobs=0, num_parallel_tree=1, random_state=0, reg_alpha=0, reg_lambda=1, scale_pos_weight=1, subsample=1, tree_method='exact', validate_parameters=1, verbosity=None) .. code:: ipython3 measures_rf += [timeexec("xgboost", "xg.predict(diabetes_X_test[:1])", context=globals())] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 1.48 ms deviation 322.72 µs (with 50 runs) in [1.18 ms, 2.23 ms] LightGBM ^^^^^^^^ .. code:: ipython3 from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor lg = LGBMRegressor(n_estimators=10) lg.fit(diabetes_X_train, diabetes_y_train) .. parsed-literal:: LGBMRegressor(n_estimators=10) .. code:: ipython3 measures_rf += [timeexec("lightgbm", "lg.predict(diabetes_X_test[:1])", context=globals())] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 300.61 µs deviation 372.75 µs (with 50 runs) in [201.88 µs, 448.88 µs] pure python ^^^^^^^^^^^ This would require to reimplement the prediction function. Summary ^^^^^^^ .. code:: ipython3 df = pandas.DataFrame(data=measures_rf) df = df.set_index("legend").sort_values("average") df .. raw:: html
average deviation first first3 last3 repeat min5 max5 code run
lightgbm 0.000301 0.000373 0.000414 0.000333 0.000310 200 0.000202 0.000449 lg.predict(diabetes_X_test[:1]) 50
sklearn 0.001005 0.000156 0.001449 0.001280 0.000942 200 0.000852 0.001372 rf.predict(diabetes_X_test[:1]) 50
xgboost 0.001480 0.000323 0.001833 0.001643 0.001375 200 0.001178 0.002230 xg.predict(diabetes_X_test[:1]) 50
.. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10,3)) df[["average", "deviation"]].plot(kind="barh", logx=True, ax=ax, xerr="deviation", legend=False, fontsize=12, width=0.8) ax.set_ylabel("") ax.grid(b=True, which="major") ax.grid(b=True, which="minor") ax.set_title("Prediction time for one observation\nRandom Forest (10 trees)"); .. image:: onnx_deploy_45_0.png **Keep in mind** - Trained trees are not necessarily the same. - Performance is not compared. - Order of magnitude is important here. What is batch prediction? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Instead of running :math:`N` times 1 prediction - We run 1 time :math:`N` predictions .. code:: ipython3 import numpy memo = [] batch = [1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 400000, ] number = 10 repeat = 10 for i in batch: if i <= diabetes_X_test.shape[0]: mx = diabetes_X_test[:i] else: mxs = [diabetes_X_test] * (i // diabetes_X_test.shape[0] + 1) mx = numpy.vstack(mxs) mx = mx[:i] print("batch", "=", i) number = 10 if i <= 10000 else 2 memo.append(timeexec("sklearn %d" % i, "rf.predict(mx)", context=globals(), number=number, repeat=repeat)) memo[-1]["batch"] = i memo[-1]["lib"] = "sklearn" memo.append(timeexec("xgboost %d" % i, "xg.predict(mx)", context=globals(), number=number, repeat=repeat)) memo[-1]["batch"] = i memo[-1]["lib"] = "xgboost" memo.append(timeexec("lightgbm %d" % i, "lg.predict(mx)", context=globals(), number=number, repeat=repeat)) memo[-1]["batch"] = i memo[-1]["lib"] = "lightgbm" .. parsed-literal:: batch = 1 Average: 1.70 ms deviation 848.36 µs (with 10 runs) in [796.63 µs, 3.97 ms] Average: 1.71 ms deviation 388.45 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.20 ms, 2.68 ms] Average: 303.74 µs deviation 167.09 µs (with 10 runs) in [200.86 µs, 776.57 µs] batch = 2 Average: 1.57 ms deviation 424.13 µs (with 10 runs) in [774.32 µs, 2.36 ms] Average: 1.65 ms deviation 281.76 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.27 ms, 2.03 ms] Average: 270.00 µs deviation 128.19 µs (with 10 runs) in [186.19 µs, 626.32 µs] batch = 5 Average: 1.64 ms deviation 619.84 µs (with 10 runs) in [817.08 µs, 3.11 ms] Average: 1.70 ms deviation 303.86 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.27 ms, 2.21 ms] Average: 313.86 µs deviation 124.75 µs (with 10 runs) in [221.83 µs, 612.78 µs] batch = 7 Average: 1.72 ms deviation 323.33 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.16 ms, 2.18 ms] Average: 2.07 ms deviation 768.01 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.32 ms, 3.83 ms] Average: 509.66 µs deviation 317.81 µs (with 10 runs) in [188.69 µs, 1.10 ms] batch = 8 Average: 2.18 ms deviation 403.45 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.74 ms, 3.05 ms] Average: 1.75 ms deviation 280.08 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.47 ms, 2.51 ms] Average: 304.14 µs deviation 168.52 µs (with 10 runs) in [191.81 µs, 754.93 µs] batch = 10 Average: 2.41 ms deviation 563.58 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.81 ms, 3.50 ms] Average: 2.64 ms deviation 991.46 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.69 ms, 4.78 ms] Average: 417.25 µs deviation 243.02 µs (with 10 runs) in [181.04 µs, 888.96 µs] batch = 100 Average: 2.37 ms deviation 534.89 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.80 ms, 3.73 ms] Average: 4.32 ms deviation 5.46 ms (with 10 runs) in [1.29 ms, 20.26 ms] Average: 847.23 µs deviation 1.08 ms (with 10 runs) in [299.71 µs, 4.04 ms] batch = 200 Average: 2.46 ms deviation 488.34 µs (with 10 runs) in [2.00 ms, 3.72 ms] Average: 1.76 ms deviation 457.26 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.37 ms, 2.84 ms] Average: 728.97 µs deviation 312.66 µs (with 10 runs) in [437.76 µs, 1.52 ms] batch = 500 Average: 1.83 ms deviation 777.81 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.02 ms, 3.43 ms] Average: 2.13 ms deviation 417.01 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.62 ms, 2.85 ms] Average: 1.22 ms deviation 333.05 µs (with 10 runs) in [789.55 µs, 1.70 ms] batch = 1000 Average: 2.76 ms deviation 1.71 ms (with 10 runs) in [1.43 ms, 7.76 ms] Average: 2.00 ms deviation 323.80 µs (with 10 runs) in [1.45 ms, 2.59 ms] Average: 2.22 ms deviation 1.01 ms (with 10 runs) in [1.41 ms, 4.44 ms] batch = 2000 Average: 3.78 ms deviation 595.60 µs (with 10 runs) in [2.90 ms, 4.86 ms] Average: 4.12 ms deviation 1.64 ms (with 10 runs) in [2.62 ms, 7.91 ms] Average: 3.85 ms deviation 873.64 µs (with 10 runs) in [2.33 ms, 5.33 ms] batch = 3000 Average: 3.78 ms deviation 695.73 µs (with 10 runs) in [2.94 ms, 4.87 ms] Average: 5.42 ms deviation 3.44 ms (with 10 runs) in [3.19 ms, 14.98 ms] Average: 4.04 ms deviation 875.18 µs (with 10 runs) in [2.83 ms, 5.51 ms] batch = 4000 Average: 3.86 ms deviation 841.28 µs (with 10 runs) in [2.77 ms, 4.88 ms] Average: 3.74 ms deviation 1.07 ms (with 10 runs) in [2.87 ms, 5.73 ms] Average: 6.60 ms deviation 1.16 ms (with 10 runs) in [4.60 ms, 8.38 ms] batch = 5000 Average: 4.61 ms deviation 776.78 µs (with 10 runs) in [3.62 ms, 6.33 ms] Average: 4.11 ms deviation 499.51 µs (with 10 runs) in [3.54 ms, 4.98 ms] Average: 6.91 ms deviation 3.28 ms (with 10 runs) in [4.52 ms, 15.27 ms] batch = 10000 Average: 8.50 ms deviation 2.25 ms (with 10 runs) in [6.62 ms, 14.53 ms] Average: 7.70 ms deviation 1.09 ms (with 10 runs) in [6.14 ms, 10.03 ms] Average: 10.58 ms deviation 1.69 ms (with 10 runs) in [9.09 ms, 14.52 ms] batch = 20000 Average: 15.31 ms deviation 2.15 ms (with 2 runs) in [12.73 ms, 18.75 ms] Average: 15.86 ms deviation 6.96 ms (with 2 runs) in [11.53 ms, 35.46 ms] Average: 24.20 ms deviation 6.72 ms (with 2 runs) in [16.32 ms, 36.71 ms] batch = 50000 Average: 26.94 ms deviation 5.32 ms (with 2 runs) in [22.56 ms, 41.71 ms] Average: 34.61 ms deviation 10.53 ms (with 2 runs) in [24.72 ms, 55.55 ms] Average: 53.70 ms deviation 13.05 ms (with 2 runs) in [37.48 ms, 79.96 ms] batch = 100000 Average: 53.32 ms deviation 6.81 ms (with 2 runs) in [46.19 ms, 66.79 ms] Average: 71.28 ms deviation 5.78 ms (with 2 runs) in [63.42 ms, 81.72 ms] Average: 88.06 ms deviation 13.45 ms (with 2 runs) in [74.47 ms, 112.05 ms] batch = 200000 Average: 105.57 ms deviation 5.95 ms (with 2 runs) in [101.27 ms, 121.74 ms] Average: 101.46 ms deviation 5.65 ms (with 2 runs) in [95.85 ms, 113.17 ms] Average: 162.24 ms deviation 6.56 ms (with 2 runs) in [157.09 ms, 176.14 ms] batch = 400000 Average: 203.91 ms deviation 20.09 ms (with 2 runs) in [192.94 ms, 263.38 ms] Average: 196.82 ms deviation 11.00 ms (with 2 runs) in [184.06 ms, 218.61 ms] Average: 303.72 ms deviation 12.70 ms (with 2 runs) in [285.54 ms, 328.46 ms] .. code:: ipython3 dfb = pandas.DataFrame(memo)[["average", "lib", "batch"]] piv = dfb.pivot("batch", "lib", "average") for c in piv.columns: piv["ave_" + c] = piv[c] / piv.index libs = list(c for c in piv.columns if "ave_" in c) ax = piv.plot(y=libs, logy=True, logx=True, figsize=(10, 5)) ax.set_title("Computation time per observation when computed in a batch") ax.set_ylabel("sec") ax.set_xlabel("batch size") ax.grid(True); .. image:: onnx_deploy_49_0.png ONNX ---- ONNX = language to describe models ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Standard format to describe machine learning - Easier to exchange, export ONNX = machine learning oriented ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `operators ML `__ - `operators `__ Can represent any mathematical function handling numerical and text features. .. code:: ipython3 NbImage("onnxop.png", width=600) .. image:: onnx_deploy_53_0.png :width: 600px ONNX = efficient serialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Based on `google.protobuf `__ actively supported ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Microsoft - Facebook - first created to deploy deep learning models - extended to other models Train somewhere, predict somewhere else ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Cannot optimize the code for both training and predicting.** +------------------+--------------------+ | Training | Predicting | +==================+====================+ | Batch prediction | One-off prediction | +------------------+--------------------+ | Huge memory | Small memory | +------------------+--------------------+ | Huge data | Small data | +------------------+--------------------+ | . | High latency | +------------------+--------------------+ Libraries for predictions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Optimized for predictions - Optimized for a device ONNX Runtime ~~~~~~~~~~~~ `ONNX Runtime for inferencing machine learning models now in preview `__ Dedicated runtime for: - CPU - GPU - … .. code:: ipython3 NbImage("onnxrt.png", width=800) .. image:: onnx_deploy_59_0.png :width: 800px ONNX demo on random forest -------------------------- .. code:: ipython3 rf .. parsed-literal:: RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=10) Conversion to ONNX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ onnxmltools .. code:: ipython3 from skl2onnx import convert_sklearn from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType model_onnx = convert_sklearn(rf, "rf_diabetes", [('input', FloatTensorType([1, 10]))]) .. code:: ipython3 print(str(model_onnx)[:450] + "\n...") .. parsed-literal:: ir_version: 6 producer_name: "skl2onnx" producer_version: "1.7.0" domain: "ai.onnx" model_version: 0 doc_string: "" graph { node { input: "input" output: "variable" name: "TreeEnsembleRegressor" op_type: "TreeEnsembleRegressor" attribute { name: "n_targets" i: 1 type: INT } attribute { name: "nodes_falsenodeids" ints: 282 ints: 215 ints: 212 ints: 211 ints: 104 ... Save the model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 def save_model(model, filename): with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(model.SerializeToString()) save_model(model_onnx, 'rf_sklearn.onnx') Computes predictions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 import onnxruntime sess = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("rf_sklearn.onnx") for i in sess.get_inputs(): print('Input:', i) for o in sess.get_outputs(): print('Output:', o) .. parsed-literal:: Input: NodeArg(name='input', type='tensor(float)', shape=[1, 10]) Output: NodeArg(name='variable', type='tensor(float)', shape=[1, 1]) .. code:: ipython3 import numpy def predict_onnxrt(x): return sess.run(["variable"], {'input': x}) print("Prediction:", predict_onnxrt(diabetes_X_test[:1].astype(numpy.float32))) .. parsed-literal:: Prediction: [array([[223.9]], dtype=float32)] .. code:: ipython3 measures_rf += [timeexec("onnx", "predict_onnxrt(diabetes_X_test[:1].astype(numpy.float32))", context=globals())] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 24.95 µs deviation 13.21 µs (with 50 runs) in [14.63 µs, 53.23 µs] .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10,3)) df = pandas.DataFrame(data=measures_rf) df = df.set_index("legend").sort_values("average") df[["average", "deviation"]].plot(kind="barh", logx=True, ax=ax, xerr="deviation", legend=False, fontsize=12, width=0.8) ax.set_ylabel("") ax.grid(b=True, which="major") ax.grid(b=True, which="minor") ax.set_title("Prediction time for one observation\nRandom Forest (10 trees)"); .. image:: onnx_deploy_72_0.png Deep learning ------------- - transfer learning with keras - orther convert pytorch, caffee… .. code:: ipython3 measures_dl = [] .. code:: ipython3 from keras.applications.mobilenet_v2 import MobileNetV2 model = MobileNetV2(input_shape=None, alpha=1.0, include_top=True, weights='imagenet', input_tensor=None, pooling=None, classes=1000) model .. parsed-literal:: .. code:: ipython3 from pyensae.datasource import download_data import os if not os.path.exists("simages/noclass"): os.makedirs("simages/noclass") images = download_data("dog-cat-pixabay.zip", whereTo="simages/noclass") .. code:: ipython3 from mlinsights.plotting import plot_gallery_images plot_gallery_images(images[:7]); .. image:: onnx_deploy_77_0.png .. code:: ipython3 from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator import numpy params = dict(rescale=1./255) augmenting_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(**params) flow = augmenting_datagen.flow_from_directory('simages', batch_size=1, target_size=(224, 224), classes=['noclass'], shuffle=False) imgs = [img[0][0] for i, img in zip(range(0,31), flow)] .. parsed-literal:: Found 31 images belonging to 1 classes. .. code:: ipython3 array_images = [im[numpy.newaxis, :, :, :] for im in imgs] array_images[0].shape .. parsed-literal:: (1, 224, 224, 3) .. code:: ipython3 outputs = [model.predict(im) for im in array_images] outputs[0].shape .. parsed-literal:: (1, 1000) .. code:: ipython3 outputs[0].ravel()[:10] .. parsed-literal:: array([3.5999462e-04, 1.2039436e-03, 1.2471736e-04, 6.1937251e-05, 1.1310312e-03, 1.7601081e-04, 1.9819051e-04, 1.4307769e-04, 5.5190804e-04, 1.7074021e-04], dtype=float32) Let’s measure time. .. code:: ipython3 from jupytalk.benchmark import timeexec measures_dl += [timeexec("mobilenet.keras", "model.predict(array_images[0])", context=globals(), repeat=3, number=10)] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 85.39 ms deviation 6.55 ms (with 10 runs) in [80.37 ms, 94.65 ms] .. code:: ipython3 from keras2onnx import convert_keras try: konnx = convert_keras(model, "mobilev2", target_opset=12) except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e: # keras updated its version on print(e) .. parsed-literal:: tf executing eager_mode: True WARNING: Logging before flag parsing goes to stderr. I0609 11:05:50.269349 34312 main.py:44] tf executing eager_mode: True .. parsed-literal:: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'layer' Let’s switch to `pytorch `__. .. code:: ipython3 import torchvision.models as models .. code:: ipython3 modelt = models.squeezenet1_1(pretrained=True) modelt.classifier .. parsed-literal:: Sequential( (0): Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False) (1): Conv2d(512, 1000, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1)) (2): ReLU(inplace=True) (3): AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=(1, 1)) ) .. code:: ipython3 from torchvision import datasets, transforms from torch.utils.data import DataLoader trans = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((224, 224)), transforms.CenterCrop(224), transforms.ToTensor()]) imgs = datasets.ImageFolder("simages", trans) dataloader = DataLoader(imgs, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=1) img_seq = iter(dataloader) imgs = list(img[0] for img in img_seq) .. code:: ipython3 all_outputs = [modelt.forward(img).detach().numpy().ravel() for img in imgs[:2]] all_outputs[0].shape .. parsed-literal:: (1000,) .. code:: ipython3 measures_dl += [timeexec("squeezenet.pytorch", "modelt.forward(imgs[0]).detach().numpy().ravel()", context=globals(), repeat=3, number=10)] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 59.16 ms deviation 2.33 ms (with 10 runs) in [56.30 ms, 62.02 ms] Let’s convert into ONNX. .. code:: ipython3 import torch.onnx from torch.autograd import Variable input_names = [ "actual_input_1" ] output_names = [ "output1" ] dummy_input = Variable(torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)) torch.onnx.export(modelt, dummy_input, "squeezenet.torch.onnx", verbose=False, input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names) It works. .. code:: ipython3 from onnxruntime import InferenceSession sess = InferenceSession('squeezenet.torch.onnx') .. code:: ipython3 inputs = [_.name for _ in sess.get_inputs()] input_name = inputs[0] input_name .. parsed-literal:: 'actual_input_1' .. code:: ipython3 array_images[0].shape .. parsed-literal:: (1, 224, 224, 3) .. code:: ipython3 res = sess.run(None, {input_name: array_images[0].transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))}) res[0].shape .. parsed-literal:: (1, 1000) .. code:: ipython3 measures_dl += [timeexec("squeezenet.pytorch.onnx", "sess.run(None, {input_name: array_images[0].transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))})", context=globals(), repeat=3, number=10)] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 10.21 ms deviation 1.55 ms (with 10 runs) in [8.20 ms, 11.96 ms] Model zoo --------- `Converted Models `__ .. code:: ipython3 NbImage("zoo.png", width=800) .. image:: onnx_deploy_100_0.png :width: 800px MobileNet and SqueezeNet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download a pre-converted version `MobileNetv2 `__ .. code:: ipython3 download_data("mobilenetv2-1.0.onnx", url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/onnx-model-zoo/mobilenet/mobilenetv2-1.0/") .. parsed-literal:: 'mobilenetv2-1.0.onnx' .. code:: ipython3 sess = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("mobilenetv2-1.0.onnx") .. code:: ipython3 for i in sess.get_inputs(): print('Input:', i) for o in sess.get_outputs(): print('Output:', o) .. parsed-literal:: Input: NodeArg(name='data', type='tensor(float)', shape=[1, 3, 224, 224]) Output: NodeArg(name='mobilenetv20_output_flatten0_reshape0', type='tensor(float)', shape=[1, 1000]) .. code:: ipython3 print(array_images[0].shape) print(array_images[0].transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)).shape) .. parsed-literal:: (1, 224, 224, 3) (1, 3, 224, 224) .. code:: ipython3 res = sess.run(None, {'data': array_images[0].transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))}) res[0].shape .. parsed-literal:: (1, 1000) .. code:: ipython3 measures_dl += [timeexec("mobile.zoo.onnx", "sess.run(None, {'data': array_images[0].transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))})", context=globals(), repeat=3, number=10)] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 15.54 ms deviation 2.58 ms (with 10 runs) in [12.61 ms, 18.88 ms] Download a pre-converted version `SqueezeNet `__ .. code:: ipython3 download_data("squeezenet1.1.onnx", url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/onnx-model-zoo/squeezenet/squeezenet1.1/") .. parsed-literal:: 'squeezenet1.1.onnx' .. code:: ipython3 sess = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("squeezenet1.1.onnx") for i in sess.get_inputs(): print('Input:', i) for o in sess.get_outputs(): print('Output:', o) .. parsed-literal:: Input: NodeArg(name='data', type='tensor(float)', shape=[1, 3, 224, 224]) Output: NodeArg(name='squeezenet0_flatten0_reshape0', type='tensor(float)', shape=[1, 1000]) .. code:: ipython3 measures_dl += [timeexec("squeezenet.zoo.onnx", "sess.run(None, {'data': array_images[0].transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))})", context=globals(), repeat=3, number=10)] .. parsed-literal:: Average: 13.43 ms deviation 2.10 ms (with 10 runs) in [11.26 ms, 16.28 ms] .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10,3)) df = pandas.DataFrame(data=measures_dl) df = df.set_index("legend").sort_values("average") df[["average", "deviation"]].plot(kind="barh", logx=True, ax=ax, xerr="deviation", legend=False, fontsize=12, width=0.8) ax.set_ylabel("") ax.grid(b=True, which="major") ax.grid(b=True, which="minor") ax.set_title("Prediction time for one observation\nDeep learning models 224x224x3 (ImageNet)"); .. image:: onnx_deploy_113_0.png Tiny yolo ~~~~~~~~~ Source: `TinyYOLOv2 on onnx `__ .. code:: ipython3 download_data("tiny_yolov2.tar.gz", url="https://onnxzoo.blob.core.windows.net/models/opset_8/tiny_yolov2/") .. parsed-literal:: ['.\\tiny_yolov2/./Model.onnx', '.\\tiny_yolov2/./test_data_set_2/input_0.pb', '.\\tiny_yolov2/./test_data_set_2/output_0.pb', '.\\tiny_yolov2/./test_data_set_1/input_0.pb', '.\\tiny_yolov2/./test_data_set_1/output_0.pb', '.\\tiny_yolov2/./test_data_set_0/input_0.pb', '.\\tiny_yolov2/./test_data_set_0/output_0.pb'] .. code:: ipython3 sess = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("tiny_yolov2/Model.onnx") for i in sess.get_inputs(): print('Input:', i) for o in sess.get_outputs(): print('Output:', o) .. parsed-literal:: Input: NodeArg(name='image', type='tensor(float)', shape=['None', 3, 416, 416]) Output: NodeArg(name='grid', type='tensor(float)', shape=['None', 125, 13, 13]) .. code:: ipython3 from PIL import Image,ImageDraw img = Image.open('Au-Salon-de-l-agriculture-la-campagne-recrute.jpg') img .. image:: onnx_deploy_117_0.png .. code:: ipython3 img2 = img.resize((416, 416)) img2 .. image:: onnx_deploy_118_0.png .. code:: ipython3 X = numpy.asarray(img2) X = X.transpose(2,0,1) X = X.reshape(1,3,416,416) out = sess.run(None, {'image': X.astype(numpy.float32)}) out = out[0][0] .. code:: ipython3 def display_yolo(img, seuil): import numpy as np numClasses = 20 anchors = [1.08, 1.19, 3.42, 4.41, 6.63, 11.38, 9.42, 5.11, 16.62, 10.52] def sigmoid(x, derivative=False): return x*(1-x) if derivative else 1/(1+np.exp(-x)) def softmax(x): scoreMatExp = np.exp(np.asarray(x)) return scoreMatExp / scoreMatExp.sum(0) clut = [(0,0,0),(255,0,0),(255,0,255),(0,0,255),(0,255,0),(0,255,128), (128,255,0),(128,128,0),(0,128,255),(128,0,128), (255,0,128),(128,0,255),(255,128,128),(128,255,128),(255,255,0), (255,128,128),(128,128,255),(255,128,128),(128,255,128),(128,255,128)] label = ["aeroplane","bicycle","bird","boat","bottle", "bus","car","cat","chair","cow","diningtable", "dog","horse","motorbike","person","pottedplant", "sheep","sofa","train","tvmonitor"] draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) for cy in range(0,13): for cx in range(0,13): for b in range(0,5): channel = b*(numClasses+5) tx = out[channel ][cy][cx] ty = out[channel+1][cy][cx] tw = out[channel+2][cy][cx] th = out[channel+3][cy][cx] tc = out[channel+4][cy][cx] x = (float(cx) + sigmoid(tx))*32 y = (float(cy) + sigmoid(ty))*32 w = np.exp(tw) * 32 * anchors[2*b ] h = np.exp(th) * 32 * anchors[2*b+1] confidence = sigmoid(tc) classes = np.zeros(numClasses) for c in range(0,numClasses): classes[c] = out[channel + 5 +c][cy][cx] classes = softmax(classes) detectedClass = classes.argmax() if seuil < classes[detectedClass]*confidence: color =clut[detectedClass] x = x - w/2 y = y - h/2 draw.line((x ,y ,x+w,y ),fill=color, width=3) draw.line((x ,y ,x ,y+h),fill=color, width=3) draw.line((x+w,y ,x+w,y+h),fill=color, width=3) draw.line((x ,y+h,x+w,y+h),fill=color, width=3) return img .. code:: ipython3 img2 = img.resize((416, 416)) display_yolo(img2, 0.038) .. image:: onnx_deploy_121_0.png Conclusion ---------- - ONNX is a working progress, active development - ONNX is open source - ONNX does not depend on the machine learning framework - ONNX provides dedicated runtimes - ONNX is fast, available in Python… **Metadata to trace deployed models** .. code:: ipython3 meta = sess.get_modelmeta() meta.description .. parsed-literal:: "The Tiny YOLO network from the paper 'YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger' (2016), arXiv:1612.08242" .. code:: ipython3 meta.producer_name, meta.version .. parsed-literal:: ('OnnxMLTools', 0)