Code source de lecture_citation.fromtex

Extracts old quote from tex files.

import re

[docs]class FormatException(Exception): """ Raised when not able to interpret a line. :githublink:`%|py|11` """ pass
[docs]def enumerate_quotes(filename, encoding="utf-8", empty_name="Inconnu"): """ Enumerates quote from a filename or a stream :param filename: filename or stream :param encoding: applicable only if filename :param empty_name: replces an empty author name :return: enumerate on quote A quote is defined a dictionary. :githublink:`%|py|25` """ if isinstance(filename, str): with open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: for q in enumerate_quotes(f): yield q else: re1 = re.compile("chapter[{]([0-9]+)[}]") re2 = re.compile( "[\\]begin[{]xcitt?[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.+?)[}]") re3 = re.compile( "[\\]begin[{]xcita[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.+?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.+?)[}]") re4 = re.compile( "[\\]begin[{]xcitenfant[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.+?)[}]") re5 = re.compile( "[\\]begin[{]xcitw[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.+?)[}][{](.+?)[}]") re6 = re.compile( "[\\]begin[{]xcita3[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.+?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.+?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.*?)[}][{](.+?)[}]") def process_content(il, content): find =[0]) if find: author, name, book, index = find.groups() obs = dict(author="{0} {1}".format(name, author), book=book, index=index, year=year) else: find =[0]) if find: author1, name1, author2, name2, book, index = find.groups() obs = dict(author="{0} {1}, {2} {3}".format(name1, author1, name2, author2), book=book, index=index, year=year) else: find =[0]) if find: author, name, book, index = find.groups() obs = dict(author="{0} {1}".format(name, author), book=book, index=index, year=year, tag="enfant") else: find =[0]) if find: author, name, book, index, date = find.groups() obs = dict(author="{0} {1}".format(name, author), book=book, index=index, year=year, date=date) else: find =[0]) if find: author, name, a2, n2, a3, n3, book, index = find.groups() obs = dict(author="{} {}, {} {}, {} {}".format(name, author, n2, a2, n3, a3), book=book, index=index, year=year) else: raise FormatException( # pragma: no cover "Unable to interpret line {0}: '{1}'".format(il, content[0])) content = "\n".join(content[1:-1]) content = content.replace("~", " ") content = content.replace("\\quad", "...") obs["content"] = content if not obs["author"]: obs["author"] = empty_name return obs year = None content = [] for il, line in enumerate(filename): sline = line.strip() if sline.startswith("\\chapter{"): chap = if chap: year = chap.groups()[0] else: raise FormatException( # pragma: no cover "Unable to process line {0}: '{1}'".format(il, sline)) else: if sline.startswith("\\begin{xcit"): content.append(sline) elif sline.startswith("\\end{xcit"): content.append(sline) yield process_content(il, content) content.clear() else: if content: content.append(sline) else: # between quotes pass