Source code for lightmlboard.dbmanager

Manages a sqlite3 database to store the results.

import datetime
from uuid import uuid4
import numpy
import pandas
from .dbengine import Database
from .options_helpers import read_options, read_users
from .competition import Competition

[docs]class DatabaseCompetition(Database): """ Holds the data used for competitions. Tables: Competitions * cpt_id * cpt_name * metric * datafile * description * expected_values Teams * team_id * team_name Players * player_id * team_id * player_name * mail * login * pwd Submission * cpt_id * player_id * date * filename * metric_value :githublink:`%|py|48` """
[docs] def __init__(self, dbfile): """ :param dbfile: filename or ``:memory:`` :githublink:`%|py|53` """ Database.__init__(self, dbfile) self._init()
[docs] def _init(self): """ Creates the tables if not present. :githublink:`%|py|60` """ self.connect() tables = self.get_table_list() adds = dict(competitions=DatabaseCompetition._col_competitions, teams=DatabaseCompetition._col_teams, players=DatabaseCompetition._col_players, submissions=DatabaseCompetition._col_submissions) for k, v in adds.items(): if k not in tables: self.create_table(k, v()) self.commit() self.close()
[docs] def init_from_options(self, filename): """ Initializes the database. It skips a table if it exists. :param filename: filename :githublink:`%|py|79` """ opt = read_options(filename) if opt is None: raise ValueError("No option in '{0}'.".format(filename)) users = read_users(opt["allowed_users"]) key = "tmpl_competitions" if "tmpl_competitions" in opt else "competitions" competitions = [(d if isinstance(d, Competition) else Competition(**d)) for d in opt[key]] if not self.has_rows("teams"): teams = map(lambda x: x[1]['team'], users.items()) tdf = pandas.DataFrame({"team_name": list(teams)}) tdf.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True) tdf.columns = ["team_id", "team_name"] tdf.to_sql("teams", self.Connection, if_exists="append", index=False) if not self.has_rows("players"): players = list(map(lambda x: x[1], users.items())) pdf = pandas.DataFrame(players) pdf.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True) tdf = self.to_df("teams") pdf["player_name"] = pdf["name"] pdf["player_id"] = pdf["index"] pdf = pdf.merge(tdf, left_on="team", right_on="team_name") pdf = pdf.drop(["name", "team_name", "index", "team"], axis=1) pdf.to_sql("players", self.Connection, if_exists="append", index=False) if not self.has_rows("competitions"): pdf = pandas.DataFrame(Competition.to_records(competitions)) if "cpt_id" in pdf.columns: pdf.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) else: pdf.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True) # tdf = self.to_df("competitions") pdf["cpt_id"] = pdf["index"] pdf = pdf.drop("index", axis=1) pdf.to_sql("competitions", self.Connection, if_exists="append", index=False) if not self.has_rows("submissions"): pdf = DatabaseCompetition._dummy_submissions() pdf.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) pdf.to_sql("submissions", self.Connection, if_exists="append", index=False) df = self.to_df("players") logins = set(df['login']) if None in logins: raise ValueError("One login is wrong: {0}".format(logins))
[docs] def get_competitions(self): """ Returns the list of competitions as list of ``(cpt_id, cpt_name)``. :githublink:`%|py|134` """ return self.execute("SELECT cpt_id, cpt_name FROM competitions")
[docs] def to_df(self, table): """ Returns the content of a table as a dataframe. :githublink:`%|py|140` """ return pandas.read_sql("SELECT * FROM {0}".format(table), self.Connection)
@property def Connection(self): """ Returns the connexion. :githublink:`%|py|147` """ self._check_connection() return self._connection
[docs] @staticmethod def _col_competitions(): return [('cpt_id', int), ('link', str), ('cpt_name', str), ('description', str), ('metric', str), ('datafile', str), ('expected_values', str)]
[docs] @staticmethod def _col_teams(): return [('team_id', int), ('team_name', str)]
[docs] @staticmethod def _col_players(): return [('player_id', int), ('team_id', int), ('metric', str), ('player_name', str), ('mail', str), ('login', str), ('pwd', str)]
[docs] @staticmethod def _col_submissions(): return [('sub_id', str), ('cpt_id', int), ('player_id', int), ('date', str), ('data', str), ('metric', str), ('metric_value', float)]
[docs] @staticmethod def _dummy_submissions(): return pandas.DataFrame([dict(sub_id=str(uuid4()), cpt_id=-1, player_id=-1,, data='', metric='rse', metric_value=numpy.nan)])
[docs] def get_cpt_id(self): """ Returns the list of competation id. :githublink:`%|py|178` """ return list(_[0] for _ in self.execute("SELECT cpt_id FROM competitions"))
[docs] def get_player_id(self): """ Returns the list of competation id. :githublink:`%|py|184` """ return list(_[0] for _ in self.execute("SELECT player_id FROM players"))
[docs] def submit(self, cpt_id, player_id, data, """ Adds a submission to the database. :param cpt_id: competition id :param player_id: player who did the submission :param data: data of the submission The function computes the metric associated to the submission. :githublink:`%|py|196` """ if not isinstance(data, str): raise TypeError("data must be str not {0}".format(type(data))) cp = list(self.execute( "SELECT cpt_id, metric, expected_values FROM competitions WHERE cpt_id={0}".format(cpt_id))) if len(cp) == 0: raise ValueError("Unable to find cpt_id={0} in\n{1}".format( cpt_id, self.get_cpt_id())) pid = list(self.execute( "SELECT player_id FROM players WHERE player_id={0}".format(player_id))) if len(pid) == 0: raise ValueError("Unable to find player_id={0} in\n{1}".format( player_id, self.get_player_id())) metrics = [_[1:] for _ in cp] sub = [] for met, exp in metrics: cp = Competition(cpt_id=0, link='', name='', description='', metric=met, expected_values=exp) dres = cp.evaluate(data) res = dres[met] if not isinstance(res, float): res = float(res) rec = dict(sub_id=str(uuid4()), cpt_id=cpt_id, player_id=player_id, data=data, metric=met, metric_value=res) sub.append(rec) df = pandas.DataFrame(sub) df.to_sql("submissions", self._connection, if_exists="append", index=False) self.commit()
[docs] def get_competition(self, cpt_id): """ Retrieves a competition. :param cpt_id: competition id :return: :class:`Competition <lightmlboard.competition.Competition>` :githublink:`%|py|234` """ res = list(self.execute( "SELECT * FROM competitions WHERE cpt_id=={0}".format(cpt_id))) if len(res) == 0: raise KeyError("No competition for cpt_id=={0}".format(cpt_id)) if len(res) != 1: raise KeyError( "Too many competitions for cpt_id=={0}".format(cpt_id)) args = list(res[0]) return Competition(*args)
[docs] def get_results(self, cpt_id): """ Retrieves the results of a competition. :param cpt_id: competition id :return: a data frame :githublink:`%|py|251` """ res = pandas.read_sql("""SELECT A.*, B.player_name AS player_name, C.team_name FROM submissions AS A INNER JOIN players AS B ON A.player_id == B.player_id INNER JOIN teams AS C ON B.team_id == C.team_id WHERE cpt_id == {0} """.format(cpt_id), self.Connection) return res