Source code for lightmlrestapi.netrest.rest_helper

Helpers to submit REST API requests.

import os
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from ..args import zip_dict, bytes2string
from import json_loads, json_dumps

[docs]def json_upload_model(name, pyfile, data=None): """ Builds a REST request to upload a machine learned models to a REST API defined by :class:`MLStoragePost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlstorage_rest.MLStoragePost>`. :param name: name of the model, should be unique and not already used :param pyfile: python file which computes the prediction, the file must follows the specification defined in :ref:`l-template-ml` :param data: binary file, usually everything the models pickled :return: dictionary ready to be jsonified :githublink:`%|py|24` """ if name is None or name == '': raise ValueError("name cannot be empty.") if not os.path.exists(pyfile): raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find '{0}'.".format(pyfile)) if data is None: data = [] if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] for d in data: if not os.path.exists(d): raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find '{0}'.".format(d)) # model file last_file = os.path.split(pyfile)[-1] with open(pyfile, "rb") as f: code = if code == '': raise ValueError("File '{0}' cannot be empty.".format(pyfile)) model_data = {last_file: code} # model data if data: for d in data: ld = os.path.split(d)[-1] with open(d, "rb") as f: content = model_data[ld] = content # zip data zipped = zip_dict(model_data) request = dict(name=name, cmd='upload', zip=bytes2string(zipped)) return request
[docs]def json_predict_model(name, data, format='json'): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Builds a REST request to compute the prediction of a machine learning model upload with :func:`json_upload_model <lightmlrestapi.netrest.rest_helper.json_upload_model>`. See also :class:`MLStoragePost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlstorage_rest.MLStoragePost>`. :param name: name of the model, should be unique and not already used :param data: any kind of data the model request :param format: ``'json'`` or ``'image'`` :return: dictionary ready to be jsonified :githublink:`%|py|71` """ if name is None or name == '': raise ValueError("name cannot be empty.") js = json_dumps(data) obs = dict(cmd='predict', name=name, input=js, format=format) return obs
[docs]def submit_rest_request(request, login=None, pwd=None, url='', timeout=50, fLOG=None): """ Submits a request to a REST API defined by :class:`MLStoragePost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlstorage_rest.MLStoragePost>`. :param login: login :param pwd: password :param request: request as a dictionary :param url: url :param timeout: timeout :param fLOG: logging function :return: request results as dictionary :githublink:`%|py|93` """ if login: if fLOG: fLOG("[submit_rest_request] submit authentified request as '{0}' to '{1}'".format( login, url)) auth = HTTPBasicAuth(login, pwd) jsonified = json_dumps(request) response = url, auth=auth, data=jsonified, timeout=timeout) else: if fLOG: fLOG("[submit_rest_request] submit request to '{0}'".format(url)) jsonified = json_dumps(request) response =, data=jsonified, timeout=timeout) if response.ok: return json_loads(response.content) else: content = None if hasattr(response, 'content'): content = response.content elif hasattr(response, '_content'): content = response._content # pylint: disable=W0212 if content: if isinstance(content, bytes): http_error_msg = content.decode('ascii') try: val = json_loads(http_error_msg) http_error_msg = val except ValueError: pass finally: pass else: http_error_msg = json_loads(content) if isinstance(http_error_msg, dict): http_error_msg = "\n".join( ["{0}: {1}".format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(http_error_msg.items())]) else: http_error_msg = "ERROR" raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=response)