Source code for lightmlrestapi.testing.dummy_applications

Machine Learning Post request

import os
import falcon
import numpy
from .data import get_wiki_img
from ..mlapp import MachineLearningPost, AuthMiddleware, MLStoragePost
from ..args import base642image, image2array, encrypt_password

[docs]def dummy_application(app=None, **params): """ Defines a dummy application using this API. It returns a score produced by a model trained on `Iris datasets <>`_ and two features. :param app: application, if None, creates one :param params: parameters sent to :class:`MachineLearningPost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlpost_rest.MachineLearningPost>` :return: app .. exref:: :title: Query a REST API with features This example shows how to query a :epkg:`REST API` by sending a vector of features. You can start it by running: :: start_mlrestapi --name=dummy And then query it with: :: import requests import ujson features = ujson.dumps({'X': [0.1, 0.2]}) r ='', data=features) print(r) print(r.json()) It should return: :: {'Y': [[0.4994216179, 0.4514893599, 0.0490890222]]} :githublink:`%|py|51` """ from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. y = clf = LogisticRegression(), y) if app is None: app = falcon.API() route = MachineLearningPost( lambda clf=clf: clf, LogisticRegression.predict_proba, ccall='multi', **params) # Let's check it works. one = clf.predict_proba(X[:1]) two = route.check_single(X[0]) if type(one) != type(two): # pylint: disable=C0123 raise RuntimeError("Type mismath") app.add_route('/', route) return app
[docs]def _distance_img(img1, img2, arr1=None): """ Computes the distance between two images. The function uses :epkg:`Pillow`. :param img1: reference :epkg:`PIL:Image.Image` :param img2: new image :epkg:`PIL:Image.Image` :param arr1: img1 as an array if available (to avoid converting the same image multiple times) :return: distance (in [0, 1]) or list of distances :githublink:`%|py|87` """ arr1 = image2array(img1) if arr1 is None else arr1 if isinstance(img2, list): return [_distance_img(img1, im2, arr1) for im2 in img2] else: im2 = img2 if img1.size != im2.size: im2 = im2.resize(img1.size) if im2.mode != 'RGB': im2 = im2.convert('RGB') arr2 = image2array(im2) # raise Exception("THIS {0}-{1}-{2}".format(im2.size, img1.size, arr1 is None)) diff = arr1.ravel() - arr2.ravel() total = numpy.abs(diff) return total.sum() / float(len(total)) / 255
[docs]def _distance_img_b64(img1, img2, arr1=None): """ Calls :func:`_distance_img <lightmlrestapi.testing.dummy_applications._distance_img>` on an image encoded with :epkg:`*pyf:base64`. :param img1: reference :epkg:`PIL:Image.Image` :param img2: new image or list of images encoded with :epkg:`*pyf:base64` :param arr1: img1 as an array if available (to avoid converting the same image multiple times) :return: distance (in [0, 1]) or list of distances :githublink:`%|py|115` """ if isinstance(img2, list): img2 = [base642image(img) for img in img2] else: img2 = base642image(img2) return _distance_img(img1, img2, arr1)
[docs]def dummy_application_image(app=None, options=None, **params): """ Defines a dummy application using this API and processing one image. The API ingests an image, resizes it to 224x224 and returns a distance to an original image from subfolder *data*. :param app: application, if None, creates one :param options: if not empty, path to an image :param params: parameters sent to :class:`MachineLearningPost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlpost_rest.MachineLearningPost>` :return: app .. exref:: :title: Query a REST API with an image This example shows how to query a REST API by sending an image. You can start it by running: :: start_mlrestapi --name=dummyimg And then query it with: :: import requests import ujson from lightmlrestapi.args import image2base64 img = "path_to_image" b64 = image2base64(img)[1] features = ujson.dumps({'X': b64}, reject_bytes=False) r ='', data=features) print(r) print(r.json()) It should return something like: :: {'distance': [0.21]} :githublink:`%|py|166` """ if options is None or not isinstance(options, str) or len(options) == 0: options = get_wiki_img() if not os.path.exists(options): raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find image '{0}'.".format(options)) from PIL import Image img_base = if img_base.size != (224, 224): img_base = img_base.resize((224, 224)) if img_base.mode != 'RGB': img_base = img_base.convert('RGB') if app is None: app = falcon.API() app.add_route( '/', MachineLearningPost(lambda: None, lambda model, X: _distance_img_b64(img_base, X), **params)) return app
[docs]def dummy_application_fct(restapi_load, restapi_predict, users=None, algo='sha224', app=None, **params): """ Defines an application as defined in the tutorial :ref:`l-dummy-function-application`. :param restapi_load: function to load a model :param restapi_predict: predict function :param params: parameters sent to :class:`MachineLearningPost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlpost_rest.MachineLearningPost>` :param users: restrict to authenticated users, :func:`load_passwords <lightmlrestapi.args.encrypt_helper.load_passwords>` :param algo: algorithm used to encrypt password :param app: application, if None, creates one :githublink:`%|py|197` """ if app is None: if users: middleware = [AuthMiddleware(users, algo=algo)] app = falcon.API(middleware=middleware) else: app = falcon.API() app.add_route( '/', MachineLearningPost(restapi_load, restapi_predict, **params)) return app
[docs]def dummy_application_neighbors(app=None, **params): """ Defines a dummy application using this API. It returns a list of neighbors with a score on `Iris datasets <>`_. :param app: application, if None, creates one :param params: parameters sent to :class:`MachineLearningPost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlpost_rest.MachineLearningPost>` :return: app .. exref:: :title: Query a REST API with an image and get neighbors A previous example shows how to send an image, this one illustrates a result which is a classifier result neither a regressor one but neighbors. You can start it by running: :: start_mlrestapi --name=dummyknn And then query it with: :: import requests import ujson features = ujson.dumps({'X': [0.1, 0.2]}) r ='', data=features) print(r) print(r.json()) It should return: :: {'Y': [[[41, 4.8754486973], [13, 5.0477717856], [8, 5.0774009099], [38, 5.1312766443], [60, 5.2201532545]]]} :githublink:`%|py|247` """ from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. knn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5) def to_serie(knn, x): "converts into series" dist, ind = knn.kneighbors(x) res = [] for i in range(0, len(x)): res.append([(int(j), float(s)) for j, s in zip(ind[i, :], dist[i, :])]) return res if app is None: app = falcon.API() app.add_route( '/', MachineLearningPost(lambda: knn, lambda knn, x: to_serie(knn, x), ccall='multi', **params)) return app
[docs]def dummy_application_neighbors_image(app=None, options=None, **params): """ Defines a dummy application using this API. It returns a list of one neighbor for an image and metadata (random). :param app: application, if None, creates one :param options: if not empty, path to an image :param params: parameters sent to :class:`MachineLearningPost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlpost_rest.MachineLearningPost>` :return: app You can start it by running: :: start_mlrestapi --name=dummyknnimg And then query it with: :: import requests import ujson from lightmlrestapi.args import image2base64 img = "path_to_image" b64 = image2base64(img)[1] features = ujson.dumps({'X': b64}, reject_bytes=False) r ='', data=features) print(r) print(r.json()) It should return: :: {'Y': [[[41, 4.8754486973, {'name': 'wiki.png', description='something'}]]]} :githublink:`%|py|308` """ if options is None or not isinstance(options, str) or len(options) == 0: options = get_wiki_img() if not os.path.exists(options): raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find image '{0}'.".format(options)) from PIL import Image img_base = if img_base.size != (224, 224): img_base = img_base.resize((224, 224)) if img_base.mode != 'RGB': img_base = img_base.convert('RGB') def mypredict(img_base, X): "overwrites predict" res = _distance_img_b64(img_base, X) final = [] for r, x in zip(res, X): final.append([(0, r, dict(name=os.path.split(options)[1], description="image from wikipedia: {0}".format(len(x))))]) return final if app is None: app = falcon.API() app.add_route( '/', MachineLearningPost(lambda: img_base, mypredict, ccall='multi', **params)) return app
[docs]def dummy_application_auth(app=None, algo="sha224", **params): """ Defines a dummy application using this API including authentification. It returns a score produced by a model trained on `Iris datasets <>`_ and two features. :param app: application, if None, creates one :param algo: algorithm used to encrypt the passwords :param params: parameters sent to :class:`MachineLearningPost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlpost_rest.MachineLearningPost>` :return: app It adds one users with the login 'me' and the password 'dummy'. :githublink:`%|py|350` """ from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. y = clf = LogisticRegression(), y) if app is None: zoo = encrypt_password("dummy", algo=algo) data = "login,pwd\nme,{0}".format(zoo) app = falcon.API(middleware=[AuthMiddleware(data, algo=algo)]) route = MachineLearningPost( lambda clf=clf: clf, LogisticRegression.predict_proba, ccall='multi', **params) # Let's check it works. one = clf.predict_proba(X[:1]) two = route.check_single(X[0]) if type(one) != type(two): # pylint: disable=C0123 raise RuntimeError("Type mismath") app.add_route('/', route) return app
[docs]def dummy_mlstorage(app=None, **params): """ Defines a dummy application using this API. It stores a model and it returns a score produced by a model trained on `Iris datasets <>`_ and two features. :param app: application, if None, creates one :param params: parameters sent to :class:`MLStoragePost <lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlstorage_rest.MLStoragePost>` :return: app :githublink:`%|py|388` """ if app is None: app = falcon.API() route = MLStoragePost(**params) app.add_route('/', route) return app