
Scikit-learn template

Classes MLStorage and MLStoragePost assume that a model is actionable by implementing the following template:

    Template application for a machine learning model
    available through a REST API.
    import pickle
    import os
    # Declare an id for the REST API.
    def restapi_version():
        Displays a version.
        return "0.1.1234"
    # Declare a loading function.
    def restapi_load(files={"model": "iris2.pkl"}):  # pylint: disable=W0102
        Loads the model.
        The model name is relative to this file.
        When call by a REST API, the default value is always used.
        model = files["model"]
        here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        model = os.path.join(here, model)
        if not os.path.exists(model):
            raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find model '{0}' (full path is '{1}')".format(
                model, os.path.abspath(model)))
        with open(model, "rb") as f:
            loaded_model = pickle.load(f)
        return loaded_model
    # Declare a predict function.
    def restapi_predict(model, X):
        Computes the prediction for model *clf*.
        :param model: pipeline following :epkg:`scikit-learn` API
        :param X: inputs
        :return: output of *predict_proba*
        return model.predict_proba(X)

Model with image

The second template shows how to deal with images with a dummy example which computes the distance between two images.

    Template application for a machine learning model
    available through a REST API and using images like
    deep learning models.
    import pickle
    import os
    import numpy
    import skimage.transform as skt
    # Declare an id for the REST API.
    def restapi_version():
        Displays a version.
        return "0.1.1235"
    # Declare a loading function.
    def restapi_load(files={"model": "dlimg.pkl"}):  # pylint: disable=W0102
        Loads the model.
        The model name is relative to this file.
        When call by a REST API, the default value is always used.
        model = files['model']
        here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        model = os.path.join(here, model)
        if not os.path.exists(model):
            raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find model '{0}' (full path is '{1}')".format(
                model, os.path.abspath(model)))
        with open(model, "rb") as f:
            loaded_model = pickle.load(f)
        return loaded_model
    # Declare a predict function.
    def restapi_predict(model, X):
        Computes the prediction for model *clf*.
        :param model: pipeline following :epkg:`scikit-learn` API
        :param X: image as a :epkg:`numpy` array
        :return: output of *predict_proba*
        if not isinstance(X, numpy.ndarray):
            raise TypeError("X must be an array")
        im1 = model
        im2 = X
        im1 = skt.resize(im1, (3, 224, 224))
        im2 = skt.resize(im2, (3, 224, 224))
        diff = im1.ravel() - im2.ravel()
        total = numpy.abs(diff)
        return total.sum() / float(len(total)) / 255

Model with keras

Thrid template with keras and a model trained on ImageNet.

    Template application for a machine learning model
    based on :epkg:`keras` available through a REST API.
    import os
    import numpy
    import skimage.transform as skt
    # Declare an id for the REST API.
    def restapi_version():
        Displays a version.
        return "0.1.1237"
    # Declare a loading function.
    def restapi_load(files={'model': "dlmodel.keras"}):  # pylint: disable=W0102
        Loads the model.
        The model name is relative to this file.
        When call by a REST API, the default value is always used.
        from keras.models import load_model  # pylint: disable=E0401,E0611
        model = files["model"]
        here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        model = os.path.join(here, model)
        if not os.path.exists(model):
            raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find model '{0}' (full path is '{1}')".format(
                model, os.path.abspath(model)))
        loaded_model = load_model(model)
        return loaded_model
    # Declare a predict function.
    def restapi_predict(model, X):
        Computes the prediction for model *clf*.
        :param model: pipeline following :epkg:`scikit-learn` API
        :param X: image as a :epkg:`numpy` array
        :return: output of *predict_proba*
        if not isinstance(X, numpy.ndarray):
            raise TypeError("X must be an array")
        im = X
        im = skt.resize(im, (3, 224, 224))
        im = numpy.transpose(im, (1, 2, 0))
        im = im[numpy.newaxis, :, :, :]
        return model.predict(im)