Coverage for src/lightmlrestapi/cli/ 60%

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3@brief Creates and runs an Falcon application. 


5import os 

6import sys 

7import logging 

8import falcon 



11def start_mlreststor(location='.', host='', port=8081, name='ml', nostart=False, 

12 wsgi='waitress', secret='', users='', algo='sha224', 

13 fLOG=print): 

14 """ 

15 Creates an :epkg:`falcon` application and 

16 runs it through a :epkg:`wsgi` server. 

17 The appplication stores machine learned models and runs predictions assuming 

18 all the necessary packages were installed. 


20 :param name: only one option is implemented 'ml' 

21 :param location: location of the storage 

22 :param host: host 

23 :param port: port 

24 :param nostart: do not start the wsgi server (for debug purpose) 

25 :param wsgi: :epkg:`wsgi` framework which runs the falcon application 

26 :param secret: secret used to encrypt the logging, default is empty which 

27 disables the encryption 

28 :param users: list of authorized users stored 

29 in a text file with two columns: 

30 login and encrypted password 

31 :param algo: algorithm used to encrypt the passwords 

32 :param fLOG: logging function 


34 Only :epkg:`waitress` is implemented right now. 

35 Other alternative such as :epkg:`mod_wsgi` with :epkg:`Apache`. 

36 :epkg:`uwsgi` are not implemented. Parameter *users* can be empty 

37 to disable authentification. 


39 .. cmdref:: 

40 :title: Creates an falcon application to store machine learned models 

41 :cmd: -m lightmlrestapi start_mlreststor --help 

42 :lid: cmd_start_mlreststor_cmd 


44 Creates an :epkg:`falcon` application and starts it through a :epkg:`wsgi` server. 

45 The appplication stores machine learned models and runs predictions assuming 

46 all the necessary packages were installed. 

47 """ 

48 try: 

49 from ..mlapp.mlstorage_rest import MLStoragePost 

50 from ..mlapp.authfiction import AuthMiddleware 

51 except (ImportError, ValueError): 

52 folder = os.path.normpath(os.path.join( 

53 os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "..")) 

54 sys.path.append(folder) 

55 from lightmlrestapi.mlapp.mlstorage_rest import MLStoragePost 

56 from lightmlrestapi.mlapp.authfiction import AuthMiddleware 


58 # Secrets. 

59 if not secret: 

60 secret = None 

61 if not users: 

62 users = None 

63 if name not in {'ml'}: 

64 raise ValueError("Name '{0}' is not recognized.".format(name)) 


66 # Authenfication. 

67 if users: 

68 if fLOG: 

69 fLOG("[start_mlreststor] enable authentification") 

70 middleware = [AuthMiddleware(users, algo=algo)] 

71 app = falcon.API(middleware=middleware) 

72 url_scheme = 'https' 

73 else: 

74 app = falcon.API() 

75 url_scheme = 'http' 


77 # REST API 

78 location = os.path.abspath(location) 

79 if not os.path.exists(location): 

80 raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find '{0}'".format(location)) 

81 rest = MLStoragePost(secret=secret, folder=location, 

82 folder_storage=location, version=None) 


84 app.add_route("/", rest) 


86 # Server. 

87 if wsgi is not None: 

88 if wsgi == 'waitress': 

89 from waitress import serve 

90 if not nostart: 

91 fLOG("[start_mlreststor] serve(app, host='{}', port='{}', url_scheme='{}')".format( 

92 host, port, url_scheme)) 

93 logger = logging.getLogger('waitress') 

94 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) 

95 serve(app, host=host, port=port, url_scheme=url_scheme) 

96 else: 

97 fLOG("[start_mlreststor] do not run serve(app, host='{}', port='{}')".format( 

98 host, port)) 

99 else: 

100 raise NotImplementedError( 

101 "Server '{}' is not implemented.".format(wsgi)) 


103 return app