Code source de mathenjeu.apps.common.auth_app

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Starts an application.

import hashlib
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
import ujson

[docs]class AuthentificationAnswers: """ Defines answers for an application with authentification. It stores a cookie with only the user alias. The method `authentify_user <mathenjeu.apps.common.auth_app.AuthentificationAnswers.authentify_user>`_ must be overwritten. The method `page_context <mathenjeu.apps.qcm.acm_app.ACMApp.page_context>`_ returns additional information to add before applying any template. :githublink:`%|py|20` """
[docs] def __init__(self, app, login_page="login.html", notauth_page="notauthorized.html", auth_page="authorized.html", redirect_logout="/", max_age=14 * 24 * 60 * 60, cookie_key=None, cookie_name="mathenjeu", cookie_domain="", cookie_path="/", secure=False, page_context=None, userpwd=None): """ :param app: :epkg:`starlette` application :param login_page: name of the login page :param notauth_page: page displayed when a user is not authorized :param auth_page: page displayed when a user is authorized :param redirect_logout: a not authorized used is redirected to this page :param max_age: cookie's duration in seconds :param cookie_key: to encrypt information in the cookie (cannot be None) :param cookie_name: name of the session cookie :param cookie_domain: cookie is valid for this path only :param cookie_path: path of the cookie once storeds :param secure: use secured connection for cookies :param page_context: to retrieve additional context before rendering the pages (as a function which returns a dictionary) :param userpwd: users are authentified with any alias but a common password :githublink:`%|py|46` """ if cookie_key is None: raise ValueError("cookie_key cannot be None") = app self.login_page = login_page self.notauth_page = notauth_page self.auth_page = auth_page self.redirect_logout = redirect_logout self.cookie_name = cookie_name self.cookie_domain = cookie_domain self.cookie_path = cookie_path self.cookie_key = cookie_key self.max_age = max_age = secure self.signer = URLSafeTimedSerializer(self.cookie_key) self.userpwd = userpwd self.hashed_userpwd = None if userpwd is None else self.hash_pwd( userpwd) self._get_page_context = page_context app._get_session = self.get_session for method in ['log_event', 'log_any']: if hasattr(self, method): setattr(app, '_' + method, getattr(self, method))
[docs] async def login(self, request): """ Login page. If paramater *returnto* is specified in the url, the user will go to this page after being logged. """ ps = request.query_params context = {'request': request, 'returnto': ps.get('returnto', '/')} context.update(self._get_page_context()) return self.templates.TemplateResponse(self.login_page, context) # pylint: disable=E1101
[docs] def hash_pwd(self, pwd): """ Hashes a password. :param pwd: password :return: hashed password in hexadecimal format :githublink:`%|py|86` """ m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(pwd.encode("utf-8")) return m.hexdigest()
[docs] async def authenticate(self, request): """ Authentification. @param request request @return response """ try: fo = await request.form() except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( # pylint: disable=W0707 "Unable to read login and password due to '{0}'".format(e)) if 'alias' not in fo: return self.is_allowed( alias=None, pwd=None, request=request) ps = request.query_params loge = getattr(self, 'logevent', None) if loge: loge("authenticate", request, session={}, # pylint: disable=E1102 alias=fo['alias']) res = self.is_allowed(alias=fo['alias'], pwd=fo['pwd'], request=request) if res is not None: return res data = dict(alias=fo['alias'], hashpwd=self.hash_pwd(fo['pwd'])) returnto = ps.get('returnto', '/') context = {'request': request, 'alias': fo['alias'], 'returnto': returnto} context.update(self._get_page_context()) response = self.templates.TemplateResponse( # pylint: disable=E1101 'authorized.html', context) self.save_session(response, data) return response
# response = RedirectResponse(url=returnto) # return response
[docs] async def logout(self, request): """ Logout page. """ response = RedirectResponse(url=self.redirect_logout) response.delete_cookie(self.cookie_name, domain=self.cookie_domain, path=self.cookie_path) return response
[docs] def save_session(self, response, data): """ Saves the session to the response in a secure cookie. :param response: response :param data: data :githublink:`%|py|143` """ data = ujson.dumps(data) # pylint: disable=E1101 signed_data = self.signer.dumps([data]) # pylint: disable=E1101 response.set_cookie(self.cookie_name, signed_data, max_age=self.max_age, httponly=True, domain=self.cookie_domain, path=self.cookie_path,
[docs] def get_session(self, request, notnone=False): """ Retrieves the session. :param request: request :param notnone: None or empty dictionary :return: session :githublink:`%|py|158` """ cook = request.cookies.get(self.cookie_name) if cook is not None: unsigned = self.signer.loads(cook) data = unsigned[0] jsdata = ujson.loads(data) # pylint: disable=E1101 # We check the hashed password is still good. hashpwd = jsdata.get('hashpwd', '') if not self.authentify_user(jsdata.get('alias', ''), hashpwd, False): # We cancel the authentification. return {} return jsdata return {} if notnone else None
[docs] def is_allowed(self, alias, pwd, request): """ Checks that a user is allowed. Returns None if it is allowed, otherwise an page with an error message. :param alias: alias or iser :param pwd: password :param request: received request :return: None if allowed, *HTMLResponse* otherwise :githublink:`%|py|181` """ if not self.authentify_user(alias, pwd): context = {'request': request, 'alias': alias} context.update(self._get_page_context()) return self.templates.TemplateResponse('notauthorized.html', context) # pylint: disable=E1101 return None
[docs] def authentify_user(self, alias, pwd, hash_before=True): """ Overwrites this method to allow or reject users. :param alias: alias or user :param pwd: password :param hash_before: hashes the password before comparing, otherwise, the function assumes it is already hashed :return: boolean The current behavior is to allow anybody if the alias is longer than 3 characters. :githublink:`%|py|200` """ if alias is None or len(alias.strip()) <= 3: return False if self.hashed_userpwd is None: return True if hash_before: hashed_pwd = self.hash_pwd(pwd) return hashed_pwd == self.hashed_userpwd return pwd == self.hashed_userpwd