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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Starts an application. 


6import os 

7from starlette.applications import Starlette 

8from starlette.staticfiles import StaticFiles 

9from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse 

10# from starlette.middleware.httpsredirect import HTTPSRedirectMiddleware 

11from starlette.middleware.trustedhost import TrustedHostMiddleware 

12from starlette.routing import Mount 

13from starlette.templating import Jinja2Templates 

14from ..common import LogApp, AuthentificationAnswers 

15from .authmount import AuthMount, AuthStaticFiles 



18class StaticApp(LogApp, AuthentificationAnswers): 

19 """ 

20 Implements routes for a web application which serves static files 

21 protected with a password. 

22 See :ref:`Which server to server starlette application? <faq-server-app-starlette>`. 

23 The application allows anybody to connect to the website 

24 assuming the know the password. 

25 """ 


27 def __init__(self, 

28 # log parameters 

29 secret_log=None, folder='.', 

30 # authentification parameters 

31 max_age=14 * 24 * 60 * 60, cookie_key=None, 

32 cookie_name="mathenjeu_static", 

33 cookie_domain="", 

34 cookie_path="/", 

35 # application parameters 

36 content=None, 

37 title="MathEnJeu - Static Files", short_title="MEJ", 

38 page_doc="", 

39 secure=False, middles=None, debug=False, userpwd=None): 

40 """ 

41 @param secret_log to encrypt log (None to ignore) 

42 @param folder folder where to write the logs (None to disable the logging) 


44 @param max_age cookie's duration in seconds 

45 @param cookie_key to encrypt information in the cookie (cannot be None) 

46 @param cookie_name name of the session cookie 

47 @param cookie_domain cookie is valid for this path only, also defines the 

48 domain of the web app (its url) 

49 @param cookie_path path of the cookie once storeds 

50 @param secure use secured connection for cookies 

51 @param content list tuple ``route, folder`` to server 


53 @param title title 

54 @param short_title short application title 

55 @param middles middles ware, list of couple ``[(class, **kwargs)]`` 

56 where *kwargs* are the parameter constructor 

57 @param userpwd users are authentified with any alias but a common password 

58 @param debug display debug information (:epkg:`starlette` option) 

59 """ 

60 if title is None: 

61 raise ValueError("title cannot be None.") 

62 if short_title is None: 

63 raise ValueError("short_title cannot be None.") 


65 this = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) 

66 templates = os.path.join(this, "templates") 

67 statics = os.path.join(this, "statics") 

68 if not os.path.exists(statics): 

69 raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find '{0}'".format(statics)) 

70 if not os.path.exists(templates): 

71 raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find '{0}'".format(templates)) 


73 login_page = "login.html" 

74 notauth_page = "notauthorized.html" 

75 auth_page = "authorized.html" 

76 redirect_logout = "/" 

77 app = Starlette(debug=debug) 


79 AuthentificationAnswers.__init__(self, app, login_page=login_page, auth_page=auth_page, 

80 notauth_page=notauth_page, redirect_logout=redirect_logout, 

81 max_age=max_age, cookie_name=cookie_name, cookie_key=cookie_key, 

82 cookie_domain=cookie_domain, cookie_path=cookie_path, 

83 page_context=self.page_context, userpwd=userpwd) 

84 LogApp.__init__(self, folder=folder, secret_log=secret_log, 

85 fct_session=self.get_session) 


87 self.title = title 

88 self.short_title = short_title 

89 self.page_doc = page_doc 

90 self.approutes = [] 

91 self.templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=templates) 


93 if middles is not None: 

94 for middle, kwargs in middles: 

95 app.add_middleware(middle, **kwargs) 

96 app.add_middleware(TrustedHostMiddleware, 

97 allowed_hosts=[cookie_domain]) 

98 # app.add_middleware(HTTPSRedirectMiddleware) 


100 app.mount('/static', StaticFiles(directory=statics), name='static') 

101 app.add_route('/login', self.login) 

102 app.add_route('/logout', self.logout) 

103 app.add_route('/error', self.on_error) 

104 app.add_route('/authenticate', self.authenticate, methods=['POST']) 

105 app.add_exception_handler(404, self.not_found) 

106 app.add_exception_handler(500, self.server_error) 

107 app.add_route('/', self.main) 

108 app.add_route('/event', self.event) 

109 app.add_event_handler("startup", self.startup) 

110 app.add_event_handler("shutdown", self.cleanup) 

111"[StaticApp.create_app] create application", None) 


113 impossible = {'static', 'login', 'error', 'logout', 

114 'authenticate', 'startup', 'shutdown'} 


116 if content is not None: 

117 for route, local_folder in content: 

118"[StaticApp] add route '{}' for '{}'.".format( 

119 route, local_folder), None) 

120 route = route.strip() 

121 if not os.path.exists(local_folder): 

122 raise FileNotFoundError( 

123 "Unable to find folder '{0}' mapped to '{1}'".format(local_folder, route)) 

124 if route in impossible: 

125 raise ValueError( 

126 "Route '{0}' is forbidden (cannot be in {1})".format(route, impossible)) 


128 if userpwd: 

129 st = AuthStaticFiles(directory=local_folder, html=True) 

130"[StaticApp]1 add route '{}' for '{}'.".format( 

131 route, local_folder), None) 

132 rt = AuthMount('/' + route, app=st, name=route) 

133 else: 

134 st = StaticFiles(directory=local_folder, html=True) 

135"[StaticApp]2 add route '{}' for '{}'.".format( 

136 route, local_folder), None) 

137 rt = Mount('/' + route, app=st, name=route) 

138 app.router.routes.append(rt) 


140 index = os.path.join(local_folder, 'index.html') 

141 if os.path.exists(index): 

142"[StaticApp] add route '/{}/index.html'.", None) 

143 self.approutes.append( 

144 (route, '/{}/index.html'.format(route))) 

145 else: 

146 res = os.listdir(local_folder) 

147 found = False 

148 for r in res: 

149 full = os.path.join(local_folder, r) 

150 if os.path.isfile(full): 

151"[StaticApp] add route '{}'.".format( 

152 '/{}/{}'.format(route, r)), None) 

153 self.approutes.append( 

154 (route, '/{}/{}'.format(route, r))) 

155 found = True 

156 break 

157 if not found: 


159 "[StaticApp] add route '/{}'.".format(route), None) 

160 self.approutes.append((route, '/' + route)) 


162 ######### 

163 # common 

164 ######### 


166 def page_context(self, **kwargs): 

167 """ 

168 Returns the page context before applying any template. 


170 @param kwargs arguments 

171 @return parameters 

172 """ 

173 res = dict(title=self.title, short_title=self.short_title, 

174 page_doc=self.page_doc, approutes=self.approutes) 

175 res.update(kwargs) 

176 return res 


178 def startup(self): 

179 """ 

180 Startups. 

181 """ 

182'[StaticApp] startup', None) 


184 def cleanup(self): 

185 """ 

186 Cleans up. 

187 """ 

188'[StaticApp] cleanup', None) 


190 def unlogged_response(self, request, session): 

191 """ 

192 Returns an answer for somebody looking to access 

193 the questions without being authentified. 

194 """ 

195 self.log_event("home-unlogged", request, session=session) 

196 context = {'request': request} 

197 context.update(self.page_context(**session)) 

198 return self.templates.TemplateResponse('notlogged.html', context) 


200 ######## 

201 # route 

202 ######## 


204 async def main(self, request): 

205 """ 

206 Defines the main page. 

207 """ 

208 session = self.get_session(request, notnone=True) 

209 if 'alias' in session: 

210 self.log_event("home-logged", request, session=session) 

211 context = {'request': request} 

212 context.update(self.page_context(**session)) 

213 return self.templates.TemplateResponse('index.html', context) 

214 else: 

215 return self.unlogged_response(request, session) 


217 async def on_error(self, request): 

218 """ 

219 An example error. 

220 """ 

221 self.log_any('[error]', "?", request) 

222 raise RuntimeError("Oh no") 


224 async def not_found(self, request, exc): 

225 """ 

226 Returns an :epkg:`HTTP 404` page. 

227 """ 

228 context = {'request': request} 

229 context.update(self.page_context()) 

230 return self.templates.TemplateResponse('404.html', context, status_code=404) 


232 async def server_error(self, request, exc): 

233 """ 

234 Returns an :epkg:`HTTP 500` page. 

235 """ 

236 context = {'request': request} 

237 context.update(self.page_context()) 

238 return self.templates.TemplateResponse('500.html', context, status_code=500) 


240 ######### 

241 # event route 

242 ######### 


244 async def event(self, request): 

245 """ 

246 This route does not return anything interesting except 

247 a blank page, but it logs 

248 """ 

249 session = self.get_session(request, notnone=True) 

250 ps = request.query_params 

251 tostr = ','.join('{0}:{1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(ps.items())) 

252 self.log_event("event", request, session=session, events=[tostr]) 

253 return PlainTextResponse("")