module cli.qcm_app

Short summary

module mathenjeu.cli.qcm_app

Starts an app locally to test it.

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truncated documentation


Creates a https web-application with https authentification.


Creates a local web-application with very simple authentification.


Starts an app locally to test it.

source on GitHub

mathenjeu.cli.qcm_app.create_qcm_https_app(secret_log=None, folder='.', max_age=1209600, cookie_key=None, cookie_name='mathenjeu', cookie_domain='', cookie_path='/', title='Web Application MathEnJeu', short_title='MathEnJeu', page_doc='', secure=False, display=None, games='simple_cinema_qcm, simple_cinema_qcm, 0;simple_french_qcm, simple_french_qcm, 0;ml_french_qcm, ml_french_qcm, 0', port=8868, middles=None, start=False, userpwd=None, debug=False, access_log='-', access_log_format='%(h)s %(r)s %(s)s %(b)s %(D)s', ca_certs=None, certfile=None, error_log='-', keep_alive=600, keyfile=None, root_path='', workers=1, reload=False, ciphers='ECDHE+AESGCM', fLOG=<built-in function print>)

Creates a https web-application with https authentification.

  • secret_log – to encrypt log (None to ignore)

  • folder – folder where to write the logs (None to disable the logging)

  • max_age – cookie’s duration in seconds

  • cookie_key – to encrypt information in the cookie (cannot be None)

  • cookie_name – name of the session cookie

  • cookie_domain – cookie is valid for this path only, also defines the domain of the web app (its url)

  • cookie_path – path of the cookie once storeds

  • secure – use secured connection for cookies

  • title – title

  • short_title – short application title

  • page_doc – page documentation (default is “”)

  • display – display such as DisplayQuestionChoiceHTML

  • games – defines which games is available as a dictionary { game_id: (game name, first page id) } or id,name,page;id,name,page, id can be a filename.

  • port – port to deploy the application

  • middles – middles ware, list of couple [(class, **kwargs)] where kwargs are the parameter constructor

  • start – starts the application with uvicorn

  • userpwd – users are authentified with any alias but a common password

  • debug – display debug information (starlette option)

  • access_log – The target location for the access log, use - for stdout.

  • access_log_format – The log format for the access log, see help docs, see Logging.

  • ca_certs – Path to the SSL CA certificate file.

  • certfile – Path to the SSL certificate file.

  • ciphers – Ciphers to use for the SSL setup, the default can be found at

  • error_log – The target location for the error log, use - for stderr.

  • keep_alive – Seconds to keep inactive connections alive for.

  • keyfile – Path to the SSL key file

  • root_path – The setting for the ASGI root_path variable.

  • workers – The number of workers to spawn and use.

  • reload – Enable automatic reloads on code changes.

  • fLOG – logging function



Creates a https web-application (Q&A) with authentification

The command line runs a web application meant to be local as there is not https involved. It implements a Q&Q. The web app relies on starlette, the server relies on hypercorn. Example:

python -m mathenjeu qcm_https

With that application, every user can login with a unique password abc.


python -m mathenjeu qcm_https --help


usage: qcm_https [-h] [-s SECRET_LOG] [-f FOLDER] [-m MAX_AGE] [-c COOKIE_KEY]
                 [-co COOKIE_NAME] [-coo COOKIE_DOMAIN]
                 [--cookie_path COOKIE_PATH] [-t TITLE] [-sh SHORT_TITLE]
                 [-p PAGE_DOC] [-se SECURE] [-d DISPLAY] [-g GAMES] [-po PORT]
                 [-mi MIDDLES] [-st START] [-u USERPWD] [-de DEBUG]
                 [-a ACCESS_LOG] [-ac ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT] [-ca CA_CERTS]
                 [-ce CERTFILE] [-e ERROR_LOG] [-k KEEP_ALIVE] [-ke KEYFILE]
                 [-r ROOT_PATH] [-w WORKERS] [-re RELOAD] [-ci CIPHERS]

Creates a https web-application with https authentification.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SECRET_LOG, --secret_log SECRET_LOG
                        to encrypt log (None to ignore) (default: )
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        folder where to write the logs (None to disable the
                        logging) (default: .)
  -m MAX_AGE, --max_age MAX_AGE
                        cookie's duration in seconds (default: 1209600)
  -c COOKIE_KEY, --cookie_key COOKIE_KEY
                        to encrypt information in the cookie (cannot be None)
                        (default: )
  -co COOKIE_NAME, --cookie_name COOKIE_NAME
                        name of the session cookie (default: mathenjeu)
  -coo COOKIE_DOMAIN, --cookie_domain COOKIE_DOMAIN
                        cookie is valid for this path only, also defines the
                        domain of the web app (its url) (default:
  --cookie_path COOKIE_PATH
                        path of the cookie once storeds (default: /)
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        title (default: Web Application MathEnJeu)
  -sh SHORT_TITLE, --short_title SHORT_TITLE
                        short application title (default: MathEnJeu)
  -p PAGE_DOC, --page_doc PAGE_DOC
                        page documentation (default is
  -se SECURE, --secure SECURE
                        use secured connection for cookies (default: False)
  -d DISPLAY, --display DISPLAY
                        display such as :class:`DisplayQuestionChoiceHTML <mat
                        HTML>` (default: )
  -g GAMES, --games GAMES
                        defines which games is available as a dictionary ``{
                        game_id: (game name, first page id) }`` or
                        ``id,name,page;id,name,page``, *id* can be a filename.
                        (default: simple_cinema_qcm,simple_cinema_qcm,0;simple
  -po PORT, --port PORT
                        port to deploy the application (default: 8868)
  -mi MIDDLES, --middles MIDDLES
                        middles ware, list of couple ``[(class, **kwargs)]``
                        where *kwargs* are the parameter constructor (default:
  -st START, --start START
                        starts the application with `uvicorn` (default: False)
  -u USERPWD, --userpwd USERPWD
                        users are authentified with any alias but a common
                        password (default: )
  -de DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
                        display debug information (`starlette` option)
                        (default: False)
  -a ACCESS_LOG, --access_log ACCESS_LOG
                        The target location for the access log, use - for
                        stdout. (default: -)
  -ac ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT, --access_log_format ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT
                        The log format for the access log, see help docs, see
                        Logging. (default: %(h)s %(r)s %(s)s %(b)s %(D)s)
  -ca CA_CERTS, --ca_certs CA_CERTS
                        Path to the SSL CA certificate file. (default: )
  -ce CERTFILE, --certfile CERTFILE
                        Path to the SSL certificate file. (default: )
  -e ERROR_LOG, --error_log ERROR_LOG
                        The target location for the error log, use - for
                        stderr. (default: -)
  -k KEEP_ALIVE, --keep_alive KEEP_ALIVE
                        Seconds to keep inactive connections alive for.
                        (default: 600)
  -ke KEYFILE, --keyfile KEYFILE
                        Path to the SSL key file (default: )
  -r ROOT_PATH, --root_path ROOT_PATH
                        The setting for the ASGI root_path variable. (default:
  -w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn and use. (default: 1)
  -re RELOAD, --reload RELOAD
                        Enable automatic reloads on code changes. (default:
  -ci CIPHERS, --ciphers CIPHERS
                        Ciphers to use for the SSL setup, the default can be
                        found at (default: ECDHE+AESGCM)

source on GitHub

mathenjeu.cli.qcm_app.create_qcm_local_app(secret_log=None, folder='.', max_age=1209600, cookie_key=None, cookie_name='mathenjeu', cookie_domain='', cookie_path='/', title='Web Application MathEnJeu', short_title='MathEnJeu', page_doc='', secure=False, display=None, fct_game=None, games='simple_cinema_qcm, simple_cinema_qcm, 0;simple_french_qcm, simple_french_qcm, 0;ml_french_qcm, ml_french_qcm, 0', port=8868, middles=None, start=False, userpwd=None, debug=False, fLOG=<built-in function print>)

Creates a local web-application with very simple authentification.

  • secret_log – to encrypt log (None to ignore)

  • folder – folder where to write the logs (None to disable the logging)

  • max_age – cookie’s duration in seconds

  • cookie_key – to encrypt information in the cookie (cannot be None)

  • cookie_name – name of the session cookie

  • cookie_domain – cookie is valid for this path only, also defines the domain of the web app (its url)

  • cookie_path – path of the cookie once storeds

  • secure – use secured connection for cookies

  • title – title

  • short_title – short application title

  • page_doc – page documentation (default is :epkg:`mathenjeu`)

  • display – display such as DisplayQuestionChoiceHTML

  • fct_game – function lambda name: ActivityGroup

  • games – defines which games is available as a dictionary { game_id: (game name, first page id) } or id,name,page;id,name,page, id can be a filename.

  • port – port to deploy the application

  • middles – middles ware, list of couple [(class, **kwargs)] where kwargs are the parameter constructor

  • start – starts the application with uvicorn

  • userpwd – users are authentified with any alias but a common password

  • debug – display debug information (starlette option)

  • fLOG – logging function



Creates a local web-application with very simple authentification

The command line runs a web application meant to be local as there is not https involved. It implements a Q&A. The web app relies on starlette, the server relies on uvicorn. Example of use:

python -m mathenjeu qcm_local --cookie_key=dummypwd --start=1 --port=8889 --userpwd=abc

With that application, every user can login with a unique password abc.


python -m mathenjeu qcm_local --help


usage: qcm_local [-h] [-s SECRET_LOG] [-f FOLDER] [-m MAX_AGE] [-c COOKIE_KEY]
                 [-co COOKIE_NAME] [-coo COOKIE_DOMAIN]
                 [--cookie_path COOKIE_PATH] [-t TITLE] [-sh SHORT_TITLE]
                 [-p PAGE_DOC] [-se SECURE] [-d DISPLAY] [-fc FCT_GAME]
                 [-g GAMES] [-po PORT] [-mi MIDDLES] [-st START] [-u USERPWD]
                 [-de DEBUG]

Creates a local web-application with very simple authentification.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SECRET_LOG, --secret_log SECRET_LOG
                        to encrypt log (None to ignore) (default: )
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        folder where to write the logs (None to disable the
                        logging) (default: .)
  -m MAX_AGE, --max_age MAX_AGE
                        cookie's duration in seconds (default: 1209600)
  -c COOKIE_KEY, --cookie_key COOKIE_KEY
                        to encrypt information in the cookie (cannot be None)
                        (default: )
  -co COOKIE_NAME, --cookie_name COOKIE_NAME
                        name of the session cookie (default: mathenjeu)
  -coo COOKIE_DOMAIN, --cookie_domain COOKIE_DOMAIN
                        cookie is valid for this path only, also defines the
                        domain of the web app (its url) (default:
  --cookie_path COOKIE_PATH
                        path of the cookie once storeds (default: /)
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        title (default: Web Application MathEnJeu)
  -sh SHORT_TITLE, --short_title SHORT_TITLE
                        short application title (default: MathEnJeu)
  -p PAGE_DOC, --page_doc PAGE_DOC
                        page documentation (default is `mathenjeu`) (default:
  -se SECURE, --secure SECURE
                        use secured connection for cookies (default: False)
  -d DISPLAY, --display DISPLAY
                        display such as :class:`DisplayQuestionChoiceHTML <mat
                        HTML>` (default: )
  -fc FCT_GAME, --fct_game FCT_GAME
                        function *lambda name:* :class:`ActivityGroup
                        (default: )
  -g GAMES, --games GAMES
                        defines which games is available as a dictionary ``{
                        game_id: (game name, first page id) }`` or
                        ``id,name,page;id,name,page``, *id* can be a filename.
                        (default: simple_cinema_qcm,simple_cinema_qcm,0;simple
  -po PORT, --port PORT
                        port to deploy the application (default: 8868)
  -mi MIDDLES, --middles MIDDLES
                        middles ware, list of couple ``[(class, **kwargs)]``
                        where *kwargs* are the parameter constructor (default:
  -st START, --start START
                        starts the application with `uvicorn` (default: False)
  -u USERPWD, --userpwd USERPWD
                        users are authentified with any alias but a common
                        password (default: )
  -de DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
                        display debug information (`starlette` option)
                        (default: False)

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