Source code for mlinsights.mlmodel.sklearn_testing

Helpers to test a model which follows :epkg:`scikit-learn` API.

import copy
import pickle
import pprint
from unittest import TestCase
from io import BytesIO
from numpy import ndarray
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.base import clone
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

[docs]def train_test_split_with_none(X, y=None, sample_weight=None, random_state=0): """ Splits into train and test data even if they are None. :param X: X :param y: y :param sample_weight: sample weight :param random_state: random state :return: similar to :epkg:`scikit-learn:model_selection:train_test_split`. :githublink:`%|py|29` """ not_none = [_ for _ in [X, y, sample_weight] if _ is not None] res = train_test_split(*not_none) inc = len(not_none) trains = [] tests = [] for i in range(inc): trains.append(res[i * 2]) tests.append(res[i * 2 + 1]) while len(trains) < 3: trains.append(None) tests.append(None) X_train, y_train, w_train = trains X_test, y_test, w_test = tests return X_train, y_train, w_train, X_test, y_test, w_test
[docs]def test_sklearn_pickle(fct_model, X, y=None, sample_weight=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a model, fit, predict and check the prediction are similar after the model was pickled, unpickled. :param fct_model: function which creates the model :param X: X :param y: y :param sample_weight: sample weight :param kwargs: additional parameters for :epkg:`numpy:testing:assert_almost_equal` :return: model, unpickled model :raises: AssertionError :githublink:`%|py|60` """ X_train, y_train, w_train, X_test, _, __ = train_test_split_with_none( X, y, sample_weight) model = fct_model() if y_train is None and w_train is None: else: try:, y_train, w_train) except TypeError: # Do not accept weights?, y_train) if hasattr(model, 'predict'): pred1 = model.predict(X_test) else: pred1 = model.transform(X_test) st = BytesIO() pickle.dump(model, st) data = BytesIO(st.getvalue()) model2 = pickle.load(data) if hasattr(model2, 'predict'): pred2 = model2.predict(X_test) else: pred2 = model2.transform(X_test) if isinstance(pred1, ndarray): assert_almost_equal(pred1, pred2, **kwargs) else: assert_frame_equal(pred1, pred2, **kwargs) return model, model2
[docs]def _get_test_instance(): try: from pyquickhelper.pycode import ExtTestCase # pylint: disable=C0415 cls = ExtTestCase except ImportError: class _ExtTestCase(TestCase): "simple test classe with a more methods" def assertIsInstance(self, inst, cltype): "checks that one instance is from one type" if not isinstance(inst, cltype): raise AssertionError( "Unexpected type {} != {}.".format( type(inst), cltype)) cls = _ExtTestCase return cls()
[docs]def test_sklearn_clone(fct_model, ext=None, copy_fitted=False): """ Tests that a cloned model is similar to the original one. :param fct_model: function which creates the model :param ext: unit test class instance :param copy_fitted: copy fitted parameters as well :return: model, cloned model :raises: AssertionError :githublink:`%|py|123` """ conv = fct_model() p1 = conv.get_params(deep=True) if copy_fitted: cloned = clone_with_fitted_parameters(conv) else: cloned = clone(conv) p2 = cloned.get_params(deep=True) if ext is None: ext = _get_test_instance() try: ext.assertEqual(set(p1), set(p2)) except AssertionError as e: # pragma no cover p1 = pprint.pformat(p1) p2 = pprint.pformat(p2) raise AssertionError( "Differences between\n----\n{0}\n----\n{1}".format(p1, p2)) from e for k in sorted(p1): if isinstance(p1[k], BaseEstimator) and isinstance(p2[k], BaseEstimator): if copy_fitted: assert_estimator_equal(p1[k], p2[k]) elif isinstance(p1[k], list) and isinstance(p2[k], list): _assert_list_equal(p1[k], p2[k], ext) else: try: ext.assertEqual(p1[k], p2[k]) except AssertionError as e: # pragma no cover raise AssertionError( # pylint: disable=W0707 "Difference for key '{0}'\n==1 {1}\n==2 {2}".format( k, p1[k], p2[k])) return conv, cloned
[docs]def _assert_list_equal(l1, l2, ext): if len(l1) != len(l2): raise AssertionError( # pragma no cover "Lists have different length {0} != {1}".format(len(l1), len(l2))) for a, b in zip(l1, l2): if isinstance(a, tuple) and isinstance(b, tuple): _assert_tuple_equal(a, b, ext) else: ext.assertEqual(a, b)
[docs]def _assert_dict_equal(a, b, ext): if not isinstance(a, dict): # pragma no cover raise TypeError('a is not dict but {0}'.format(type(a))) if not isinstance(b, dict): # pragma no cover raise TypeError('b is not dict but {0}'.format(type(b))) rows = [] for key in sorted(b): if key not in a: rows.append("** Added key '{0}' in b".format(key)) elif isinstance(a[key], BaseEstimator) and isinstance(b[key], BaseEstimator): assert_estimator_equal(a[key], b[key], ext) else: if a[key] != b[key]: rows.append( "** Value != for key '{0}': != id({1}) != id({2})\n==1 {3}\n==2 {4}".format( key, id(a[key]), id(b[key]), a[key], b[key])) for key in sorted(a): if key not in b: rows.append("** Removed key '{0}' in a".format(key)) if len(rows) > 0: raise AssertionError( "Dictionaries are different\n{0}".format('\n'.join(rows)))
[docs]def _assert_tuple_equal(t1, t2, ext): if len(t1) != len(t2): # pragma no cover raise AssertionError( "Lists have different length {0} != {1}".format(len(t1), len(t2))) for a, b in zip(t1, t2): if isinstance(a, BaseEstimator) and isinstance(b, BaseEstimator): assert_estimator_equal(a, b, ext) else: ext.assertEqual(a, b)
[docs]def assert_estimator_equal(esta, estb, ext=None): """ Checks that two models are equal. :param esta: first estimator :param estb: second estimator :param ext: unit test class The function raises an exception if the comparison fails. :githublink:`%|py|212` """ if ext is None: ext = _get_test_instance() ext.assertIsInstance(esta, estb.__class__) ext.assertIsInstance(estb, esta.__class__) _assert_dict_equal(esta.get_params(), estb.get_params(), ext) for att in esta.__dict__: if (att.endswith('_') and not att.endswith('__')) or \ (att.startswith('_') and not att.startswith('__')): if not hasattr(estb, att): # pragma no cover raise AssertionError("Missing fitted attribute '{}' class {}\n==1 {}\n==2 {}".format( att, esta.__class__, list(sorted(esta.__dict__)), list(sorted(estb.__dict__)))) if isinstance(getattr(esta, att), BaseEstimator): assert_estimator_equal( getattr(esta, att), getattr(estb, att), ext) else: ext.assertEqual(getattr(esta, att), getattr(estb, att)) for att in estb.__dict__: if att.endswith('_') and not att.endswith('__'): if not hasattr(esta, att): # pragma no cover raise AssertionError("Missing fitted attribute\n==1 {}\n==2 {}".format( list(sorted(esta.__dict__)), list(sorted(estb.__dict__))))
[docs]def test_sklearn_grid_search_cv(fct_model, X, y=None, sample_weight=None, **grid_params): """ Creates a model, checks that a grid search works with it. :param fct_model: function which creates the model :param X: X :param y: y :param sample_weight: sample weight :param grid_params: parameter to use to run the grid search. :return: dictionary with results :raises: AssertionError :githublink:`%|py|249` """ X_train, y_train, w_train, X_test, y_test, w_test = train_test_split_with_none( X, y, sample_weight) model = fct_model() pipe = make_pipeline(model) name = model.__class__.__name__.lower() parameters = {name + "__" + k: v for k, v in grid_params.items()} if len(parameters) == 0: raise ValueError( "Some parameters must be tested when running grid search.") clf = GridSearchCV(pipe, parameters) if y_train is None and w_train is None: else:, y_train, w_train) # pylint: disable=E1121 score = clf.score(X_test, y_test) ext = _get_test_instance() ext.assertIsInstance(score, float) return dict(model=clf, X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, w_train=w_train, X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test, w_test=w_test, score=score)
[docs]def clone_with_fitted_parameters(est): """ Clones an estimator with the fitted results. :param est: estimator :return: cloned object :githublink:`%|py|277` """ def adjust(obj1, obj2): if isinstance(obj1, list) and isinstance(obj2, list): for a, b in zip(obj1, obj2): adjust(a, b) elif isinstance(obj1, tuple) and isinstance(obj2, tuple): for a, b in zip(obj1, obj2): adjust(a, b) elif isinstance(obj1, dict) and isinstance(obj2, dict): for a, b in zip(obj1, obj2): adjust(obj1[a], obj2[b]) elif isinstance(obj1, BaseEstimator) and isinstance(obj2, BaseEstimator): for k in obj1.__dict__: if hasattr(obj2, k): v1 = getattr(obj1, k) if callable(v1): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot migrate trained parameters for {}.".format(obj1)) elif isinstance(v1, BaseEstimator): v1 = getattr(obj1, k) setattr(obj2, k, clone_with_fitted_parameters(v1)) else: adjust(getattr(obj1, k), getattr(obj2, k)) elif (k.endswith('_') and not k.endswith('__')) or \ (k.startswith('_') and not k.startswith('__')): v1 = getattr(obj1, k) setattr(obj2, k, clone_with_fitted_parameters(v1)) else: raise RuntimeError( "Cloned object is missing '{0}' in {1}.".format(k, obj2)) if isinstance(est, BaseEstimator): cloned = clone(est) adjust(est, cloned) res = cloned elif isinstance(est, list): res = list(clone_with_fitted_parameters(o) for o in est) elif isinstance(est, tuple): res = tuple(clone_with_fitted_parameters(o) for o in est) elif isinstance(est, dict): res = {k: clone_with_fitted_parameters(v) for k, v in est.items()} else: res = copy.deepcopy(est) return res