Source code for mlinsights.search_rank.search_engine_predictions_images

Implements a way to get close examples based
on the output of a machine learned model.

import numpy
from .search_engine_predictions import SearchEnginePredictions

[docs]class SearchEnginePredictionImages(SearchEnginePredictions): """ Extends class :class:`SearchEnginePredictions <mlinsights.search_rank.search_engine_predictions.SearchEnginePredictions>`. Vectors are coming from images. The metadata must contains information about path names. We assume all images can hold in memory. An example can found in notebook :ref:`searchimageskerasrst` or :ref:`searchimagestorchrst`. Another example can be found there: ` < ensae_projects/restapi/>`_. :githublink:`%|py|21` """
[docs] def _prepare_fit(self, data=None, features=None, metadata=None, transform=None, n=None, fLOG=None): """ Stores data in the class itself. :param data: a dataframe or None if the the features and the metadata are specified with an array and a dictionary :param features: features columns or an array :param metadata: data :param transform: transform each vector before using it :param n: takes *n* images (or ``len(iter_images)``) :param fLOG: logging function :githublink:`%|py|37` """ if "torch" in str(type(data)): self.module_ = "torch" from import DataLoader # pylint: disable=E0401,C0415,E0611 dataloader = DataLoader( data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=0) self.iter_images_ = iter_images = iter( zip(dataloader, data.samples)) if n is None: n = len(data) elif "keras" in str(type(data)): self.module_ = "keras" iter_images = data # We delay the import as keras backend is not necessarily installed. from keras.preprocessing.image import Iterator # pylint: disable=E0401,C0415,E0611 from keras_preprocessing.image import DirectoryIterator, NumpyArrayIterator # pylint: disable=E0401,C0415 if not isinstance(iter_images, (Iterator, DirectoryIterator, NumpyArrayIterator)): raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "iter_images must be a keras Iterator. No option implemented for type {0}." "".format(type(iter_images))) if iter_images.batch_size != 1: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "batch_size must be 1 not {0}".format( iter_images.batch_size)) self.iter_images_ = iter_images if n is None: n = len(iter_images) if not hasattr(iter_images, "filenames"): raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "Iterator does not iterate on images but numpy arrays (not implemented).") else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected data type {0}.".format(type(data))) def get_current_index(flow): "get current index" return flow.index_array[(flow.batch_index + flow.n - 1) % flow.n] def iterator_feature_meta(): "iterators on metadata" def accessor(iter_images): if hasattr(iter_images, 'filenames'): # keras return (lambda i, ite: (ite, iter_images.filenames[get_current_index(iter_images)])) else: # torch return (lambda i, ite: (ite[0], ite[1][0])) acc = accessor(iter_images) for i, it in zip(range(n), iter_images): im, name = acc(i, it) if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "name should be a string, not {0}".format(type(name))) yield im[0], dict(name=name, i=i) if fLOG and i % 10000 == 0: fLOG( '[] i={}/{} - {}'.format(i, n, name)) super()._prepare_fit(data=iterator_feature_meta(), transform=transform)
[docs] def fit(self, iter_images, n=None, fLOG=None): """ Processes images through the model and fits a *k-nn*. :param iter_images: `Iterator <>`_ :param n: takes *n* images (or ``len(iter_images)``) :param fLOG: logging function :param kwimg: parameters used to preprocess the images :githublink:`%|py|105` """ self._prepare_fit(data=iter_images, transform=self.fct, n=n, fLOG=fLOG) return self._fit_knn()
[docs] def kneighbors(self, iter_images, n_neighbors=None): """ Searches for neighbors close to the first image returned by *iter_images*. It returns the neighbors only for the first image. :param iter_images: `Iterator <>`_ :return: score, ind, meta *score* is an array representing the lengths to points, *ind* contains the indices of the nearest points in the population matrix, *meta* is the metadata. :githublink:`%|py|121` """ if isinstance(iter_images, numpy.ndarray): if self.module_ == "keras": raise NotImplementedError("Not yet implemented or Keras.") elif self.module_ == "torch": from torch import from_numpy # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401,C0415 X = from_numpy(iter_images[numpy.newaxis, :, :, :]) return super().kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors) raise RuntimeError( "Unknown module '{0}'.".format(self.module_)) elif "keras" in str(iter_images): if self.module_ != "keras": raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Keras object but {0} was used to train the KNN.".format(self.module_)) # We delay the import as keras backend is not necessarily installed. # keras, it expects an iterator. from keras.preprocessing.image import Iterator # pylint: disable=E0401,C0415,E0611 from keras_preprocessing.image import DirectoryIterator, NumpyArrayIterator # pylint: disable=E0401,C0415,E0611 if not isinstance(iter_images, (Iterator, DirectoryIterator, NumpyArrayIterator)): raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "iter_images must be a keras Iterator. No option implemented for type {0}.".format(type(iter_images))) if iter_images.batch_size != 1: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "batch_size must be 1 not {0}".format( iter_images.batch_size)) for img in iter_images: X = img[0] break return super().kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors) elif "torch" in str(type(iter_images)): if self.module_ != "torch": raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Torch object but {0} was used to train the KNN.".format(self.module_)) # torch: it expects a tensor X = iter_images return super().kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors) elif isinstance(iter_images, list): res = [self.kneighbors(it, n_neighbors=n_neighbors) for it in iter_images] return (numpy.vstack([_[0] for _ in res]), numpy.vstack([_[1] for _ in res]), numpy.vstack([_[2] for _ in res])) else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected type {0} in SearchEnginePredictionImages.kneighbors".format( type(iter_images)))