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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Implémente la classe @see cl ConstraintKMeans. 


6import bisect 

7from collections import Counter 

8from pandas import DataFrame 

9import numpy 

10import scipy.sparse 

11from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist 

12from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances 

13from sklearn.utils.extmath import row_norms 

14from ._kmeans_022 import ( 

15 _centers_dense, _centers_sparse, _labels_inertia_skl) 



18def linearize_matrix(mat, *adds): 

19 """ 

20 Linearizes a matrix into a new one 

21 with 3 columns value, row, column. 

22 The output format is similar to 

23 :epkg:`csr_matrix` but null values are kept. 


25 @param mat matrix 

26 @param adds additional square matrices 

27 @return new matrix 


29 *adds* defines additional matrices, it adds 

30 columns on the right side and fill them with 

31 the corresponding value taken into the additional 

32 matrices. 

33 """ 

34 if scipy.sparse.issparse(mat): 

35 if isinstance(mat, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): 

36 max_row = mat.shape[0] 

37 res = numpy.empty((len(mat.data), 3 + len(adds)), dtype=mat.dtype) 

38 row = 0 

39 for i, v in enumerate(mat.data): 

40 while row < max_row and i >= mat.indptr[row]: 

41 row += 1 

42 res[i, 0] = v 

43 a, b = row - 1, mat.indices[i] 

44 res[i, 1] = a 

45 res[i, 2] = b 

46 for k, am in enumerate(adds): 

47 res[i, k + 3] = am[a, b] 

48 return res 

49 raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover 

50 "This kind of sparse matrix is not handled: {0}".format(type(mat))) 

51 else: 

52 n = mat.shape[0] 

53 c = mat.shape[1] 

54 ic = numpy.arange(mat.shape[1]) 

55 res = numpy.empty((n * c, 3 + len(adds)), dtype=mat.dtype) 

56 for i in range(0, n): 

57 a = i * c 

58 b = (i + 1) * c 

59 res[a:b, 1] = i 

60 res[a:b, 2] = ic 

61 res[:, 0] = mat.ravel() 

62 for k, am in enumerate(adds): 

63 res[:, 3 + k] = am.ravel() 

64 return res 



67def constraint_kmeans(X, labels, sample_weight, centers, inertia, 

68 iter, max_iter, # pylint: disable=W0622 

69 strategy='gain', verbose=0, state=None, 

70 learning_rate=1., history=False, fLOG=None): 

71 """ 

72 Completes the constraint :epkg:`k-means`. 


74 @param X features 

75 @param labels initialized labels (unused) 

76 @param sample_weight sample weight 

77 @param centers initialized centers 

78 @param inertia initialized inertia (unused) 

79 @param iter number of iteration already done 

80 @param max_iter maximum of number of iteration 

81 @param strategy strategy used to sort observations before 

82 mapping them to clusters 

83 @param verbose verbose 

84 @param state random state 

85 @param learning_rate used by strategy `'weights'` 

86 @param history return list of centers accross iterations 

87 @param fLOG logging function (needs to be specified otherwise 

88 verbose has no effects) 

89 @return tuple (best_labels, best_centers, best_inertia, 

90 iter, all_centers) 

91 """ 

92 if labels.dtype != numpy.int32: 

93 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

94 "Labels must be an array of int not '{0}'".format(labels.dtype)) 


96 if strategy == 'weights': 

97 return _constraint_kmeans_weights( 

98 X, labels, sample_weight, centers, inertia, iter, 

99 max_iter, verbose=verbose, state=state, 

100 learning_rate=learning_rate, history=history, fLOG=fLOG) 

101 else: 

102 if isinstance(X, DataFrame): 

103 X = X.values 

104 x_squared_norms = row_norms(X, squared=True) 

105 counters = numpy.empty((centers.shape[0],), dtype=numpy.int32) 

106 limit = X.shape[0] // centers.shape[0] 

107 leftover = X.shape[0] - limit * centers.shape[0] 

108 leftclose = numpy.empty((centers.shape[0],), dtype=numpy.int32) 

109 n_clusters = centers.shape[0] 

110 distances_close = numpy.empty((X.shape[0],), dtype=X.dtype) 

111 best_inertia = None 

112 best_iter = None 

113 all_centers = [] 


115 # association 

116 _constraint_association(leftover, counters, labels, leftclose, distances_close, 

117 centers, X, x_squared_norms, limit, strategy, state=state) 


119 if sample_weight is None: 

120 sw = numpy.ones((X.shape[0],)) 

121 else: 

122 sw = sample_weight 


124 if scipy.sparse.issparse(X): 

125 _centers_fct = _centers_sparse 

126 else: 

127 _centers_fct = _centers_dense 


129 while iter < max_iter: 

130 # compute new clusters 

131 centers = _centers_fct( 

132 X, sw, labels, n_clusters, distances_close) 


134 if history: 

135 all_centers.append(centers) 


137 # association 

138 _constraint_association( 

139 leftover, counters, labels, leftclose, distances_close, 

140 centers, X, x_squared_norms, limit, strategy, state=state) 


142 # inertia 

143 _, inertia = _labels_inertia_skl( 

144 X=X, sample_weight=sw, x_squared_norms=x_squared_norms, 

145 centers=centers, distances=distances_close) 


147 iter += 1 

148 if verbose and fLOG: # pragma: no cover 

149 fLOG("CKMeans %d/%d inertia=%f" % (iter, max_iter, inertia)) 


151 # best option so far? 

152 if best_inertia is None or inertia < best_inertia: 

153 best_inertia = inertia 

154 best_centers = centers.copy() 

155 best_labels = labels.copy() 

156 best_iter = iter 


158 # early stop 

159 if (best_inertia is not None and inertia >= best_inertia and 

160 iter > best_iter + 5): 

161 break 


163 return (best_labels, best_centers, best_inertia, None, 

164 iter, all_centers) 



167def constraint_predictions(X, centers, strategy, state=None): 

168 """ 

169 Computes the predictions but tries 

170 to associates the same numbers of points 

171 in each cluster. 


173 @param X features 

174 @param centers centers of each clusters 

175 @param strategy strategy used to sort point before 

176 mapping them to a cluster 

177 @param state random state 

178 @return labels, distances, distances_close 

179 """ 

180 if isinstance(X, DataFrame): 

181 X = X.values 

182 x_squared_norms = row_norms(X, squared=True) 

183 counters = numpy.empty((centers.shape[0],), dtype=numpy.int32) 

184 limit = X.shape[0] // centers.shape[0] 

185 leftover = X.shape[0] - limit * centers.shape[0] 

186 leftclose = numpy.empty((centers.shape[0],), dtype=numpy.int32) 

187 distances_close = numpy.empty((X.shape[0],), dtype=X.dtype) 

188 labels = numpy.empty((X.shape[0],), dtype=numpy.int32) 


190 distances = _constraint_association( 

191 leftover, counters, labels, leftclose, 

192 distances_close, centers, X, x_squared_norms, 

193 limit, strategy, state=state) 


195 return labels, distances, distances_close 



198def _constraint_association(leftover, counters, labels, leftclose, distances_close, 

199 centers, X, x_squared_norms, limit, strategy, state=None): 

200 """ 

201 Completes the constraint :epkg:`k-means`. 


203 @param X features 

204 @param labels initialized labels (unused) 

205 @param centers initialized centers 

206 @param x_squared_norms norm of *X* 

207 @param limit number of point to associate per cluster 

208 @param leftover number of points to associate at the end 

209 @param counters allocated array 

210 @param leftclose allocated array 

211 @param labels allocated array 

212 @param distances_close allocated array 

213 @param strategy strategy used to sort point before 

214 mapping them to a cluster 

215 @param state random state 

216 """ 

217 if strategy in ('distance', 'distance_p'): 

218 return _constraint_association_distance( 

219 leftover, counters, labels, leftclose, distances_close, 

220 centers, X, x_squared_norms, limit, strategy, state=state) 

221 if strategy in ('gain', 'gain_p'): 

222 return _constraint_association_gain( 

223 leftover, counters, labels, leftclose, distances_close, 

224 centers, X, x_squared_norms, limit, strategy, state=state) 

225 raise ValueError("Unknwon strategy '{0}'.".format( 

226 strategy)) # pragma: no cover 



229def _compute_strategy_coefficient(distances, strategy, labels): 

230 """ 

231 Creates a matrix 

232 """ 

233 if strategy in ('gain', 'gain_p'): 

234 ar = numpy.arange(distances.shape[0]) 

235 dist = distances[ar, labels] 

236 return distances - dist[:, numpy.newaxis] 

237 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

238 "Unknwon strategy '{0}'.".format(strategy)) 



241def _randomize_index(index, weights): 

242 """ 

243 Randomizes index depending on the value. 

244 Swap indexes. 

245 Modifies *index*. 

246 """ 

247 maxi = weights.max() 

248 mini = weights.min() 

249 diff = max(maxi - mini, 1e-5) 

250 rand = numpy.random.rand(weights.shape[0]) 

251 for i in range(1, index.shape[0]): 

252 ind1 = index[i - 1] 

253 ind2 = index[i] 

254 w1 = weights[ind1] 

255 w2 = weights[ind2] 

256 ratio = abs(w2 - w1) / diff * 0.5 

257 if rand[i] >= ratio + 0.5: 

258 index[i - 1], index[i] = ind2, ind1 

259 weights[i - 1], weights[i] = w2, w1 



262def _switch_clusters(labels, distances): 

263 """ 

264 Tries to switch clusters. 

265 Modifies *labels* inplace. 


267 @param labels labels 

268 @param distances distances 

269 """ 

270 perm = numpy.random.permutation(numpy.arange(0, labels.shape[0])) 

271 niter = 0 

272 modif = 1 

273 while modif > 0 and niter < 10: 

274 modif = 0 

275 niter += 1 

276 for i_ in range(labels.shape[0]): 

277 for j_ in range(i_ + 1, labels.shape[0]): 

278 i = perm[i_] 

279 j = perm[j_] 

280 c1 = labels[i] 

281 c2 = labels[j] 

282 if c1 == c2: 

283 continue 

284 d11 = distances[i, c1] 

285 d12 = distances[i, c2] 

286 d21 = distances[j, c1] 

287 d22 = distances[j, c2] 

288 if d11**2 + d22**2 > d21**2 + d12**2: 

289 labels[i], labels[j] = c2, c1 

290 modif += 1 



293def _constraint_association_distance(leftover, counters, labels, leftclose, distances_close, 

294 centers, X, x_squared_norms, limit, strategy, state=None): 

295 """ 

296 Completes the constraint *k-means*, 

297 the function sorts points by distance to the closest 

298 cluster and associates them into that order. 

299 It deals first with the further point and maps it to 

300 the closest center. 


302 @param X features 

303 @param labels initialized labels (unused) 

304 @param centers initialized centers 

305 @param x_squared_norms norm of *X* 

306 @param limit number of point to associate per cluster 

307 @param leftover number of points to associate at the end 

308 @param counters allocated array 

309 @param leftclose allocated array 

310 @param labels allocated array 

311 @param distances_close allocated array 

312 @param strategy strategy used to sort point before 

313 mapping them to a cluster 

314 @param state random state (unused) 

315 """ 


317 # initialisation 

318 counters[:] = 0 

319 leftclose[:] = -1 

320 labels[:] = -1 


322 # distances 

323 distances = euclidean_distances( 

324 centers, X, Y_norm_squared=x_squared_norms, squared=True) 

325 distances = distances.T 

326 distances0 = distances.copy() 

327 maxi = distances.ravel().max() * 2 

328 centers_index = numpy.argsort(distances, axis=1) 


330 while labels.min() == -1: 

331 mini = numpy.min(distances, axis=1) 

332 sorted_index = numpy.argsort(mini) 

333 _randomize_index(sorted_index, mini) 


335 nover = leftover 

336 for ind in sorted_index: 

337 if labels[ind] >= 0: 

338 continue 

339 for c in centers_index[ind, :]: 

340 if counters[c] < limit: 

341 # The cluster still accepts new points. 

342 counters[c] += 1 

343 labels[ind] = c 

344 distances[ind, c] = maxi 

345 break 

346 if nover > 0 and leftclose[c] == -1: 

347 # The cluster may accept one point if the number 

348 # of clusters does not divide the number of points in X. 

349 counters[c] += 1 

350 labels[ind] = c 

351 nover -= 1 

352 leftclose[c] = 0 

353 distances[ind, c] = maxi 

354 break 


356 _switch_clusters(labels, distances0) 

357 distances_close[:] = distances[numpy.arange(X.shape[0]), labels] 

358 return distances0 



361def _constraint_association_gain(leftover, counters, labels, leftclose, distances_close, 

362 centers, X, x_squared_norms, limit, strategy, state=None): 

363 """ 

364 Completes the constraint *k-means*. 

365 Follows the method described in `Same-size k-Means Variation 

366 <https://elki-project.github.io/tutorial/same-size_k_means>`_. 


368 @param X features 

369 @param labels initialized labels (unused) 

370 @param centers initialized centers 

371 @param x_squared_norms norm of *X* 

372 @param limit number of points to associate per cluster 

373 @param leftover number of points to associate at the end 

374 @param counters allocated array 

375 @param leftclose allocated array 

376 @param labels allocated array 

377 @param distances_close allocated array 

378 @param strategy strategy used to sort point before 

379 mapping them to a cluster 

380 @param state random state 


382 See `Same-size k-Means Variation <https://elki-project.github.io/tutorial/same-size_k_means>`_. 

383 """ 

384 # distances 

385 distances = euclidean_distances( 

386 centers, X, Y_norm_squared=x_squared_norms, squared=True) 

387 distances = distances.T 


389 if strategy == 'gain_p': 

390 labels[:] = numpy.argmin(distances, axis=1) 

391 else: 

392 # We assume labels comes from a previous iteration. 

393 pass 


395 strategy_coef = _compute_strategy_coefficient(distances, strategy, labels) 

396 distance_linear = linearize_matrix(distances, strategy_coef) 

397 sorted_distances = distance_linear[distance_linear[:, 3].argsort()] 

398 distances_close[:] = 0 


400 # counters 

401 ave = limit 

402 counters[:] = 0 

403 for i in labels: 

404 counters[i] += 1 

405 leftclose[:] = counters[:] - ave 

406 leftclose[leftclose < 0] = 0 

407 nover = X.shape[0] - ave * counters.shape[0] 

408 sumi = nover - leftclose.sum() 

409 if sumi != 0: 

410 if state is None: 

411 state = numpy.random.RandomState() # pylint: disable=E1101 


413 def loopf(h, sumi): 

414 if sumi < 0 and leftclose[h] > 0: # pylint: disable=R1716 

415 sumi -= leftclose[h] 

416 leftclose[h] = 0 

417 elif sumi > 0 and leftclose[h] == 0: 

418 leftclose[h] = 1 

419 sumi += 1 

420 return sumi 


422 it = 0 

423 while sumi != 0: 

424 h = state.randint(0, counters.shape[0]) 

425 sumi = loopf(h, sumi) 

426 it += 1 

427 if it > counters.shape[0] * 2: 

428 break 

429 for h in range(counters.shape[0]): 

430 if sumi == 0: 

431 break 

432 sumi = loopf(h, sumi) 


434 transfer = {} 


436 for i in range(0, sorted_distances.shape[0]): 

437 gain = sorted_distances[i, 3] 

438 ind = int(sorted_distances[i, 1]) 

439 dest = int(sorted_distances[i, 2]) 

440 cur = labels[ind] 

441 if distances_close[ind]: 

442 continue 

443 if cur == dest: 

444 continue 

445 if ((counters[dest] < ave + leftclose[dest]) and 

446 (counters[cur] > ave + leftclose[cur])): 

447 labels[ind] = dest 

448 counters[cur] -= 1 

449 counters[dest] += 1 

450 distances_close[ind] = 1 # moved 

451 else: 

452 cp = transfer.get((dest, cur), []) 

453 while len(cp) > 0: 

454 g, destind = cp[0] 

455 if distances_close[destind]: 

456 del cp[0] 

457 else: 

458 break 

459 if len(cp) > 0: 

460 g, destind = cp[0] 

461 if g + gain < 0: 

462 del cp[0] 

463 labels[ind] = dest 

464 labels[destind] = cur 

465 add = False 

466 distances_close[ind] = 1 # moved 

467 distances_close[destind] = 1 # moved 

468 else: 

469 add = True 

470 else: 

471 add = True 

472 if add: 

473 # We add the point to the list of points willing to transfer. 

474 if (cur, dest) not in transfer: 

475 transfer[cur, dest] = [] 

476 gain = sorted_distances[i, 3] 

477 bisect.insort(transfer[cur, dest], (gain, ind)) 


479 neg = (counters < ave).sum() 

480 if neg > 0: 

481 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

482 "The algorithm failed, counters={0}".format(counters)) 


484 _switch_clusters(labels, distances) 

485 distances_close[:] = distances[numpy.arange(X.shape[0]), labels] 


487 return distances 



490def _constraint_kmeans_weights(X, labels, sample_weight, centers, inertia, it, 

491 max_iter, verbose=0, state=None, learning_rate=1., 

492 history=False, fLOG=None): 

493 """ 

494 Runs KMeans iterator but weights cluster among them. 


496 @param X features 

497 @param labels initialized labels (unused) 

498 @param sample_weight sample weight 

499 @param centers initialized centers 

500 @param inertia initialized inertia (unused) 

501 @param it number of iteration already done 

502 @param max_iter maximum of number of iteration 

503 @param verbose verbose 

504 @param state random state 

505 @param learning_rate learning rate 

506 @param history keeps all centers accross iterations 

507 @param fLOG logging function (needs to be specified otherwise 

508 verbose has no effects) 

509 @return tuple (best_labels, best_centers, best_inertia, weights, it) 

510 """ 

511 if isinstance(X, DataFrame): 

512 X = X.values 

513 n_clusters = centers.shape[0] 

514 best_inertia = None 

515 best_iter = None 

516 weights = numpy.ones(centers.shape[0]) 

517 if sample_weight is None: 

518 sw = numpy.ones((X.shape[0],)) 

519 else: 

520 sw = sample_weight 


522 if scipy.sparse.issparse(X): 

523 _centers_fct = _centers_sparse 

524 else: 

525 _centers_fct = _centers_dense 


527 total_inertia = _inertia(X, sw) 

528 all_centers = [] 


530 while it < max_iter: 


532 # compute new clusters 

533 centers = _centers_fct( 

534 X, sw, labels, n_clusters, None) 

535 if history: 

536 all_centers.append(centers) 


538 # association 

539 labels = _constraint_association_weights(X, centers, sw, weights) 

540 if len(set(labels)) != centers.shape[0]: 

541 if verbose and fLOG: # pragma: no cover 

542 if isinstance(verbose, int) and verbose >= 10: 

543 fLOG("CKMeans new weights: w=%r" % weights) 

544 else: 

545 fLOG("CKMeans new weights") 

546 weights[:] = 1 

547 labels = _constraint_association_weights(X, centers, sw, weights) 


549 # inertia 

550 inertia, diff = _labels_inertia_weights( 

551 X, centers, sw, weights, labels, total_inertia) 

552 if numpy.isnan(inertia): 

553 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

554 "nanNobs={} Nclus={}\ninertia={}\nweights={}\ndiff={}\nlabels={}".format( 

555 X.shape[0], centers.shape[0], inertia, weights, diff, 

556 set(labels))) 


558 # best option so far? 

559 if best_inertia is None or inertia < best_inertia: 

560 best_inertia = inertia 

561 best_centers = centers.copy() 

562 best_labels = labels.copy() 

563 best_weights = weights.copy() 

564 best_iter = it 


566 # moves weights 

567 weights, _ = _adjust_weights(X, sw, weights, labels, 

568 learning_rate / (it + 10)) 


570 it += 1 

571 if verbose and fLOG: 

572 if isinstance(verbose, int) and verbose >= 10: 

573 fLOG("CKMeans %d/%d inertia=%f (%f T=%f) dw=%r w=%r" % ( 

574 it, max_iter, inertia, best_inertia, total_inertia, 

575 diff, weights)) 

576 elif isinstance(verbose, int) and verbose >= 5: 

577 hist = Counter(labels) 

578 fLOG("CKMeans %d/%d inertia=%f (%f) hist=%r" % ( 

579 it, max_iter, inertia, best_inertia, hist)) 

580 else: 

581 fLOG("CKMeans %d/%d inertia=%f (%f T=%f)" % ( # pragma: no cover 

582 it, max_iter, inertia, best_inertia, total_inertia)) 


584 # early stop 

585 if (best_inertia is not None and inertia >= best_inertia and 

586 it > best_iter + 5 and numpy.abs(diff).sum() <= weights.shape[0] / 2): 

587 break 


589 return (best_labels, best_centers, best_inertia, best_weights, 

590 it, all_centers) 



593def _constraint_association_weights(X, centers, sw, weights): 

594 """ 

595 Associates points to clusters. 


597 @param X features 

598 @param centers centers 

599 @param sw sample weights 

600 @param weights cluster weights 

601 @return labels 

602 """ 

603 dist = cdist(X, centers) * weights.reshape((1, -1)) 

604 index = numpy.argmin(dist, axis=1) 

605 return index 



608def _inertia(X, sw): 

609 """ 

610 Computes total weighted inertia. 


612 @param X features 

613 @param sw sample weights 

614 @return inertia 

615 """ 

616 bary = numpy.mean(X, axis=0) 

617 diff = X - bary 

618 norm = numpy.linalg.norm(diff, axis=1) 

619 if sw is not None: 

620 norm *= sw 

621 return sw.sum() 



624def _labels_inertia_weights(X, centers, sw, weights, labels, total_inertia): 

625 """ 

626 Computes weighted inertia. It also adds a fraction 

627 of the whole inertia depending on how balanced the 

628 clusters are. 


630 @param X features 

631 @param centers centers 

632 @param sw sample weights 

633 @param weights cluster weights 

634 @param labels labels 

635 @param total_inertia total inertia 

636 @return inertia 

637 """ 

638 www, exp, _ = _compute_balance(X, sw, labels, centers.shape[0]) 

639 www -= exp 

640 wwwa = numpy.square(www) 

641 ratio = wwwa.sum() ** 0.5 / X.shape[0] 

642 dist = cdist(X, centers) * weights.reshape((1, -1)) * sw.reshape((-1, 1)) 

643 return dist.sum() + ratio * total_inertia, www 



646def _compute_balance(X, sw, labels, nbc=None): 

647 """ 

648 Computes weights difference. 


650 @param X features 

651 @param sw sample weights 

652 @param labels known labels 

653 @param nbc number of clusters 

654 @return (weights per cluster, expected weight, 

655 total weight) 

656 """ 

657 if nbc is None: 

658 nbc = labels.max() + 1 

659 N = numpy.float64(nbc) 

660 www = numpy.zeros((nbc, ), dtype=numpy.float64) 

661 if sw is None: 

662 for la in labels: 

663 www[la] += 1 

664 else: 

665 for w, la in zip(sw, labels): 

666 www[la] += w 

667 exp = www.sum() / N 

668 return www, exp, N 



671def _adjust_weights(X, sw, weights, labels, lr): 

672 """ 

673 Changes *weights* mapped to every cluster. 

674 *weights < 1* are used for big clusters, 

675 *weights > 1* are used for small clusters. 


677 @param X features 

678 @param centers centers 

679 @param sw sample weights 

680 @param weights cluster weights 

681 @param lr learning rate 

682 @param labels known labels 

683 @return labels 

684 """ 

685 www, exp, N = _compute_balance(X, sw, labels, weights.shape[0]) 


687 for i in range(0, weights.shape[0]): 

688 nw = (www[i] - exp) / exp 

689 delta = nw * lr 

690 weights[i] += delta 

691 N += delta 


693 return weights / N * weights.shape[0], www