module mlmodel.sklearn_transform_inv_fct#

Inheritance diagram of mlinsights.mlmodel.sklearn_transform_inv_fct

Short summary#

module mlinsights.mlmodel.sklearn_transform_inv_fct

Implements a transform which modifies the target and applies the reverse transformation on the target.

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The transform is used to apply a function on a the target, predict, then transform the target back before scoring. …


The transform is used to permute targets, predict, then permute the target back before scoring. nan values remain …



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HTML representation of estimator. This is redundant with the logic of _repr_mimebundle_. The latter should …


HTML representation of estimator. This is redundant with the logic of _repr_mimebundle_. The latter should …

Static Methods#


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Returns the list of predefined functions.



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Just defines fct and fct_inv.


Defines a random permutation over the targets.


Returns a trained transform which reverse the target after a predictor.


Returns a trained transform which reverse the target after a predictor.


Transforms X and y. Returns transformed X and y. If y is None, the returned value for y


Transforms X and y. Returns transformed X and y. If y is None, the returned value for y


Implements a transform which modifies the target and applies the reverse transformation on the target.

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class mlinsights.mlmodel.sklearn_transform_inv_fct.FunctionReciprocalTransformer(fct, fct_inv=None)#

Bases: BaseReciprocalTransformer

The transform is used to apply a function on a the target, predict, then transform the target back before scoring. The transforms implements a series of predefined functions:


import pprint
from mlinsights.mlmodel.sklearn_transform_inv_fct import FunctionReciprocalTransformer


    {'exp': (<ufunc 'exp'>, 'log'),
     'exp(x)-1': (<function FunctionReciprocalTransformer.available_fcts.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f0611fb00d0>,
     'expm1': (<ufunc 'expm1'>, 'log1p'),
     'log': (<ufunc 'log'>, 'exp'),
     'log(1+x)': (<function FunctionReciprocalTransformer.available_fcts.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f0611fb0040>,
     'log1p': (<ufunc 'log1p'>, 'expm1')}

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  • fct – function name of numerical function

  • fct_inv – optional if fct is a function name, reciprocal function otherwise

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__init__(fct, fct_inv=None)#
  • fct – function name of numerical function

  • fct_inv – optional if fct is a function name, reciprocal function otherwise

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static available_fcts()#

Returns the list of predefined functions.

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fit(X=None, y=None, sample_weight=None)#

Just defines fct and fct_inv.

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Returns a trained transform which reverse the target after a predictor.

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transform(X, y)#

Transforms X and y. Returns transformed X and y. If y is None, the returned value for y is None as well.

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class mlinsights.mlmodel.sklearn_transform_inv_fct.PermutationReciprocalTransformer(random_state=None, closest=False)#

Bases: BaseReciprocalTransformer

The transform is used to permute targets, predict, then permute the target back before scoring. nan values remain nan values. Once fitted, the transform has attribute permutation_ which keeps track of the permutation to apply.

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  • random_state – random state

  • closest – if True, finds the closest permuted element

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__init__(random_state=None, closest=False)#
  • random_state – random state

  • closest – if True, finds the closest permuted element

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fit(X=None, y=None, sample_weight=None)#

Defines a random permutation over the targets.

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Returns a trained transform which reverse the target after a predictor.

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transform(X, y)#

Transforms X and y. Returns transformed X and y. If y is None, the returned value for y is None as well.

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