Source code for mlprodict.grammar_sklearn.g_sklearn_tree

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
List of converters from scikit-learn model.

import numpy
from .g_sklearn_type_helpers import check_type
from .grammar.gactions import MLActionVar, MLActionCst, MLActionIfElse, MLActionReturn
from .grammar.gactions_tensor import MLActionTensorTake
from .grammar.gactions_num import MLActionTestInf, MLActionTestEqual
from .grammar.gmlactions import MLModel

[docs]def sklearn_decision_tree_regressor(model, input_names=None, output_names=None, **kwargs): """ Converts a `DecisionTreeRegressor < sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor.html>`_ model into a *grammar* model (semantic graph representation). :param model: scikit-learn model :param input_names: name of the input features :param output_names: name of the output predictions :param kwargs: addition parameter (*with_loop*) :return: graph model If *input* is None or *output* is None, default values will be given to the outputs ``['Prediction', 'Score']`` for the outputs. If *input_names* is None, it wil be ``'Features'``. Additional parameters: - *with_loop*: False by default, *True* not implemented. .. note:: The code to compute on output is `here < ef5cb84a805efbe4bb06516670a9b8c690992bd7/sklearn/tree/_tree.pyx#L806>`_: :: for i in range(n_samples): node = self.nodes # While node not a leaf while node.left_child != _TREE_LEAF: # ... and node.right_child != _TREE_LEAF: if X_ptr[X_sample_stride * i + X_fx_stride * node.feature] <= node.threshold: node = &self.nodes[node.left_child] else: node = &self.nodes[node.right_child] out_ptr[i] = <SIZE_t>(node - self.nodes) # node offset TODO: improve C code (all leaves are computed and this is unnecessary). TODO: create a function tree and an intermediate node and use it here. :githublink:`%|py|58` """ if kwargs.get('with_loop', False): raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "Loop version is not implemented.") if output_names is None: output_names = ['Prediction', 'Score'] if input_names is None: input_names = 'Features' from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor check_type(model, DecisionTreeRegressor) # We convert the tree into arrays. # run help(model.tree_). lthres = MLActionCst(model.tree_.threshold.ravel().astype( numpy.float32), comment="threshold") lleft = MLActionCst(model.tree_.children_left.ravel().astype( numpy.int32), comment="left") lright = MLActionCst(model.tree_.children_right.ravel().astype( numpy.int32), comment="right") lfeat = MLActionCst(model.tree_.feature.ravel().astype( numpy.int32), comment="indfeat") lvalue = MLActionCst(model.tree_.value.ravel().astype( numpy.float32), comment="value") ex = numpy.zeros(model.n_features_, numpy.float32) lvar = MLActionVar(ex, input_names) lind = MLActionCst(numpy.int32(0), comment="lind") th = MLActionTensorTake(lthres, lind) m1 = MLActionCst(numpy.int32(-1), comment="m1") max_depth = model.tree_.max_depth cont = None new_lind = None for i in range(0, max_depth): # Leave ? if new_lind is not None: lind = new_lind le = MLActionTensorTake(lleft, lind) lr = MLActionTensorTake(lright, lind) di = MLActionTensorTake(lfeat, lind) df = MLActionTensorTake(lfeat, di) xx = MLActionTensorTake(lvar, df) te = MLActionTestInf(xx, th) new_lind = MLActionIfElse(te, le, lr, comment="lind{0}".format(i)) le = MLActionTensorTake(lleft, new_lind) th = MLActionTensorTake(lthres, new_lind) eq = MLActionTestEqual(m1, le) va = MLActionTensorTake(lvalue, new_lind) cont = MLActionIfElse(eq, va, th, comment="cont{0}".format(i)) ret = MLActionReturn(cont) return MLModel(ret, output_names, name=DecisionTreeRegressor.__name__)