Source code for mlprodict.onnxrt.model_checker

Investigate issues happening with float32.

import numpy
from numpy.random import randint

[docs]def astype_range(arr, dtype=numpy.float32, force=1): """ Computes ranges for every number in an array once converted into *float32*. The function returns two matrices which produces two numbers *a* et *b*, the number rounded to float32 is in interval :math:`[a, b]`. :param arr: array :param dtype: type to convert to :param force: does something like *[i] +/- force |i - [i]|* :return: minimum, maximum :githublink:`%|py|21` """ conv = arr.astype(dtype) delta = numpy.abs(arr - conv) delta = numpy.maximum(numpy.abs(arr) * 1e-7, delta) maxa = (conv + delta * force).astype(dtype) mina = (conv - delta * force).astype(dtype) return mina, maxa
[docs]def enumerate_random_inputs(inputs, n=100, dtype=numpy.float32, force=1): """ Enumerates random matrices. :param inputs: inputs (dictionary) :param n: number of iterations :param dtype: type to convert to :param force: does something like *[i] +/- force |i - [i]|* :githublink:`%|py|38` """ keys = list(inputs) ranges = {k: astype_range(v, dtype=dtype, force=force) for k, v in inputs.items()} for _ in range(n): new_inputs = {} for k in keys: rnd = randint(0, 2, inputs[k].size).reshape( # pylint: disable=E1101 inputs[k].shape) # pylint: disable=E1101 if rnd.min() == rnd.max() or rnd.max() != 1: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Minimum and maximum are equal or maximum is not 1. " "Randomness failed.") rnd = rnd.astype(dtype) ma1 = ranges[k][0] * rnd ma2 = ranges[k][1] * (-(rnd - 1)) inp = (ma1 + ma2) new_inputs[k] = inp yield new_inputs
[docs]def onnx_shaker(oinf, inputs, output_fct, n=100, dtype=numpy.float32, force=1): """ Shakes a model :epkg:`ONNX`. Explores the ranges for every prediction. Uses :func:`astype_range <mlprodict.onnxrt.model_checker.astype_range>` :param oinf: object of type :class:`OnnxInference <mlprodict.onnxrt.onnx_inference.OnnxInference>` :param inputs: inputs :param output_fct: output function which extracts a single array from the output :param dtype: type to convert to :param force: does something like *[i] +/- force |i - [i]|* :return: ranges for each predictions See notebook :ref:`onnxshakerrst` for an example of use. :githublink:`%|py|74` """ results = None for i, new_inputs in enumerate(enumerate_random_inputs( inputs, n=n, dtype=dtype, force=force)): res_ = res = output_fct(res_) sq = numpy.squeeze(res) if len(sq.shape) != 1: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "The function only works with shape={}".format(sq.shape)) if results is None: results = numpy.empty((sq.shape[0], n), dtype=sq.dtype) results[:, i] = sq results.sort(axis=1) return results