Source code for mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Shortcut to *ops_cpu*.

from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version
from import benchmark_version
from ._op import OpRunCustom
from ._op_list import __dict__ as d_op_list

_additional_ops = {}

[docs]def register_operator(cls, name=None, overwrite=True): """ Registers a new runtime operator. :param cls: class :param name: by default ``cls.__name__``, or *name* if defined :param overwrite: overwrite or raise an exception :githublink:`%|py|23` """ if name is None: name = cls.__name__ if name not in _additional_ops: _additional_ops[name] = cls elif not overwrite: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to overwrite existing operator '{}': {} " "by {}".format(name, _additional_ops[name], cls))
[docs]def get_opset_number_from_onnx(benchmark=False): """ Retuns the current :epkg:`onnx` opset based on the installed version of :epkg:`onnx`. :param benchmark: returns the latest version usable for benchmark @eturn opset number :githublink:`%|py|42` """ if benchmark: return benchmark_version()[-1] return onnx_opset_version()
[docs]def load_op(onnx_node, desc=None, options=None): """ Gets the operator related to the *onnx* node. :param onnx_node: :epkg:`onnx` node :param desc: internal representation :param options: runtime options :return: runtime class :githublink:`%|py|56` """ if desc is None: raise ValueError("desc should not be None.") # pragma no cover name = onnx_node.op_type opset = options.get('target_opset', None) if options is not None else None current_opset = get_opset_number_from_onnx() chosen_opset = current_opset if opset == current_opset: opset = None if opset is not None: if not isinstance(opset, int): raise TypeError( # pragma no cover "opset must be an integer not {}".format(type(opset))) name_opset = name + "_" + str(opset) for op in range(opset, 0, -1): nop = name + "_" + str(op) if nop in d_op_list: name_opset = nop chosen_opset = op break else: name_opset = name if name_opset in _additional_ops: cl = _additional_ops[name_opset] elif name in _additional_ops: cl = _additional_ops[name] elif name_opset in d_op_list: cl = d_op_list[name_opset] elif name in d_op_list: cl = d_op_list[name] else: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma no cover "Operator '{}' has no runtime yet. Available list:\n" "{}\n--- +\n{}".format( name, "\n".join(sorted(_additional_ops)), "\n".join(sorted(d_op_list)))) if hasattr(cl, 'version_higher_than'): opv = min(current_opset, chosen_opset) if cl.version_higher_than > opv: # The chosen implementation does not support # the opset version, we need to downgrade it. if ('target_opset' in options and options['target_opset'] is not None): # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( "Supported version {} > {} (opset={}) required version, " "unable to find an implementation version {} found " "'{}'\n--ONNX--\n{}\n--AVAILABLE--\n{}".format( cl.version_higher_than, opv, opset, options['target_opset'], cl.__name__, onnx_node, "\n".join(sorted(d_op_list)))) options = options.copy() options['target_opset'] = current_opset return load_op(onnx_node, desc=desc, options=options) if options is None: options = {} # pragma: no cover return cl(onnx_node, desc=desc, **options)